Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4928? Someone in the cave

Devouring the external force, come to strong itself, to do the top of the form of the form, or the Di Dynasty, is not a few.

This secret is extremely powerful, the only disadvantage is that the external force of absorption is too complicated, and it is necessary to continue to digest and purify.

However, it is necessary to have a simple and rude approach to the top-remedies that are fundamental to this secret law.

That is to do our best to release its own derivative, and die in the explosion of the local.

This kind of way is indeed, but it is very inadvertent, and it is also very likely that a method of sending a head.

So, even if there is a derivative to know this method, you will not try it easily.

In the face of nearly 30 dead immortals, the Shuyang continued to breathe.

They have no pain, even if they are cut into the limbs in the battle, they can release the last energy in the fairy.

"Hey, the peace of mind is swallowed, becoming my slave."

The Black Robe is re-emergence in the corner of the corner, and the eyes look at this scene.

"The stupid guy." The sword was unparalleled, he didn't stagnate, directly pushed the shape, and resolutely greeted the thirty dead fairy.

The ancestral, the power of the world.

Huang Tianmen stand, and then one party will find out from the heavens, and bind to all the dead fairy.

However, nearly 30 dead immortals do not flash, all open the mouth, forming a strange suction, actually split this ancestor surgery.

After the swallow is completed, the meridians on each of their fairy have exude a strange Huazawa, weird.

Next moment, the war broke out.

They are all crazy to sword unparalleled, so soon, they will be surrounded together.

Seeing this scene of the cloud, smile, but his smile didn't even have a complete stretch, it was solidified.

Wan Qianshi blooms from the surrounding circle, like a non-straight-viewed Riyang, it is very popular.

Then, the surroundings of nearly 30 dead immortals were broken, and nearly half of the dead immortals were directly cultivated, they could no longer resurrect.

Between Hua Hang, a weighted body shape, holding an intangible sword slowly.

Shuyang and the mountains followed, they were surprised to have a very pole.

Originally thought it would be a bloody battle, actually over this moment ...

They only saw that the sword has completely released a delay, and then everything is over ...

The inclusions were bombed, and thirty dead fans only had more than ten, and it was not a climate.

The clouds are seen, and they don't have any words, they are actually squatting.

More than ten dead immortals were all afraid, and they can't stop.

But swords are unparalleled, don't plan to let them go, in this tricks, any unstable factors are extremely important.

Stretching all the dead fans directly, then crushed into a powder, the sword is unparalleled. This is the place where the eyes disappears.

Then he took it directly.

There is no hesitation in Fengshan, keeping up with swords.

The refurbishment of the disappeared, and the eyes of a good mood are in the heart.


The whereabouts of the cloud disappeared, but in the sword, there is a unparalleled chase, and it is still observed that the route of his rush.

This is a super-heavenly domain, and the entire day area is enough than the ordinary domain.

This is derived from the derivative of abundant to the extreme, but it is replaced by a strong dead gas.

With the continuous forward, defeated the hall, the giant graves of the high tall talents become the main tone here.

And the ghost shape of the cloud is to flee a huge Montenegro.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the silent hill door, he directly reached out.

Suddenly, a derived from the rules of heaven, directly cuts the Montenegro Mountains.

Time, endless dead gas sprayed from the mountain range, the color of the heavens and the earth changed.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it has to release the delay to protect itself, which is from dead erosion.

As the Mishan Mountains were shed by swords, they were bare.

Countless dark caves have emerged, and there is a buzzing hall, and it is very popular.

Subshi and Mountain were then arrived, see this scene, all frowning.

"It seems that this is the old nest of the cloud." Shuyang said, eyes denweant.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly to the Montenegro.

Walking in Montenegro, countless sprayed caves are extremely potant.

And it can be seen that a dead bone palsy that has not had a color is in front of the cave, even if it is a thin wind blow, it has made it a flying gray.

Here, it is completely purgatory.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, and he feels endless resentment among these dead.

Just when he was constantly moving, a palm suddenly explored from a cave and grabbed his hares.


Reaching out, stoping preparing to do, swords without double turning to look at the owner of the palm.

That is a derivative, but it is already a fairy source broken, the same-shaped derivative, the wind blows, there is a possibility.

He is round to his eyes, so that he will have no life.

The sword is unhappy, and it is shrouded in his whisper.

Time, this is the same as that of him, and it will be filled with a flash.

But this is just back to the light, his fairy is already broken, and the body has already been chaos. If the sword is not doubles to give him a delay, I am afraid that I have already died.

"Many, thank you very much, let me live for a moment." The Diva did a breath, and it seems that he has known his situation.

The sword is unparalleled to look at him, ask, "Do you have anything to say?"

He nodded, there was pain and flash in his eyes. "Yes, I want to tell adults, now how far you will go, this is a complete scam!"

"The so-called certificate is immortal, from the beginning to the end, it is the lie of the old dog, this practice is too big."

"I am a disciple in a Dingsheng Gate in the Qing Dang Tianda. Later, the Zongmen Master was returned, and the main owner sent the twelve disciples to find it. I was one of the twelve disciples. Shang Shallow, the shuttle world is very hard, and there are some changes, so that these disciples are dissatisfied. "

"I can't return to Zongmen for a while, I can only fall in the sky, but I have never thought about it, I will be the beginning of my nightmare."

He said that it is still a little frightened in his eyes, as if it has been separated from the years, it makes him difficult to forget that day.

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