Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4840? Hundreds of blame

The white jade object is like a circular mirror, and the fluid is teeth, and the complex fine lines are densely covered. It looks strange to the extreme.

As this round-like object appeared, the prisoners who were originally in helity were quiet, and then they were madly escaping.

The son's face is cold, and there is no mirror of any expression.

At the time of the time, the voids were thrown down to the ice point, and the evil spirits of a forest could not be discovered from the mirror.

Then, the silver bell smirked, then the original tooth white mirror suddenly reflected a red-eyed red-haired baby's head.

"His Royal Highness, I haven't seen it for a long time ..."

The son enacted a weird baby in the hand mirror, and then threw the mirror directly in the air.

The void is bullied, like a mud, let the prisoners who want to run escape are trapped in the original place, including the swords and unparalleled, and clear two people feel a touch.

One shines on the red light of hundreds of millions of red light, and it is too much from the mirror of the air, so that everything seems to be soaked in the blood sea, can't say the strange.

The sword with Wei Zajia is not a double brow, then looks to the clear expressway, "You take him away, after I am responsible, then I will meet in the big mountain."

Essen and looked at him, slammed, "I took him first, I didn't worry if you were broken."

The sword is no longer resientation, and after a head of the Nine-turn Damadomer, how can it be replaced by a Division.

Looking at him away, I'm collecting my eyes, watching the mirror that exudes a monster, slightly frowned.

"The things of the ghosts!" He disdained, and waved directly from a delay.

Bai Mang's tragent punctured the blood, but when the mirror is about to pierce, it is like a mud cow into the sea.

Then, a lotus root like a whitener arm drilled from the mirror!

With the emergence of this arm, it immediately followed a red-eyed baby's head.

This baby is full of mouth, weird.

The mirror hovering in the void is like a space, constantly moving a truncation.

And the original uncomfortable clever, after seeing this scene, the brow is more tight, not because of nervousness, but disgusting ...

I saw that the red-haired baby drilled out from the mirror, it is no longer able to use weird to describe it.

His predecessor is a pocket baby model, and the waist is a dark red belly, it seems to be normal.

However, behind his head, there are hundreds of one hundred exactly the same head. If you are hung in the same string, you will be like a body of a born, disgusting!

Rao is to have seen everything in the waves. After that, how many times, there is no clear, I can't help but go straight.

It's too disgusting, what is able to grow this, is it necessary to stitch?

After released this ugly baby, the son corrected the mirror in the air, and the figure was straightforward.

At this moment, the ruins of this heaven are only in the shape of the ugly baby.

" ... food, powerful food."

The countless head behind the ugly baby is all staring at this moment, and the mouth is not hidden.

"I advise you to take a long time, don't have the eyes of this seat." Clear cold channel, "Otherwise, I should wear you."

Ugly a baby, it seems that heard a joke, I watched the big mouth, "Do you think who you are? I can kill it? Even if you kill it once, I still have ninety-nine life, Can you nail me? "

The elite did not speak, facing him directly point.

A touch of fastness, like an arrow, and suddenly bomb it, it is still making a stunned head.

"The absolute strength is here, even if you have 10,000 hits, this seat is also incorrect."

From the back, put a head on the neck, the ugly baby is completely angry, "food! You should die!"

After the words, the arms of his lotus root have suddenly shock, and the blood air with endless pressure is suddenly dropped, and even the void is pressed.

But the else is only disdainful, and he raised his own shock. It was originally burst from the middle, and the rain was thrown.

I didn't have a bundle of hands, he was awkward, behind the hundred brains like the grapes like the body, while opening a big mouth, spitting a blood red bubble of a slap size.

Clear clearly don't want to be entangled in this way, and his binocity began to surging the golden light, and the palm has also condensed the full blow.

When the thousands of blood red bubbles fell, he fully released directly.

However, the strange scene has appeared, and the uncomfortable hit cannot be blocked, and it does not defeat those bubbles, but the bubbles are adsorbed above, and they are crazy to swallow.

"Hey, it's delicious!"

The shape of the ugly baby has skyrocketed with the speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the brains behind him also changed the shape queue, turned into a word long snake shape, whistling and wrapped around.

Because the previous sword is unparalleled, it cannot be used in the sky to use any of the very identified fairy, so the meaning of this unable to release his Golden Wubo phase, can only be confronted with the origin of endlessness.

At the moment, this ugly baby is just the peak of the Deman, but gives a tricky feeling.

The usual fairy has no effect on him, and will be swallowed, even if it is clearly smashed with more than ten heads, the ugly baby is not affected.

Instead, he seems to be passive situation.

Every head is crazy from the excessive derivation of lying in vitro, and constantly grows itself, which makes it unhappy.

Just when he was prepared to release the treasure to rush directly, a sharp to the pole of the swords!

More than 20 heads, they were directly smashing, so that the meaning is one of them.

Then, a whisker is shrouded in the width of the big black robe, and the hand is covered with an intangible sword.

The meaning of clear, the brow is picking up. "You are not going to send the guy back to the big mountain, how come so soon?"

A faceless sword was unpared and shrugged. "I met an acquaintance in the half road. After I lost him, I quickly rushed over."

He nodded, there is no sword with no double, and he is inexplicably stable.

"This guy, it seems that it is a single individual, like being forced to stick together, very powerful." The sword is unparalleled forward, analyzed.

"What is what he is, kills the work." He is clear.

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