Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4866? Blacklace

Chen Qing face did not knew the extreme, and he nature knows the seriousness of this.

The black gas burst from Montenegro was solved by him, and every black gas is very small, the most, but only the prisoners and regulators in the whole Montenegro are swallowed.

But this time, the black gas actually swallowed all the souls in a whole world!

It can be seen that the situation is severe.

Thinking, he reminded the sword without a pair, "Jian brothers, the darkness is extremely easy to contaminate, once contaminated, it is difficult to remove, so you can use the delay to use it as much as possible."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are looking forward through the void, and the trendy manifolds of the black air.

Step in the first day of the next three days, a unable to describe, corrupt death atmosphere.

Looking at it, the layers are stacked, as the monks from the waves have been stretched to the end of the invisible.

Like the darkness of the dark clouds swallowed every inch, it is chaotic to the extreme.

The four shapes have all convolient, step by step forward.

Whether it is Xiaowu, or Chen Qing, it has exposed an unbearable expression, just like a certain unknown force, it is not too angry.

It is a sword that is not a double face, it seems that there is no effect.

Walking in the horizon of the clouds in the clouds, the death of corruption is squatting.

The prisoner bones that are visible everywhere, all of them are in the ground, and the wind blows all into black dust, which is very strange to the extreme.

"Xiao Jun, it seems that this first day of the domain is all overrupt." Chen Qingyou looked at the front of the front, "so, I am afraid it is very troublesome, I want to find the source."

The little monarch who walked in front did not open, he also felt tricky, this is the first time I encountered this situation.

Since the next three days, the Nanshan Domain has not had any signs of signs since his annual takeover is, and it has been sluggish.

However, in the nearest Chinese year, there is a dark gas and horizontal in the Montenegro, and each emergence is not large, and it spreads a black mountain.

Today, I don't know where the black gas is a whole, and all the creatures here have no survival.

At this time, there is no unparalleled sword who said, "I think, you can find the source along the direction of these prisoners on the ground."

The little monarch went to see, and suddenly, the prisoner of the ground was in the ground, as if the way of a hidden, it has been stretched away from the distance.

"This place should not stay for a long time, we speed up the speed." He said, then the first time.

Due to the ability to use derivative, the speed is quite slow.

The more, the scene, the shocking scenes appeared successively.

Unclear, the dead prisoners are stacked together, like alpine, almost spread to the distance.

Moreover, these prisoners are dead, and the body clothes are all disappeared, and the baked body of the bare is a bone of the black silk wire.

The sword is unparalleled, and what is the so-called black gas, will it affect the spirit?

To know that these prisoners who are touched in Montenegro, the minimum is the top of the ancestral, even if the lock chain between the neck is touched, but the action does not make it, it is not too weak. .

"Don't this, this kind of dark gas acts on the grammatism?" He slowly reached his palm and stroked the black gas flowing in the void.

The darkness is cold, with some kind of heart, seems, is not like product belonging to this square domain.

Convergence, they constantly pass through a corpse that is stacked by the prisoner bones.

When I have a towering corpse mountain, a sword is unparalleled in the black prison in the prison.

The endless darkness is sprayed from the vast abyment of the vast.

Even if it is a Danan, there is a small feeling before standing in this abyss.

The Montenegro that has already collapsed in a seat is inclined in the abyss, and the abyss is constantly expanding, the body of prisoners, also falls together.

"This, this first day, when is there such a abyss?" Chen Qing shouted.

Xiaowei's eyebrows wrinkled, "It seems that all the darkness is from this collapse."

"What should we do next?" Chen Qing asked again, "So deep abyss, I am afraid just a few of us, I can't reagent."

At the end, the little emperor shook his head, "I can only have this, let's go back."

The strange destruction of the first day in the three days, so that he did not dare to explore.

After the decision, they are ready to leave.

But at the same time, it is a burst of heart, let the sword go back to the head.

The original air is full of darkness, quietly turning the scroll, and begins slowly.

"Run!" He suddenly drank, reminded.

But everything is late, almost simultaneously in the sword without double voice, turning it crazy by the burden of the darkness.

A tall towering Montenegro suddenly fractured, then inhaled by the crazy eddy current.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is also swallowed by the unimaginable suction.

The dark clouds are connected to the ground, and the first day of the whole dead seems to be falling into the blackbora prison.

In the vortex, the sword is unparalleled, and it is extremely passive because he cannot operate.

Xiaofei, thin small robe, Chen Qing three situations are also fine, almost being swallowed, and there is no trace of no trace.

Holding the gods, the sword is unparalleled in the eddy current.

Looking at it, it is endless darkness.

This swirl has been falling down, the entire black abyss is like never, and I don't know where to lead.

I haven't known how long, when I have a hard and cold touch, everything seems to return to silence.

The vortex slowly dispels, and there is only a unveiled insufficient insufficiency around the ancient times.

"Hey, his grandmother, Laozi's waist ..." Chen Qing's curse was honest in this abyss.

Unable to describe the sound as if the nine days of vibration, fried in the abyss.

" ." The voice of Xiaofu rang.

Standing among this black source, the sword has flashing in the depths of the dark.

Although it is an unknown world, he still can clearly see every inch, each inch space.

Under this abyss, it is completely composed of a complete black and irregular weird rock, and it is a cold.

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