Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4839? Commission again

Deep in heaven, dim to the extreme.

A shaped body that is sleepled by the traction chain, hovering in one of the spaces.

He is slimming, which is densely created at this moment, and the blood drops from every creation.

Long hair is also scattered, covering his face.

The coat of the son, the white robe, the handle, the handle, exudes the long whip of the dark, every ten interest time is a whip, bringing a flesh.

Even the fairy bodies of the super officer, can not resist.

"Say, the original reward is constant, you can continue to be a big Tian official, such a rich Fuze, how do you don't accept it?" White Robe waved long whip while advised.

The blood is constantly falling, and the body is slowly looked up, revealing a blood through the scattered hair.

The white robe is suddenly jumped in the heart of the fairy, and then push it more.

The air has a burst of ripples, and the body of the son is slow, "said it, it will be good."

A calm laughed sounded, "I am stupid."

"Five Dan Pills, I didn't leave one, there is no idea to offer, but now I have suited this."

"I will give you the best thing without reserving, why do you want this to me?"

Wei Zajia roared, a pair of Senzheng cold blood director correction.

"Let's go!" White Robe Deman is angry, the palm of the palm is directly pumping forward to his cheek, left a narrow blood mark!

God blood, but Wei Saich did not make any sound, just staring at him.

When the son is playing, when you want to speak, the whole tales suddenly tremble, and then a powerful to the very poor delay!

"His Royal Highness, Tema is changing!" White Robe Demonstalline, with his voice, a dramatic bombing crack!

The whole space is also shaken, and the invisible nunion seems to be unable to bear the power, and burst.

Various fierce densities have been florented.

With all kinds of unknown and horrible derivatives, a three-headed ugly dermine appeared, it excitedly, it seems that it has been slept for a long time.

Today, it just wants to swallow everything in front of you!

It excitedly, the three pairs of eyes only saw the shape shape and then burst.

The son did not see it, directly reached out, packed its fairy, and smashed his fairy.

But this is just a start.

Next, a more than ten feet wide arms like a giant, suddenly torn space, carrying unable to say that the delay is bombarded.

There was a slightly slowed slightly smoother, and the scene was blown out.

The master's face is cold, and it is tangled on the spot.

Temorable is broken, countless sleep, I don't know how many years of Di'an get released, starting the maximum damage.

"The damn thing!"

The son is anger, and he has an emperor river in the palm of his extended, bombing the arm.

"All go to explore me!" He said, then carrying a Division directly disappearing.

The healing of healing, shortly after the son is taken away, the body shape of the two heads in the black robes quietly appeared.

"Wei Six, I will go with us." Leading black robe stigma whispered, directly reaching out to destroy his neighborhood chain.

Wei Zajia, who was originally went to die, barely raised his head, after watching the eyes, launched, "Adult!"

"Don't talk, leave here." The sword has no double low channel.

A unhappy emotion is in the heart, Wei Liujia will look back, but he found that he didn't have a half-point degree after enduring the meridian, and it was difficult to do the simplest movement. .

"Adults, let's go, I don't pay for it." He said.

The sword is unparalleled, directly reached out and releases the plurality of tragent Hua Mang traces him, and then goes straight to heaven.

This is in a pot of porridge, is actually the sword is unparalleled. He has directly ruined the most of the prison, and the bundles of the fairy is released.

And the facts are indeed like what he thinks, the son corrects have been branched, and there is no danger.

After reading the bloody Wei Liujia, the sword was unparalleled, and this guy actually went to the final closure, and did not invoke to the son to reveal a word on his words. He is firmly visible, it is worth a saving.

However, in the sword where there is no double shuttle in this chaotic and broken hell, the heart suddenly rises a big crisis!

Next moment, a tattoo that dispersed and dispersed, the speed is fast, and it is impossible!

However, in this dangerous, Wei Zijia behind the sword is unparalleled, suddenly there is no sign of violence, directly welcoming the top of the big man.

Just in his fairy, just to resist a moment, it was blocked, and the big man went to sword unparalleled!

But it is the moment of Wei Zajia blocked, giving the sword unparalleled opportunity.

He turned in an instant, and he finished crushing, and he did not show up the sky, and once again broke out the huge potential energy.

The two collided, and the impact wave turned all chaos.

The amenity of the day offset the big man, and the sword didn't stay. I didn't stay back to Wei Shanjia's broken fairy.

And the body of the son appeared, and his pair shot in the past, staring straight at the sword.

He has a feeling, and the middle-aged man of this embarrassment is like a feeling of recognition.

The sword is not intended to conflict with the son corridation, so he will escape after taking Wei Shanjia.

But with dozens of Di Dynamic, it blocked their way.

In the clear eye, he directly waved, and a unable to describe the two Di Dano in front of them.

"Go!" He loudly, taking advantage of this talking, and reaching out and killing two.

The Damai fell in the hands of the Qing, and even the resistance could not be done, but it was killed in the moment!

The sword is not a hyper point, and there is no hesitation, and the Wei Chika will take the lead.

The bonus hovering in the void is completely shocked in the scene just now.

Saving the room is covered with the Deman, what kind of strength is it so easy?

Is it a big Damai? !

The son is turning into a smell of cold, while in the eyes, it comes out of the eyes.

'Even if it is a big Dali, don't want to be rampant in my big sky! '

At the same time that the whole prison is completely destroyed, the son is standing in the distance. He has a flattened white jade object with the palm of his palm.

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