Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4838? In the heavens

Wei Zajia sits at the original, some don't understand what he is in his words.

His father Weiji has already killed in dozens of Hua Years, and the son is stamped, and it is afraid that the words also contain other meanings.

Pensive moment, Wei Sika looked up again to see him, "What does it mean?"

The son is laughing, and the shoulders are stretched. "Nothing means, the God of War Wei is nowhere, but there is an alternative to him, I can't have a good thing around my side."

"This way, you go back to prepare for preparing, come to Tiangong to make a big official."

Wei Zajia is a bit, and then hurriedly shook his head. "The His Royal Highness, this is really too herbs, I am absolutely unable to win."

For example, the Zhao Ting around the son is a big Tian official, the so-called big official, almost in addition to the master correction, there is a great implementation of the whole big one.

At this time, there is no difference in smashing thunder, blowing in his mind.

The son did a slight smile, and then she took a small small box from the arms and placed the case between them.

"Sixth, this kind of Pin Dan Pill, for me, very precious, I need them."

Wei Sajia looked at him, and he had known the meaning of the words. He did not hesitate. After a while, he took the last box of Dan Pill from his arms.

"His Royal Highness, this is my last box of Dan Pills, and the first four boxes. Its effect is to help the Danadian feel the fairy and deepen."

In just one sentence, there have been some changes in the completion of the bonus.

Help the Deman to feel and deepen the fairy, which means completely opening the road of Damai from the big Damai.

This is no longer able to describe the effects of the sky, even if the peach acquired in the Tiantian Tianjie is unmatched.

Convergence in the eyes of the eye, the son is doing to him, "six, these Dan Pills, what do you find?"

"Back to the temple, it is left behind, I am inadvertently found in the cave of Lushan." Wei Chicarat said that there is no more hesitant, "the only five, all of which is all in the Hall today."

The son is striking the palm to pick up the last box of Dan Pills from his hand, and gently close the cover, then get up to him.

"Six people lie to me, these Dan Pills can't be left to you, I have followed him in my teenager, and I have learned that he is a person, and I have never had any Tibetan privacy."

"My emperor is not like a pill, nature will not be him to Wei County."

"This kind of Pinna pill, only emperor will have."

Speaking of this, the son is slightly shaped, "Tell me where you are looking for, or who is handed to you?"

Wei Chicarat did not think of this scene, but he quickly calved down, arched, "His Royal Highness, it is really a family."

"I said, Impossible, Weijun can't leave these things!" Gongzi turned the treble cold channel, "These Dan Pills are willing to find it from some places, or others hand it over."

His voice is soft, "Now you only have to tell me, the location of Da Tian official is yours, and you will give you something."

I took a deep breath, Wei Hika, "His Royal Highness, the sentence is true, no treasure, no one is handed over to the minister."

The face of the son is gradually refined, "I really don't say it?"

"It's not not to say, but it has all been informing the temple." Wei Sika has a little tense.

"Do you know without reporting?"

At this moment, the face of the son is completely cold.

As his voice falls, more than ten shapes have been turned away from the original emperor.

Each body has a thick derivative, all of which are Diqi.

They came and slowly surrounded Wei Chika.

"This is the last chance." Behind him, the son said.

In his eyes, he revealed that he did not dare to confuse, and finally returned to calm, "No treasure, no one is handed over to the minister."

With the fall of Wei Sijia, the 12-digit Division simultaneously released the trays chain and touched him.

"Entrance to heaven." The son struck and looked at him.

Wei Zijia is slightly shameful, confused, no way, "I will give you the best things without a reservation, why is it to be like this?"

Without waiting to answer, he was taken to heaven to heaven.

"Sixth Ah, six Ah, don't blame me, my forces have been weak, if you don't want to do ways, you will always be passive ..."

Among the clouds of the derivative, it is located in a built-in.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two people have been looking for dozens of Sendai, and they have not been looking for half of the silver bell.

For a time, even the sword is unparalleled to have some suspected silver bells have left the big one.

Just when he was ready to find it again, more than ten streamless figure passed through the clouds and went to the distance.

"How could the kid been caught?" The clever is only looking at the direction, and it is calm.

The sword is unparalleled, "Wei Six? He shouldn't be sealed and returned to the big orchic?"

Clear, "I am afraid that things are not as simple, just more than a dozen Deminted is him."

"Is it because of those Dan Pills?" He is in his heart, so soon, it is a son to correct because of those who have sent Wei Zajia.

It is only that he far ago is that the son will tear the face so quickly.

"Don't manage those trivial things, and waste too much energy, it is better to go early to go early." He advised.

However, the sword has been unrescribed in the hearts, Wei Zajia is tied this time. If he doesn't save, I am afraid I will definitely die in the hands of the son.

And he has roughly guess that the son will catch Wei Six, which is doubting that Dan Pill is not from his hand, but another person.

Now I doubt just doubt, I will rescue him during this time, or there is a time to control.

Because of him, there is always a solution to a solution.

Think of this, the sword is unparalleled, and then the figure is galloping along the team along the team.

The else clearly guess his intention, and immediately shook his head, or he kept up.

Among the clouds of black black, there is a thunder snake that roughly rolled, and it is scattered.

At the same time, there is a helor to hold it.

This big heavens, responsible for the guards of the tube are very small, only three top repairements.

I don't know how long, there is a long wind blowing into heaven, there is no attention.

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