Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4909? Scared practice road

The sword is unparalleled, there is no interruption of his memories, and he feels some links in this.

He breathed, and continued. "I am alone, I will fall into the sky, and I came to a superior domain, where I saw a Tongyou Dynasty, opened a road, said On the ground, I also sat down and listened, so soon I immersed it under his argument. "

"He assured us that as long as you join his seat, the talent is soaring, and there is a huenhorn, it will surely visit the Deman, even if it is not top, will have a few Hua, and have a fairy. Reach the height that cannot be imagined. "

"In that, it is more than 100,000, and I am one of them."

"I thought that this is a long way to go, but I have never thought of that this road to practice, let me recall."

Speaking of this, the sword is unparalleled, and it is already able to guess.

He in this top, inevitably, the black robe, Dai Dai Yu, who swims in the sky, open the road, attracting a wave of row, and even the Dano followed him.

Then be brought to his old nest, smoking the source, and strengthened itself.

The result is naturally like a sword, and the cloud will bring them back here. It will bind them, bind them, sue the source, but this process, but also cruel.

"The old dog will bring us here, they will no longer conceal it, and he divided us directly into three or six, etc.

"The lowest level, the base is very large, there are tens of thousands, the old dog will directly slaughter, and each monk is made into soul, and it is distributed to the middle-level monk for them for them. absorb."

"The medium-level monk is forced to take these soul, and the strength has been raised rapidly, but waiting for them, it is the highest level of top."

"The old dog is made by the mannepad, and after the middle-level monks slaughtered, the soul is supplied to the top of the highest level."

"And I, because of the talent, it is divided into the highest level. Every 10,000 years will take 100,000 soul."

"During this time, my realm has increased, and successfully broke through the Deman, and I have the same situation with me, with a total of more than 50."

"However, waiting for us, it is a more cruel thing, from then I know, it turns out that even becoming a Danctuary, but it is a piece of one."

In his eyes, it came to a bitterness, and the fairy body was also dried down, and it was about to die.

"After a Deman, I thought it would be able to compete with him, I didn't expect to go back to the sky, and we were more than 50 Danctuary, all were made into a futon, and the day and night were in the day and night. "

"This situation has continued to last few Chinese ages. Anyone who was pulled out by him was made into a dead fairy servant for him to drive.

"And I have been caught in the end of the fairy, and I have been alive, and I also escaped the magic gave."

"This is a thoroughly stay away from this place, but I didn't expect my fairyland that it was completely broken. I didn't survive. If I didn't encounter adults today, I can't tell these words."

He said that it is already a slight, gradually dying.

"This old thing is really a animal, just for yourself, it will send so many top repairs, and the thousand knives are all!"

The hate of the mountain hated, and then the refreshing looks to the side of the sun.

"You see what I do, I and him have no intersection, just some ears," Semiyang quickly explained, "You didn't see the guy, I have to get started."

"How can you in a camp?" Asked in Mount.

Some of the niche, then just colored, "I have no reminders, but since the cloud dares to do it, then I will die in my gun!"

After the mountain nostrils, they did not open, in his opinion, even the special book is full of hands, it is more than the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Danan said in front of him, "I have been tired for so long, I will sleep well."

I barely opened the eyelids, and the Danctuary barely smiled. "Thank you, I have a good night's sleep. From the day of finding my teacher, I don't have a good sleep, now I can finally be able to Sleep ... "

"What is your parade, what is the name?" The sword did not say a little soft asking, this is completely his rise.

It seems to be opened, and finally he slowly said, "Adults, is called Shangqing Pavilion, which is located in a very distant world of Qingzhou, the scenery is very good, Master Master is very good, but unfortunately After all, I won't see them in the last side. "

After this last sentence, the Di Dynasty finally fell, and the fairy that had not been supported, the fairy was directly chemically formed into a bone, and the wind was scattered.

The sword is unhealthy in the heart, the original calm mood seems to think of the past.

The girl who did something lost, the daring heart, was from Qingkang Qingzhou, with him and clear to the sky.

Her name is washing the pool, which is a woman in the chart in the pavilion.

And the dead Deman, the dead, is also one of the twelve disciples in the pavilion.

Everything seems to be so coincidence, but it is like it.

The sword was unparalleled, and then he saw the jade simple in the belly.

He raised his hand to pick up the jade simple, and I saw the words "book" in the top, after several Chinese years, it is still a new.

Perhaps this kind of jade is the identity of the death of the Demai. When he is suffering from the torment, it is necessary to support him when he is a year, and the practice is sitting on the contest.

Put the jade in the arms, the sword is unparalleled, watching the deepest harm of the deepest in the mountains of Montenegro, and the eyes are very popular.


The hall is broken, and even the whole mountain range can't bear the power, it collapses.

In the first place, the two people in the sword, the two people in the mountains and the mountains have worked hard and bombarded any palace.

"Beast, hurry to Laozi!"

Drinking the mountain, a violent attack, easily smashed any visible.

The sword has no hands holding an intangible sword, step by step to the front-sized temple.

Under the front of this dark temple, under the huge and towering ink, it is stationed for more than ten broken fairy, and it is full of death and ridiculous.

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