At the end of the plane of the square, the sword has slightly improved some avenues rules, making the derivative to be derived from a slow speed to a good situation.

Leaving the heavens, shuttles in the void, the sword is unparalleled, it is not a big man, and even far away.

As the most knowledge of Zhao Ting, which is distributed in the sky, is responsible for the way, with her guidance, the sword is unparalleled to avoid the same chaos like the headless flies.

Today, the big Miao is already destroyed, and she is chasing her with the son, she is nowhere, can only follow the sword.

The same is true of Wei Chijia. From his moment, he was killed, and he was not a big Lonely Mountain Lord, but he was just a Sixth of Fukian Wei.

As for the cleansing pool, her task has ended, after the life and death adventure, fortunately, there is no injury, and the sword is unparalleled to send her.

Perhaps it is his intention, and the washing pool has also become unhappy.

This lasted in a few years of skybandry, and there were too many unpredictable situations, and the main thing did not complete.

Even the body shape of the silver bell has not been seen, even if the sword is unparalleled, there is not willing, but he has to leave.

It is no longer a long time, and the Tianstrian of Turin will only be noticed. They can only leave.

On the way back, the washing pool sitting on the three-green back has been in a daze, like thinking about something.

In the end, she is like a decision, and she has jumped from the back of the Sanyue. I came to the sword unparalleled. "Adults, can I go back, I still want to follow you ..."

The sword is unparalleled, "can't be shoud," No, bring you out, it is not my original, now the matter is already, there is no reason not to let you go back. "

"But I still have something to finish, I still want to find my mother." Wash the pool whisper.

"No, still go back, the outside world is countless, each is unknown, full of unpredictable danger, your father does not let you come out or have a reason." The sword is unparalleled. "

The cleansing pool was awkward. She didn't dare to refute, and she could only returned to the back of the Sanyue.

He also looked at the three blues that have been greatly changed. I don't know what it will be in the North Tiantiao. However, from the eyes, it seems very stable, and there is no side effect.

There is only a whistling sound in the void.

For the sake of insurance, the fairy array can be transferred between the sky, they are no longer used, and even in the void.

Although there were many detours during this period, it was finally found.

The sword is unparalleled to send her back to Qingzhou and sent back to the Zongmen.

In addition to the mountain gates of the cloud smoke, the wash pool suddenly took the courage to pull him, and then quickly released the palm, "Can we still see it again?"

"If you don't do anything, you should never see it again." The sword has no double back, slight smile, "This is not a good thing, you continue to be a big lady in Zongmen, continue to practice hard practice. Your father's repair is very good, you can try to let him teach you some feelings. "

To be here, he thinks about what I think of, then take more than ten emperors from the arms, and put it into her hand.

"These Dan Pills, you eat one every time every bottleneck in the future, there is a good time, and you can remember, these Dan Pills don't expose, don't let any monks know, even your father can't inform."

"Once they expose, it will be the disaster of the top of you and the entire zone."

"Remember every sentence I have come, and I have to follow," The sword is unparalleled, "is never joke."

Tightly hold the Tan Pill in the hand, wash the pool Zheng's main point, she whispered, "Don't worry, I know that you are good, I will not reverse."

The sword nodded without a double point, and then left.

At a mess, the clouds are broken, so soon as a meteor, completely disappear.

Washing the pool to step two steps, but soon she fell again in the original place, if they were lost, there was a few drops of tears in their eyes.

Before the three-youncil, with the plush velvet, he kept hoping her palm.

For a long time, she is awkward, "Sanqing, you said that we don't even see it later?"

Sanqing looked up, I don't know what it is expressed, it's my thirteen's densely flowing.

After returning the cleansing pool, look back at this calm sky domain, the sword is unparalleled, "Let's go, go back to the six days."

In the right time, I came over, just on the face of the big disease, I took a smile that I didn't know, "Unparalleled, I see you have been alive, why don't you think about the little girl to make a fairy? Although she has not yet Diffusion, but it is indeed a good seedllar. "

The sword is unparalleled, and he shaken his head helplessly and said such a sentence.

"Overview of the Wanzi River, the sea is Chimoyue, I have already found that star, no more love for everything."

He finished, the figure was first before.

"Right is a guy who is invisible and infatuated." After clearance, it will take the front.

Zhao Ting looked at his figure and flashing in the depth of the eyes.

One line of four, since then, there is a month after a few months, it will eventually return to the six-day domain.

In the jurisdiction of Xiaolong Son, Zhao Ting seems to worry. She is afraid that Xiajun will recognize her. After all, she has been correct in the son, and the power is very powerful.

It is said that Wei Zajia has never seen the scene of the world, and the eyes of the sky are void revealed the novel.

The sword is unparalleled in the first time in the six-day domain, the brow is slightly frowned.

He saw that it was still in a martial law, passing through the Diva's all-in-law, at this moment or riding a crane, or the Danadian of Tong Tong, there is no hundreds of people, it seems to be all gathered. a place.

"Is there a six-day domain?" He doubt.

But very fast swords are no longer thinking about these things, directly with the artificial and others, entering the small orchne.

Small orchically calm and cold, but the delay is extremely very good, and it is the great way to sit on the practice.

However, the sword is unparalleled, Chen Qing, Chunqiu, and Cui Jing three are in the temple, and the respective derivatives in the temple are weak, and it seems to have left for a while.

Guess that they may be after being found by Xiaowu, the sword is unparalleled to enter the temple.

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