Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4887? Sword is not double

The Danadian is a Danadian, and the big derivative is a big dermnding.

The gap between the two is too vast, even if I understand the Ximundian Daiyan Dynasty, I want to meet the big Damai, I'm almost impossible.

So often don't dare to confuse, his eyes are jumped, and finally, "then unfortunately, I will never let you leave today."

The sword has no double corner, "I can threaten your first time, the second time is not only threatened."

Many of the same is the same, and the next moment, his body is sharp, and there is countless smart dust.

Concorating in the original place, the sword is unparalleled, and the invisible sword is blocked.


A sudden sound, the sword in his hand was broken, and the body was taken behind him!

Qi and blood, the sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of breath, inhibit the blood that is about to flour.

In this way, this is a precipitation, and he hit him.

Promoting three turns often, not seemingly previous, whether it is the control of the delay, or the use of the fairy, has risen a realm.

He has already hugged the mentality of killing, and it is also several times to shoot.

He reached out, and a star condensed by the stars fell into the hand.

This is the true general battle!

Endless deficiency is torn, all of the derivatives sigh.

Xiaodi has already woken away, and he can't condense him. He has survived, his face is not pale, but it is full of sick red.

Under the help of the thin and small robe, he looked at the battle without turning his eyes.

This is an extremely wrong, but it has fallen into the battle.

Always have a long-awaited river flow, accompanied by every attack, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Originally, I took the sword to make a joke, and the Jian Xian Dynasty, who died in my hand, was about 50, but it was a public, but now you have changed my view."

"If you live, you will inevitably be able to register the Jianxian, or a place to stand, or take a hundred days, it is easy."

"But if you are alive, I can't live, I will never allow me for myself."

Always have a lot of sound, watching, "So, you must die in my hand."

After he said this last sentence, the star of his hands was suddenly underwritten, as if carrying the endless star's general crushing.

The invisible long sword should be broken, and the sword is unparalleled, and a long blood scar has emerged.

Then, often, the star of the stars, the stars, turned into a soft whip, and bind him directly.

"Goodbye." He smiled, palm and refers to a knife, carrying endless florencer, and directly cut off the sword unparalleled right arm.

God blood drops fall.

"Not good." Spring and Autumn was shocked, he was ready to rush, and was stopped.

Essend, watching him, condenses, "Even the sword is unparalleled, you are just all, but only a dead road."

Spring and Autumn are naturally understood, but if you don't want to save the sword, you are only afraid that you have to shape the god.

When you think of this, he is like a final life-saving straw, look at the meaning, "Here, only you can save the sword."

As a nine-way Damadam, it is in the absolute field. He has lived on the ancient times to grow to the nine turn. Often multiple.

But all this, it is necessary to build before he has not lost your true life.

He has lost two truths, and the war with Chang help him is now in the weak, but even if so, he is still able to save the sword from all other hands.

Just, now he doesn't plan to save the sword. He can feel that the sword is unparalleled in the blood war.

"I will take my time when I need it, but I will not be now." He said, "I have a kind of hunch, this will never be his limit."

"Can ..." Spring and Autumn Eventually did not say exit, and looked at the void.

At this moment, the void seems to be soaked by God, and the sword is unparalleled!

Every of his inch of the fairy, is often milled into a powder into a powder.

"Let me guess where your fairy is in the heart, the heart?

Often it is a clear, and the fairy body has become a powder.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can only be dismantled by him.

The kind of painful pain, so that he was sweating, but even if he did not send a word, it was cold or more.

Always have a pair of opposition, more shy, he is very disgusted with this calm to the very eye, it is already a person who will die, so calm, it is simply violating common sense.

This kind of gaze seems to bring disdain and contempt, let him get a better kill, directly, put the sword unparalleled belly all twice!

"You have a misfortune, if there is a reincarnation, remember to converge."

Often, the cold voice said, holding a first arm, and then covering.

At the same time, thousands of stars were extinguished, and the big potentials used were dissected, and they were directly smashed with the sword.

A flow of flowers and finally completely scattered in the air.

Seeing this scene of the fairy, such as the bloody battle, the ended blood battle eventually ended.

Then, the color of the noodles and the poles appeared in front of us, he was still late.

"The death of the dead, do you know the consequences ?!"

In the end, there is a sudden blossoming, and there is no smashing the realm of the extension.

Nine turn!

Endless power, like 10,000 skybands, then the kind of bones that are self-hearted, let often shocked.

He knows that this level of prestige is representative, that is more terrible than him.

At this moment, this is completely angry, he doesn't care, and the palm is talented.

Although it is preparation, it is still a long time to fly.

"Miscover, ready to die."

The crash is slow, and his thoroughness seems to be burned, behind the ten-party wings, and exudes the potential.

In the gold cage on the Fusang tree in Northern Xianzhou, I didn't know how many Hua Ye, and he did not seem to go out from the original battle.

Until the face is anxious, it seems that the boy with a certain purpose appears in his eyes, he feels that there seems to have a road in front of him.

Entering the Sand Devil, I am going to the sky, go to the sky, everything brings him a different feeling.

And he is also unknown, he will be happy to do things that he should not have.

Perhaps it is silent for too long, and the endless years are too long, let him change some attention.

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