Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4849? Send you a fairy

The sword is unparalleled to see if he is a bit of a bit, can't help but give a little smile. "Do you have any questions to ask me?"

"Can you ask? Are you not angry?"

"Of course, you can not be angry."

Got affirmed, Li Dachun seems to have no longer pressing, directly asking, "Are you a cacto? Is it as powerful with the old people in Qingting Mountain?"

The sword is unparalleled, then I can't smile, "I am a cacto, but it is a cacto."

"I know that you are immortals," Li Dachun got a sure answer, "I was very excited." At that time, we tailed in the river. He was dark in the river. He also accompanied by electric flash thunder, can scare personal , We will not dare to show in the boat. "

"Until the sky is restored, we dare to come out, then I will see you floating in the water, the good guy is a top of the qi ..."

Li Dachun talks, but he saw that the sword did not speak, and he gave a nervous buse. Many."

"Nothing, I haven't said it for a long time, I feel good." The sword laughed.

Li Dachun nodded, he said again, "Sorry, I didn't want to rush you before, I was worried that you are bad people, will be unfavorable to us, but now you are all good people."

He looked to Li Dachun, smiled, "Why do I think I am like a good person?"

"Because you don't have a little shelf, the cactors who have a lot of things in Qingting Mountain here will be peaceful, and it is certainly a good person."

Li Dachun scratched his head, his opinion is very simple, so simple to determine that the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unpaired, and there is no talk, after his feelings, the delay in this square area is very sparse, I am afraid that it is impossible for a ancestral top repair.

Therefore, the cactus of Qingting Mountain in Li Dachun, it is very likely that the top repair is not enough, just some ordinary monks.

"Our villagers of this village, the ancestors are all living in this waterhestream, all are the water people who eat water, harvested by the sky."

"Although there is no big matter, it is still possible to fill in the stomach. If you have a place where you need to fall, continue to live here."

During the speech, Li Dawei took the sword without double knocking on the door of the first village.

Zhao Ting has just woke up soon, and when he saw the sword, he was relieved.

After a simple conversation, the sword was unparalleled with Zhao Ting to go to the next place.

Decan the pool, the two of Wei Zijia did not receive too much impact in the last junction, nature is also the fastest recovery.

It is clear, it is always in a sleep.

The idea of ​​fits the sword, the power of the last idea, really wants to have a true life, so that he has not woke up.

Because of the unable to wake up, naturally, after returning, they still have to wait for a while in this village.

In order not to trouble, Li Dayun is waiting for the villagers, and the sword is unparalleled in the village, and they are temporarily trimmed.

A few months, it is a sway.

During this period, the villagers such as Li Dachun sent fish soup and other fish products on time, ensuring that they were not hungry, although they didn't know that the immortals were already in food, they didn't need it.

For this trample, even the absorption of the heavenly area, Zhao Ting naturally is in the lack of interest, just looking forward to leaving.

However, there is no signs that the breath is more stable.

Time will continue to float, in the sword unparalleled, they don't need food, the villagers also rarely come to send food.

But only the sister Li Touchi, who is Li Dachun, I don't know the tired three or four days.

In the cave, the sword is unparalleled with the delay to condense a flying bird of a finger, gave Li Tenchun.

"It's so beautiful, you become more drapers better than my brother." Xiaoyou held the birds smile.

"Can you change it to me later?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the far-sighted River, saying, "I am afraid, I will leave."

"It's so fast, can you not leave?"

"No, I still have a lot of things to do."

Li Tunchun drums his mouth. "Can you teach me, wait for me to learn, go to you."

Listening to this day, the sword was unparalleled, and he just thought of patient explanation, but found that Li Tenchun's eyebrows had a detachable delay reaction.

His hearts spoke, reach out, prescribe in her eyebrow.

After some short-term exploration, the sword was laughing, "Since you want to learn, then I will teach you."

After the words, a static and pure tragent came out from his palm, so soon, he did not enter Li Tenchun's eyebrow.

Everything did not change, but everything has changed.

Among the Tianyu area of ​​this delay, it is impossible to repair a top repair, but the creation is that in this case, there is a good genius, and there is a fairy capital. There is a very sensitive response to the delay.

And such a genius is to sit in the sword without double.

When she did not find it, the sword was quietly opened, and she sent her a fairy.

Even if he does everything, in the face of this square area, the lack of tragent is futile, but it is used to change it as a drama, but it is already enough.

In the sword, there is no double view, Li Tunchun only wants to have an ability to become a bird's drama, and he is handed over to her, this is only.

The sun and the moon are transferred, after it is lying again, the meaning of the clever is long.

His fairy is strong, there is weak in a power, obviously not fully recovered, but it is enough.

They should leave.

"You really have to go, no longer wait for some time?" Li Dachun asked.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "No, it is already in this year, it is time to leave."

"In addition, what I left, you and future generations, such as the war or the natural disaster, you can hide inside, will not be discovered by the outside world."

After he met this, he took the small head of Li Tenchi, "Remember to work hard, I will return to check after I can come back."

Li Tunchun nodded, "Well, you can rest assured, I will not carry."

In addition to Li Tuichun, everyone in the scene knows that these mysterious cactors will never come here.

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