You must know that every one to the Pinan Pill is the collection of the sixth and the treasures of the Emperor, and can there be a million pill to be treated by the emperor?

The energy rules that contain each containment are imagined.

The sword is unparalleled to swallow nearly 60 pieces under the emotional, even if he is not dead, it is not destroyed, and the absorbable drug effect is only 20.

And there are forty medicinal effects in the Pinan Pill, which is completely cheaper.

Many years of retreat, the contamination he thinks of full of head is, the fact that is a large chemical slag, surprised.

"Miscellaneous, actually dreed me ?!"

As everyone knows, a creation has been added.

A layer of colorful swells from him, and there are hundreds of Rainbow Peaks across the void, and a smoke-like delay forming storm aggregation.

The meaning of the distant viewing, the eyebrows are tightened, and even Chen Qing and other public are inexplicably felt a big crisis.

"The promotion of three turns, there is no danger this time." Hey is muttered, he is already in nine turn, naturally it can see the layer of heaven and earth that often introduces.

The initial level promoted three turns, the heavenly field was homogeneous, and the flowing avenue air transport was added, it was the three turn.

I wiped the paint on my face, and the often desired to have a change in myself, my eyes were wrong, and I was suspected.

'It seems to be promoted! '

The sword is unparalleled, and he felt the heart of the heart.

For the initial situation of Dagan, there is a nine-day clothing often, it has been difficult to get to the extreme. If it is promoted to three turns, I am afraid that he is unhappy.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, and the Jian River swords will be surprised from him.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


Compared with the star-shaped swords, the river word sword is more like, enough to break the sky, even if it faces 100,000 ancestral tricks, it is enough to rush, is the cornerstone of the whole unreliantian But not the most sharp sword.

I am in a hurry, I will prepare for the three turn often, I have seen this scene, my face is slightly changed, and he feels this kind of sword, compared to the previous, but should not be determined.

It is absurd!

Often, more anger, single arm, and suddenly a more magnificently striped galaxy pressure.

"Star is silent!"

There are countless big Japanese stars to swept again.

The sword is unparalleled in the hundreds of millions of fertilies, the eyes are calm, and it seems that there is no destruction of the destruction of the head in the eye.

Then, under all the eyes of all Diva, the sword river is only gently waved.

The big waves are running, the giant river is empty, and the endless throws are rushing, and they will welcome the silence.


The voids are bright, as if there is a million big days when it is empty, everything is really silent.

Self-striking, like a heaven, the sword is unparalleled to meet often!

The Jianhe rushed, and it was swallowed everything in an instant.

The stars are silent, broken and empty is heavy, and even the big deanity of the big dermatomes that are emitted are completely disappeared.

Only the earthquake, the magnificent swords, the same river, like a ribbon, across the territories, and break the eight parties!

This is a pure sword.

There is no sword that is doped with any avenue.

All DVDs are not from autonomous swallowing throats.

This sword is sufficient to leave a very concentrated heavy color in their gods, and even behind the years.

I tried, the sky is domain, countless days arrogant, who can make this sword, who can block this sword?

This sword is too magnificent, so that the Diligent Demonstry of the Diligent Avenue is difficult to calm.

It turned out that the swords can still be such as such a vertical.

Every Aflue in the field has long, no longer considering the final victory of this battle.

A Dano, in the face of a long-term reputation, not, but did not fall, but the dripping of his own avenue.

This battle must remember them.

The result is not important, but it is quite important.

The clever staring in front of the front, and the palm of the luxurious service is unknown into a punch.

Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Wei Zijia and other all are full of enthusiastic, and hate can't hurry to fight together.

Zhao Ting's eyes mean it difficult, and it is incredible to have a lot of shock.

Waiting for the sky, the river is dissipated, and hundreds of millions of swords will be returned to a moment, and all the results have emerged.

The sword is unparalleled with an intangible sword, the sword tip is slanting front.

In his opposite side, it is the nine days of Xianjun.


As a voice sounded, the sword was unbounded in the incorporated sword inch inch, and it was chemically formed.

Almost at the same time, often in addition to the coverage of nine-day clothes, bare fairy body is broken at the same time.

The blood sprayed out, even the dark blue nine-day Xuanxuan is densely covered with a mottled sword.

"Nine-day clothing, it is really powerful." The sword is unparalleled and muttered, and the mouth is full of blood.

It's like a bloody, even if there is almost no good meat on your face, the only finished eyes, and the look is complicated to see him.

This situation only exists for dozens of interest, as a circle of colorful shadow is almost, almost a lot of money, and the moment is completely recovered.

If the blood is as early as the beginning, the fairy is large, even his abroad is moving, and it is strong to another state.

Often, promote three turn.

"I am really curious, how do you think of the Damai's power to shake the big Damadam? Between these two, it is two existence."

"I can win any Division, even if he is the most horrified Tianjiao between the sky."

"When I was promoted to Dagan, I used to slaughter the nine Xianyu, and there were more than 50 Di Dynamic in every fairy area, and more than 400 Deman were in one person. The top is not counting, which is the power of the big Deman. "

Often the narration of a word, watching the sword.

"But today, you have changed my opinion."

"If it is not my successful promotion of three turns, I am afraid that I am falling under that sword, you have fallen, if you are not nine-day clothes, I will be three turns, I am afraid I will hit hard, now I Just ask you a word. "

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, swords have no pairs, "said."

"Are you a Danadian, or a big fairy ?!"

"Danadian peak."

Silent heavens and the earth, often doing eye your eyes, even if he listens to his tare, you can't believe it.

Overview of the ancient years, even in the battle of the Emperor Wuyang, there is no legend, and there is no legend.

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