Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4925? Bringing into the dead fairy day? (On)

Even if the sword is unparalleled, the brow jumps.

This is a dozens of Diva's full-scale hits, as well as unspeakable tops, all falling on him, even if it is a bull, the body of the fungus is hard, and I am afraid I can't support it. .

But the next moment, the shocking scene appeared.

Mountain suddenly burst into donation, he was doubled, and the roots of the peaks were doubled. At the same time, the roots were like the thick greens of the arm, and the skin became dark.

All the fans and the top of the offensive are like invalid, and they have not left some traces on him.

"Big, adult ...!"

He looked back to the sword and said that he said, it is already exhausted.

There is no more words in the sword, and the invisible sword in the hand is extremely.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


It seems to be from the void dome, with endless swords, this one of these swords reflects the starry star, and then swept.

Under this sword, there were nearly 1,000 top-bearing, more than 30 Diva, were stranded, and the heavy country was countless.

The mountain is in the same place, and it is incredible to see this scene.

The inclusions are also completely disordered.

"It's alive."

After the sword, there was such a sentence, and after standing in the fairy-flowing fairy array.

In the fairy array, there is still a constant Dynasty and the top repair, but it is all silent, and then he reached out to the fairy.

After the battle with the ordinary, the priests, hairdry, and swords have been quenched.

So the fairy that he released at this moment is better than the previous pounds.

Hairstyle, a little mountain river.

With a sword, there is no double-centered, and there are hundreds of millions of voids into his field. In this field, he can mobilize and illusion of any substance.

A Shenfeng directly broke the void, pressure and under pressure, directly crushing the second fairy array!

At this point, only two fairy is left!

The fairy array collapsed, and the endless tragent Huang was scattered. This scene was incorporated in his eyes by nearly 100 Deman, and then they all became crazy.

The "

The sword is unparalleled, after destroying the second fairy array, he rushed to the third fairy array.

The young Division that is in the war of the Xiaolun is obsessed with the Youth Division, and directly refuses to retreat the little emperor, and the figure is chasing the sword.

However, it is followed, and a god-like figure stops their way.

"If you want to catch up, you will take the past from our grandfather!" Fengshan's eyes were also proud of the best, and didn't think.

Youth Demani brow is picking up, and the silver gun is pointing to him in hand, "all gave me the past from him."

"Booming ..."

Nearly 100 Deman, and the unclear end repair, Masawang, the past ...

Looking at the mountains in the back of the bull, youth Diva shook his head, "It's a strange request."


The third fairy array has been opened, while tens of thousands of fairy ripples have come out of a margin.

Nowadays, there are only two swords that have been shattered by swords, and the chaotic battlefield has begun to tend to glue.

I was instantly coming to the third head, this time he didn't kill the bull, and directly came to the third fairy array.

Just when he was prepared, when he had a sword, he suddenly sounded a broken voice.

The sword is unparalleled forced back, and the shot is resistant.

Youth Dynamic Hand He said that the silver gun was stabbed, and the trays of the rapid to the pole broke out.

Under this shot, the sword is unparalleled forced back to step.

"I don't think about what you do. It turned out to ruin the fairy array?

Long guns, he is arrogant, "I want to ruin the fairy or not, but you must defeat me first, I will let you, how?"

"Bored." The sword was unparalleled, and then turned to step by step to the fairy array.

Youth Demon is watching, "You can't see me?"

He said, the right hand is a bow-shaped, and the highlastic arm of the silver gun is full of round, and then, like shooting, will throw the silver gun.

The sword is unparalleled, but the long guns and arrivals.

Next, a quite a crowded figure rushed into the circle, and then resolutely cope with the silver gun that flying.

Like the dark yellow tragent of the earth, it has formed a passover that cannot be parsed in front of the mountain.

That seems to be a shot of the sky, when hitting this dark yellow derivative, it is actually another step.

Mushan mad, the feet plowed a deep gully in the back of the bull, and then his arms were shocked, and the shot of the silver gun was fly out.

"Good guy, it is really skinny."

The silver gun that caught the flying back in one hand, the young Diva's tend to see him, "Let the open road, my goal is not you."

"No matter who your goal is, defeat the Laozi and then say." Strong spit out a spit, and said to the mountain.

"It's really stupid." Youth Deman shake his head, the silver gun in the hands of the silver gun, the whole armored silver gun, the soul of the silver gun, from him, then all shot to the mountains.

The void collapsed, and this silver gun is really a pole. If you all fall on him, I am afraid I can't eat it.

At the time of thousands of silver guns, when the soul of the silver gun, I was still a pair of fish to death, and I was suddenly pulled by a delay.

"Booming ..."

The turbines are porking, and thousands of guns, directly on its back, a deep gully of hundreds of millions of feet, so that the void is shocked.

"Adult." Fengshan was shocked.

Loosing him, swords have no double condensation, "follow me, don't take risks."

He is looking for him, then step by step.

The fairy is close to the ruler, but there are dozens of Danadias that are very tricky.

Just when the sword is unparalleled, it is the strongest sword, and the youth Deman like a dog's ointment is also rushed over.

"The mouse, come and this battle, you are winning, this fairy is gone, I am going to make you also."

The sword is unparalpted to see him, say calm, "Within the two swords, you will lose."

"Two swords? It is really a big tone!" Youth Deman is in hand pointing to him, "Don't say it is two swords, even two hundred swords, you can't overcome me! I have no enemy! "

The sword is unparalleled, quietly hooked the mouth, just like heard the best joke, even one side, the mountain, I can't help but kick, and laugh.

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