Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4848? Li Tunchun

Wei Chioa also placed in front of his sword, there was no bureau, "adult ..."

"It's good." He laughed.

Zhao Ting was also at this time, "Daxi was damaged," I am afraid it is not suitable for any stay again, or I will retreat. "

The sword was unbearable, but he looked at the Tianhe Broken River, the crushed skyrome of the flames, it also understood, Zhao Ting did not fake, the big Miao was indeed destroyed nearly half.

But he didn't want to leave here. He clearly left, and the silver bell that was carrying a sky-striped bones will be able to have no news.

Just in the sword unparalleled, we were suddenly raised in the world!

Four of smoke, the son of the handheld and the true sword is correct!

At this moment, he is also the end of the strong, and his body is bloody.

"Destroy me, I still want to leave?! Give me death!"

After the words, he was in his hand, and the sword was crazy, a unique and quiped sword, so that we were all broken by Miles, and there was no double in the sword.

The sword of the fairy is only half-day, and even unable to release the degree of relief, it will bear the impact, and it is impossible to be unobstructed.

Washing pool and Wei Zijia are directly finished. The only thing is still a heritage of Zhao Ting, which is also difficult to resist this.

Along with the false collapse, the sword is unparalleled, and the whole is all in the endless darkness.

After completely released this hit, the son is turning the mouth, and he has no power to pursue it.

After a while, his body has disappeared.

As the son is not right, the void of the original death and collapse, even there is a body shape, even if wearing a wide black robes, you can't cover your good posture.

If the sword is unparalleled, it will be recognized at a glance. This is a good posture, it is a white bell that has not appeared for a long time!

She condensed the original half, and finally the shape was dissipated.


"Hey, you can't, everyone is coming soon, this water is not a dead ..."

" ..."

The sound of Qingquan fire sounded in the ear, and everything was returned to calm.

I don't know how long it took, the nose wing is soaking, and the sword is unparalleled to open his eyes.

A ray of sunshine illuminates everything.

Then, a pink cheek with a baby fertilizer was introduced into his eyes.

"Yeah, you can wake up, I thought you had to go to bed." The phlegm cheeks smiled and said with a smile.

The sword is unparalleled, and after a week of environment, he looks at her, "Little girl, where is it here?"

"Of course, it is my home, how is it drifting beautiful." The little eyes of the little girl bend into the crescent, and it seems to be aquarium.

This is completely created by ordinary wood, it seems that there is a considerable long time, except for extremely clean and tidy, there is nothing special.

However, the sword is unparalleled, "It's very beautiful, and the house I used to live is very similar."

The little girl heard the words, and I was proud to pick your eyebrows. "Hey, this is all my brother, he is very powerful."

I don't know why, I looked at this little girl, and I was inexplicably remembered that the original look, then he reached out and wanted to take her hair.

Just then, a thick voice with a nervous sound, "What are you doing in Ten Shou? Hurry up!"

A young man wearing a coarse cloth is standing outside the door, looking at him nervous.

The sword is not a double consciously recovered hand, but smile.

The little girl seems to be extremely dissatisfied, turned around, "he woke up, I certainly take care of him."

I deeply saw a sword and unparalleled. This young man hurriedly hugged her.

"You woke up, hurry up." The young man looked at him, whispered, "I am here, stay too much."

The sword is unparalleled, I have nodded. "Okay, I will go immediately."

The little girl immediately didn't do it. She pushed the young man with a young man. "Li Daichun, you are doing this, this is the task sent to us in the village, let us take care of him, he is not fully recovered, you will To drive people, don't be afraid of people in the village poked your backbone! "

The young man named Li Dachun wondered, "I have some hesitation," I, I, he is not awake, our task is not finished. "

"I haven't finished it, you haven't recovered in his injury, listening to me, leaving him!" Little girl cheered chest.

Looking at this ancient spirits, the people of the people, the little ghosts, swords have no pairs, "I still don't bother you, I have recovered almost the same, instantly leave."

He finished, looked around, found that there was no body shape of the pool and other people, and asked, "Dare to ask, have you seen another few people with me?"

"See you," The youth man nodded, simple, "except for you, there are two men and two women, plus a big dog, are all fished from the river, and each households are taken care of each household. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the bed is a gift toward him. "Thank you for saving."

The young man puts his hand, "I don't have to thank me, I will save others in the river."

"My brother is a silly big, I don't understand, you can't understand it, you and I will say it." Xiao Head said.

The sword is unparalleled, "Okay, I will listen to you."

She is only satisfied, and then she is the old way. "You are all in the past for more than half a year. Now I wake up, I will lead you to the village to find your friends."

He has not opened, the young man will take the lead, "I still take you, they are not far around."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no resignation, and it is a hand. "That is labor."

When you are, you will find it as soon as possible and then leave this.

"I have to go with you."

"No, you will give me honesty to stay at home, dare to run care, I am coming back, you!"


Going out from the wooden house, welcoming the sun under the mob, the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is gradually relaxed.

This is a medium-sized village in the river, but there are more than a hundred households, and every household places a fishing net, and the dried a lot of fish, a peace and breath.

The young man named Li Dachun walks in front of the sword, and acts as a guide.

When he turned his head from time to time, he went to the sword and wonderful meaning in the eyes of a vigilance. It seems that I want to say something, and I have a fear, but I don't dare to open.

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