Dead fairy, bones.

Derivate melee, the top of the dead.

It is a fairy bone dead.

And this situation will only be more intensified, and will not terminate, because the source of the war, the four fairy arrays are only destroyed.

There are three kinds of fairy arrays, which will be opened, and enter the tyrannical stage.

Once the remaining three transfers are open, everything will enter the unrequited road.

Therefore, the sword will not make that scene.

After he destroyed the first fairy battle, he immediately kept going to the second fairy battle!

He wants to curb this battle from the source.

Nowadays, the entire situation is under the self-esteem, but this state does not have long time, so the sword is unparalleled to speed up, and then go back.

As nearly 10,000 fairy patterns, the second fairy array and the third fairy array are about to open.

The sword has quietly coming to the second euro. He holds an intangible sword, the whole body shape is like a silent sword, and it is not afraid of the giant bull.

Because the body shape of the egg is too huge, even the unusual skybands must be several times, so this has also caused its actions to slow, and if you encounter the enemy, you will be equal.

In the face of the sword is unparalleled, the second bull is also open from the abyss giant, swallowing it into the stomach.

The same scene is again staged, and hundreds of millions of magnificent Hua Mang blown the head of the bucket, and finally letting it have a whole head into a powder.

The sword is unparalleled, the top of the sword, the eyes look at the huge fairy array of the bull, and has been completely opened.

There is already a Demanial formation begins to step out from the fairy array, and go to the battlefield!

However, in short dozens of interest, the broken void battlefield, join more than 100 Deman again!

And there is still a continuous source of derivatives that flourifies from the transmission of the fairy array.

Six days, dangerous!

There are more than 300 Demonstades on the battlefield, after the addition of fresh blood, it is directly for five hundred.

The sword has no hands holding an invisible sword. When the moment is coming to the second fairy array, he will turn off the fairy in the shortest possible time.

Just this time, it is not as smooth as the first time.

Almost at the same time, the Deman of continuously got out of the source of the fairy array, all in a moment, and walked to the sword.

"Are you over the six-day?"

A Qing dynasty sounded, followed by a bright silver millene silver armor, hand holding a young Division of the silver gun from the fairy array, and the idiotism is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled with him, and the seventh style of the flowover grass is used directly.

Grass leaves.

The endless sword is rushing from the sword blade, just like a green grass, flying forward.

The youth Demon is bright in front of him, and it is so good to rise.

He suddenly stepped forward, his hand in his hand refers to the empty space, and then the palm of his palm and used a flat thorn.

This seems to be flat, but it carries the momentum of the whale to swallow the river, which is actually broken the sword unparalleled flow cloud sword.

At this moment, even the little emperor who stands on the sword is unbounded to the extreme.

This is the first time, there is a syllabus, and the front is broken, the sword is unparalleled, and there is not even how much effort.

The sword is also surprised, and the Youth Deman of this Silk A Silver gun in front of the front can find a way to address the flow of the flow cloud grass in the first time.

The flow of flows and clouds swords is that from the seventh fashion, it is simultaneously, and the swords contained are also close to the trend.

And that youth Demai broke the seventh grass leaves with a little bit of discretion.

"Yes, you can be as an opponent."

Youth Demanic eyes lit up, ready to fight with swords.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and his goal is a fairy array.

Xiaonjun understands what he wants, directly holding the sword to the youth Deman!

The youth is flashing in the eyes of the youth, and then I think of what I think of, "You are a son!"

Xiaodi is ignored him, directly releases the fairy, and attracts all the eyes of all Deman.

"All Deman listens to me, fully killing the son!"

He suddenly hooked in the hands of the silver gun, and the sound of the earth was rebelling in the broken emptiness.

At this moment, nearly 100 Dano surrounded.

The sword is unparalleled, no longer stop, directly, you want the Xianxing of Xianji.

A young Diva, who is watching with Xiaolun, looked at this scene, and suddenly guess his intention, hurriedly, "don't give me a stunned, all Fu Baobao!"

I'm still in another brain, and I have chased the sword.

This kind of fairy array has been built in Wan Domi, which is quite high, even if there are dozens of Deman's full hits, it is not necessarily to break, unless the big Damadam is shot, otherwise the fairy array will be stable. .

However, the sword is unparalleled to easily destroy the fairy array, so his only one is worried about obstructing.

It seems that there is what you come, wait for him to appear before the fairy array, Sixty-dozens of Dynamic will surround him, and thousands of top repairs are also close.

This scene is extremely difficult.

Just when the sword is unparalleled, it is rushing out of the scorpion, and a shocking explosion is rooted.

"Adult, Fengshan ride is late !!"

Even if the sword is unparalleled, when he heard this fried burst, the eardrum is a bit painful.

When he responded, I saw a red-stamped figure, broke the void, and resolutely rushed into this surrounded.

More than ten Deman did not have time, and the scene was flying away.


The whole bull is under this huge shock, while instantly caving cracks.

The original encirclement is bombarded, and then climbed from the back of the bull from the extremely far-reaching figure.

The sword is no two eye convulsions, "You, how are you?"

"Adults, really is an adult, Fengshan knows that you are here to protect, but fortunately, there is no late!" The head of the Gited Hand ran over.

The sword is unparalleled. When he saw that the envelop has been messy, he said, "Ready to rush out with me, as long as you rush out, you can follow me later."

"Mountain leads, adults, you will be good!" Mountain excited.

As his voice fell, he originally a strong body shape and expanded several times. The generic is like the peaks, full of photographers.

Then, he is like a small buffalo, and he hits the past.

In the next moment, the overwhelming delay is all pouring on his body, and counts countless terrible Huangsheng energy.

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