Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4865? Montenegro has changed

The thin little robe is open, "You are worried, the sword will grow up to the day when you are, you will be as cold?"

Xiaowu nodded, "Not bad, and I feel that the day will come soon."

"His Royal Highness, there is no need to worry, although I met with him, but I have a few faces, but you have to know that we have been dozens of ages together."

"His nature and character, I guess, but I can see that he is very indifferent, and he seems to have a certain purpose, just like a hurry, let anyone I don't guess him. "

Skinny robe said here, slowly pulling down the hood, showing the face of a gap, "he is a presence sufficient to reverse any situation, and his appearance will only benefit the Hall."

"I understand," Xiaoyu is slightly, "but I have a feeling, he is very mysterious, just like I don't know where to come here, if you know his origin, then, then But it. "

"His Royal Highness, when it is not a case, since he promised to help you fight for emperor, you will do something likely to do this."

The thin and small robe is slightly owed, "Now the five Di Mi's ink, the buds of the Second Di Zi's death is over half, the situation has changed, I think there are several emperors, will have actions."

"They?" The little junjun's mouth emerged, "but it is a group of blackcomes."

"There is still something."


"Zhen Wuyang Emperor Jun sent a day before, and invited the rest of the emperor to go to the birthplace."

"Shoubu? The emperor is not from the birthday? Why is it in this year?"

"Maybe it is the fifth emperor's body."

"How long is it?"

"Three years later."

"It is ready to prepare, and then go to the tale."


From the broken fairy field, return to the small orchoes, the sword is unparalleled, sitting in the square front of the temple before the temple.

He hidden in contact with the second layer of fairy.

The fairy guidelines obtained from Shizhu have a total of seven.

The first style, the name is a little mountain river.

As for the second style, the fairy in the chapter of the day was sent out in the case of the fairy.

The truth of more than one million feet is different from the sword where the sword is unparalleled, and it is extremely unique.

When the sword is unparalleled, the fairy is empty, and it is not worthless, but the love is still clear, and the hair coexists.

And under the exposure of the dynamics, any of his skills has reached an ultra-off level.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled in the gods and will be tens of thousands of tens of thousands of tens of thousands of fairy drills.

Today, he holds two cassia, and the strength is more unspeakable. Even the idea of ​​making a higher level.

However, the big Diki in this whole country has become a good number after the battle, and it is probably that there will be a big fairy next to Wuyang.

After consolidating the ancestral, swords, and fairy, the sword is unparalleled and re-realized.

Nowadays, the sky is destroyed, and I want to find a silver bell again, and there is no difficulty in the sky, and the piece of the sky in her hands, I am afraid that I will see it again in a considerable period of time.

At present, the swords have held two bass bones in both hands, but he can't crack the above cixed.

He is planning, soon, soon, you will travel to visit the domain, ready to find a big energy that can crack the texture of the sky.

So no long after him soon, the whole of the monk is in the same temple, although it is very small or let everyone know.

Chen Qing, who is lying on the top, and I have jumped directly.

Several people in the spring and autumn also flew out from the temple.

"What happened?" Cui Jing took a long belt and his face was dignified.

"This death, this will not be what conditions in the next three days." Chen Qing screamed.

"What is the situation in the next three days, can you still be dug in the collapse." Spring and Autumn Frowning, I have no feelings for the next three days, and even hate it directly to destroy.

Chen Qing did not hear the unfolius, explained the road, "the situation will appear in the next three days, which can be more serious than that of the landslide, every time a lot of prisoners are dead, quite tricky."

The sword is unparalleled slowly, then looks to Chen Qing, ask, "What is the situation?"

Chen Qing did not hide, "Black gas, can engrave the darkness of the delay, the more depth into the Montenegro, will dig the black gas."

"This kind of dark gas can be swallowed, and even the Deman is contaminated to this kind of dark gas, can only sit, horror."

"But there is not much black gas that digs out, as long as the town is sealed, there is no big thing."

"But this situation, I won't happen before, I don't know what happened in several Chinese years, everything is getting less calm."

There are no more than one thing in the sword, ready to continue to understand the thought.

But followed by, the plurality of streamless body enters small orchotic, and came directly to him.

The first member is the little monarch, and his look is slightly changed.

"The brother, there is some situation in the next three days, I want to invite you to find out."

Chen Qing also worried, "the situation in the next three days? I remember that the days did you not be calm?"

Xiaofei shook his head, "this time, I am afraid it is the most dangerous time."

"Let's go together." Chen Qing said, it will fly out first.

The sword is not a double point, "Let's take a look."

Xiaoyu nodded and then responsible for the way.

At this time, the Spring and Autumn Festival came to the sword without double, whispered, "I will go."

"This time, you don't want to go, have a steady season." The sword didn't shoot his shoulders without double, and then went behind.

Flying out small and autumn, under the forehead of the small emperor, began to lush down the three days.

The six-day somewhere of the Xiaofeng, all the three days of the next three days, and countless prisoners are responsible for the constrained Montenegro.

When I was in the big derived, the sword was unparalleled, and I was inexplicably a half-day prisoner, so it was extremely exclusive for the whole three days.

This time, the situation is the first day of the next three days.

I learned from the Xiaolunkou. At the moment, the first day of the moment has happened, almost all prisoners and regulators responsible for mining sputum were swallowed from the darkness of the abyss.

Make the entire first day of the domain unchanged into a dead domain without life.

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