Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4923? All join the battle

Under his feet, there are hundreds of tops that have not been defeated, and they are directly ethographed in the fairy array.

"Damn ..." There was a Division even not to be completely confident, directly by the sword where there were unparalleled swords, the meat block.

All the degradation of all the awareness and top repair, looked at this to kill the gods, and inexplicably felt suppression.

The sword is unparalleled and not intended to be nonsense, and it is a foot, and it will be another wave of Deman and the top repair into the fairy array.

At the same time, he reached out, five fingers and closed the big palm.

The fairy array condensed by nearly 10,000 fairy is unable to withstand this power, directly collapse!

Along with the first fairy array, the original four fairy array, only three remains!

There is no cattle in the brain, and it is equally fallen, like a crushing sky, so you will get into the broken void!

The sword is unparalled in the void, turn his gaze to the remaining three-seat sunset.

Such a fairy array, in time prevention, it is close to hundreds of dermndants, as well as unspeakable top, if it is not stopped, I am afraid that the six-day domain will be directly destroyed!

Therefore, the sword is not hesitant, he directly took the small monarch and went to the next fairy.

At this moment, the whole six-day gateway has been completely caught in chaos.

Even if there is a clear work, the six-day territory is also unable to defend.

There were only more than 60 Di Dynasties left, only less than 30 were left at this moment, and the original Diva's army joined fresh blood, and there was nearly four hundred derivatives.

Moreover, the Danxian army has already known the importance of the elite and the terribleity, no longer a madness of a brain, but let the next tops fight, consume a six-day somewhere.

The son is humble, and in his opinion, the six-day territory is already completely fortunate, and he is already considering, how to escape his Xiangzhou with the fastest speed.

Chen Qing was fighting for blood, and Chen Qing was obviously not allowed.

At this time, the number of streams rushed from the six-day domain of the six-day domain. It is Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing, Zhao Ting, Wei Six, and a strong bald man with a strong mountain.

They saw this scene, all of them were dignified.

Spring and Autumn is directly flying to Chen Qingzhi, and the way of the water, "" There is such a big thing, why not inform us? "

Chen Qing touched a blindness, hurricane, "the situation happened too urgently, and it was already unable to get out, even if I want to go back, you have no way."

Spring and autumn is slightly eased, then he looked at the moment of turmoil, when you want to open, a sudden shock is honest, "What about my adult? Where is the adult? Is it also here?! "

It is that the shock is that the bald man is in the mountains, and his look is screaming.

"This is the guy outside the sword brothers." Chen Qing was a bit wonderful.

The bald man is rushing to Chen Qingzhi, and I am sure that my family is right, tell me, I can't let the adults have been hurt by half a little! "

Chen Qingnhen, reach out the position of the three bulls in the far away, "it is there."

When he didn't finish it, he fame directly. Although he is very strong, the actions are also flexible, and the position where the agile, the sword is rushing.

"It's really a tall tall." Chen Qing helplessly shook his head.

Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing and others are also preparing to get rid of swords, but they have been pulled by him. "There is not much dangerous in the sword brothers, let's give this adult to this adult."

Looking at the meaning of the ten feather wings, there is no more words in Spring and Autumn, and the eight arms have been arguing, and the protective care is before.

Cui Jing also added the battle, and his hand was eight-foot bad sticks, and fighting side by side in Spring and Autumn.

Wei Zajia, who has not fully recovered, did not hesitate to join the battle, he believes that it is helpless that can be helpless for the first bottom line of these six-day somewhere.

Zhao Ting is also a slight bite. After a moment, he has joined the battle.

Have spring and autumn, Cui Jing, a few Deminijiji, and clearly, the pressure of the body is instantaneous, and it has a breath.

The calm of Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing's daring, Chen Qing's old manuscript, and Wei Sika seem to be soft, but it is very fierce, it is too suitable for this chaotic situation.

They match each other to a wave of impact, even if they are clearly definitely affirmed.

With the spring and autumn they join the battle, there are thousands of streamed streams that emerge from the six-day domain.

They are all the last Six-day exosmiary fairy and top.

They were all in the sword in the sword in the poorer in the poorer in the neighborhood of Little Silent, but they all came, there is no top-notice and the absence of the Deman.

Make walking into this chaotic battlefield, all Deman and the top have not sent a word, and the silence is incomparable to their fate.

In some ways, this is indeed a fight against a fate.

The Jian Xiu all took out their respective true swords, and the top repair released the most chewed perspective.

The Damai, which is less than ten, took the lead in rush into the chaotic battlefield, killing the enemy, and killed.

This is the most pure war, and it is also a largest war since the establishment of a big domain.

There are nearly six hundred Danadias and the unclear top-bearing, and there is a continuous source of Damai joined the war.

This is also the war between the emperors, including five or even the hemoduls of six emperors.

This war is also the war battle between them thoroughly torn.


Originally, the situation is falling, and it is again caught in the glue.

This makes the face of the genius, and he is also in shocking.

Under the small emperor, these powerful arrivals can directly reverse the guys of the war, where is it from?

Natural no one can answer the son, if he wants him to know that these guys who can force the tide, even don't listen to the command of the Xiaodi, I am afraid that he will be completely shocked.

Retreat the original situation again, the chaos is even more chaotic than the previous.

If the void is color, I am afraid that this countless blood can be dyed deep red.

The DLO is constantly dying, and the ancestral top repair is a batch of death, and even the body is not saved.

This broken void, this is a fairy and the buryant place.

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