In the face of almost occupying the ugly baby, the two body shapes did not worry.

Those who have become a few desired blood, all from hundreds of ugly baby in their heads.

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled and the two have been surrounded, and hundreds of heads are squeezed with each other.

He is in the center of the blood, he smells a touch.

After a robbery of the Salmon Cave, the sword that has been carrying the causality and the big robbery is unparalleled, and the feelings of blood gas murder have reached an unprecedented level.

He felt the blood of this ugly baby's body, very weird and piab, and it was absolutely impossible to be a separate individual to have, but was forced to accumulate.

Astringent, the sword is unparalleled, and the three thousand swords will be directly emitted.

Clear, in the case of don't use the treasure phase, he reached out, it is easy to smash dozens of heads.

Under the mutual cooperation of them, they almost dozens of interest, they will have an ugly baby's 100 heads, along with the body.

However, there is no double-ended hand, and those residues suddenly gathered together, and the appearance of ugly baby was re-formed.

He is excited, " ... I have one hundred life, how do you kill? You are struggling to fall into this blood, the deeper, and finally it is not awkward!"

The dead thing, the clear words, and then step forward, suddenly vibrates the arms, and thousands of golden feathers, each of which is involved in the past.

Blood empty is punctured, blooming a shocking crack.

Ugly baby converges smile, watching the golden feather, hurriedly manually, the grape string should be resistant.

But he obviously underestimates the elite and overestimates yourself.

Golden feather with destruction of the breath, burn it, and nail it directly into the screen.

Also destroyed!

But this is not cured, and it is, but the body of ugly baby is coming out again, he is angry.

After this short confrontation, the sword is unparalleled and it is obviously not intended to be struggled.

If he is as he said, if you want to kill nearly 100 times, it will be quite tricky. This will give a lot of things, you can make a lot of things, when they want to escape again, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

After all, I can send a five-seat demonstration, two big Daiyan, and go to the scenery of the son of the north of Xianzhou, the bottom is not stopped here.

After seeing the eyes, the sword is unparalleled to leave.

The else is also a trick, directly condenses a golden grievance, and then fly after the eroded blood gas is blocked.

The ugly baby is angry, but he doesn't dare to get rid of rich blood and erode void.

Just when the sword is unparalleled, it has escaped the danger, and the void is steep and red.

The bone mirror has reappeared, with the rich to the extreme red land, and the diamonds from the mirror rush to diamond!

When the white bones of the broken robe, the smashing, the huge delay is rushed out from the bag of his waist.

There is also a double-ended, holding a two-handed throwing of the throwing, facing the sword, there is no big hammer in his hand.

Ten weird and ugly dermatoma, from the mirror, and blocked their way.

The sword is unparalleled, and I raise the email, and the Wanjo hammer that is flying will stop in the void, and then crackled.

"We are afraid now can't get rid of it." He said that the shadow of the 11th figure was surrounded.

These derivies from the bone mirror are far more than the ordinary dermisy, and the various kinds of skills are endless, and it is very likely that the fairy is.

Since the previous talents and the son are crucified, the sword at this moment is unparalleled to hide the iconic fairy as much as possible.

Although I don't know where the son is correct at this moment, the sword is unparalleled to feel that he is hidden in the dark, and it is possible to appear at any time.

The unique ugly, and the eleven Di Dynamic of the quirky, there is no stop to rush to him.

The sword is no longer hesitating, and the palm of the palm is scattered, and it is surprised with the infinite sword.

A star river Hai Jingyi, bloom!

Top of the fat big Dawa, the fat big Dami, who is in the forehead, is directly swallowed by the Star River Sea Sword!

The rest of the white bones, the light, the old, the old, the old, the old, the old, the emperor is not too late, and it is found in it.

As the strongest swords of swords, the strongest swords, this moment!

Even these derastines have a weird, but they have not jumped out of the scope of the fairy.

Under the big Damai, the sword is unparalleled.

This is like the sword of the Tianhe, letting the meaning of the side is the side of it, this is just a guy of the peak of Damai, and brought him a inexplicable threat.

When the sword is dissipated, the eleventh is ugly evil demonstration disappears, and there has not been left in half a dregs.

Under the broken void, ultimately slowly condense the shape of ugly baby, except for him, the remaining fairy fell.

However, in a short period of time, he lost a number of lives, and he did not dare to go up.

The sword is unparalleled, and it does not want to make this meaningless and the hidden killer battle is directly separated.

The void is broken, hell is also completely collapsed, everything is shrouded in the blood of the tumbling, all things including sight distortions.

The void is a burst of ripples, followed by the bonus entrance, and the kemisses hung in the sky re-fall into his hands.

Ugly baby, the next step, the next step, the eyes are horrified to see him, "big, adult ..."

"Incomplete waste," the son is negative and the hands are calm, "Are all arranged?"

"Go back to adults, the blood, I will have blinded their eyes, let them confuse." Ugly baby grinned.

The son gave him a look, "It's good, wait for this, you can choose a few fairy nourishing."

"Xie Merren gift." He grinned, the desire in his eyes couldn't help it.

The oscillating time escapes from the height covered by blood, the sword is unparalleled, and the clearing is a breath.

There is no Deman to keep back, the gloomy compression is also disappeared, and the son is consolened not to keep up.

"First leave here, then do it again." The sword did not have a decision.

Gongzi has discovered their existence, the whole of the sky will be in the state of martial law in the next period of time, I want to find the silver bell that is negatively gravized bones, I am afraid it will be more difficult.

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