Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4906? Bringing into the dead fairy day? (Below)

Even if he is not empty, the same is invincible, but it is not possible to win the sword.

You must know that before the beginning of this battle, the sword is unparalleled enough to force the three to the big Damadam, nine days of Xianjun often.

In other words, they are not equally opponents.

The sword is unparalleled to hold it within two swords and defeat them.

"Why, don't believe this seat?" Youth is picking up, cold voice.

"Of course, if you put it on weekdays, I may also have more than you, but don't work now." The sword didn't look at him, and then turned.

Mushan spit a spit, and the fairy has doubled again.

Youth Demanic saw, anger and rushing down, "Dare to ignore this seat?"

Next moment, he took directly to the gun, and he went straight to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and when he is ready to give it to the Thunder, a sharp to the extreme breath is steep.

Since there is really too fast that the breath appears, there is no reaction to the sword and there is no reaction, and it appears in his back.

"Hey, the damn guy, this time you can't escape again!"

The quirky breath condensed into a black robe body shape, its body shape is large, and the two . .

There is no double eyeliner, this black robes, is it before the black robe that is killed by him!

Just at this moment, he actually appeared again!

The black robe is like a huge bones, from the black robe, and then slammed the sword without the sword, then directly dragging the fairy array.

Because everything happened is too fast, even if the sword is unparalleled, it has been dragged into the fairy array.

Fengshan also responded in an instant, straight to the fairy array.

"Feel enough!" Youth Deman is angry, and the gun is in front of the gun, and it is also in the fairy array.

The fairy is full of flows, just absorb their shape in an instant, and I don't know where it is transferred.

The battlefield is still in chaos, but there is no distortion to note this change.

With the thorough hole of the third, the fourth fairy array, the entire void battlefield completely entered the most tragic stage.

Continuously from the last two fairy arrays, it is only a fairy array to get out of more than 300 margins.

At this point, nearly a thousand derivates rushed to six days.

Standing in the back of the dead, the little monarch holds his sword, focusing on this scene, the void's violent tears all.

The completeization of the six-day domain has been set.


With the fairy ripple in the fairy array, it seems that it took a long time, and it seems that only a moment, the sword is unparalleled, and it is transmitted to a world.

It has already disappeared with his strange black robes, which has never disappeared, just like never appeared.

The feet are facing earth, enters the eyes, the dead, and the dry flow of the dry flow, is the main tone of this square domain.

The sky is chaotic, the dead gas is strong, and even the delayed delay is overlapped.

Under this day, a strange atmosphere is quietly filled.

Just when the sword was unparalleled, the huge figure of the mountain was smashed from the sky, and he fell directly on the ground and came to a dog.

" ..."

I am horing, and I climbed my head from the ground.

Then, it is also a sidelines, the cactors who hold the silver gun have landed from the sky, and they are proud of them.

"where is this place……"

The sword is unparalleled to see him, and there is no intention to do.

It is a top priority to this to be aware of such a strange place.

The mountains said, "Adults, here will not be the old nest of the guy who dragged over."

"It's very likely." He nodded and looked at the distance.

It is always connected to the earth, and the huge grave is very much, and the huge grave is very much, and there is almost no count, and even a lot of colorful coffin is obliquely on the surface, and the dead is from Among them.

The miserable soul, with the wind rolling, can't say a softness.

Under this probe, the sword is unparalleled, I feel that this is a very similarity of the best, and a place in his memory is similar to the extreme.

That place is that the refining god in the universe, that is, he is a place where he is undercover.

I am refining the gods, with the refining of the gods to act as a fight, as long as the disciples of the zone can refine any gods, they are far more powerful than the true respect of the same, because of this, refining the gods throughout the virtual The universe is calculated to be superpolen.

At the moment, this is desolate and fragrant in the world, which is even more than a thousand times, even thousands of dead temperament, even more than a thousand times.

So letting the sword have begun to suspect that this square domain is not similar to the scent of the Shenzong.

Just on this, there is no short, a rumor, all in this entire day area is thoroughly sound.

"Yes, yes, I thought I could swallow one, I've been a big machine, and now I will send it to the door, and the present is a difficult, I will swallow."

As this sound is resounding, it has gradually condensed a billiona's Summer Giant face on the void of chaos.

This giant face is like tightening a face, his mouth, the drum, and the vast disappearance is a monkey, which is generally ugly.

Although the face is large, the sword is unparalleled and recognized this giant face, which is the black robe that is dead in his hand!

The youth Demin of the next side saw this scene, frowning crumpled, then he laminated high, "Jing Yun, you don't go to the six-day territory battle, now return to what you belong to the sky ?!"

On the sky, the giant face is condensed, and then I saw this scene, I couldn't help but show a laughing expression.

"Who is it, it turned out to be a big official, how about it, I am satisfied with this day?"

Youth Demani brows, "said less nonsense, hurry to go to the six-day somewhere!"

"No problem, can you always have enough to work?" The giant face showed a strange smile.

He suddenly slammed the silver gun, "Yu Yun, what do you mean ?!"

"Nothing means, in fact, what I want to say, since you have come to my site, it is better to make my nutrients, fill my belly."

The big face suddenly laughed, and endless deaths have landed from the sky, just like a million-leg chain, directly to the sword unparalleled!

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