Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4910? The Daozhong under the abyss

It is followed by, a trovent acid to the extreme bone crack sound.

The broken fairy outside the temple is all in this moment.

None exceptions, they all are dead, there is no consciousness, and the shape is shaped.

" ..."

The dead fairy, seems to have fallen for a long time, almost only had a fairy bone, and it can be said that there is no combat power.

The sword is unparalleled in the forehead. He waved directly, and the dead fairy before gallbling and did not leave any traces.

However, it is a moment, more than ten dead fans have disappeared.

This giant temple in the infinite black mountain range is the top of this ulique field, and it is also the most dead place.

Before the mountain, the protection was in front of the sword, and they rushed into the hique, and then began to destroy.

The top of the temple was smashed with a few big cavans, and there was a light spot to shine, and he barely saw the scene in the temple.

The ancient old, the ground under the foot, and the walls were wrapped in a deep red blood, as as a partner.

And that strip is like a living material, slowly moved.

"The ghosts, grandfather, kill you again!" Fengshan Shen Sheng said, his double palm is opened, and there is a pour than a giant sea-like delay.

The sword has suddenly raised a bad feeling, but he can't even be aided, and the mountain is deeply traveled!

The turbcommunications, a total of millions of blood, just like the prey smelling blood, all the recovery, covering the sky to catch the sky.

The dramatic trend has been eaten from countless blood ribs, and then he is hobbed by blood and drags into the abyss.

The sword has no double one sword cut out, just cut thousands of blood, and finally failed to stop.

He did not hesitate, and he flew directly to the depths of the giant temple.

The Shuyang is also in my heart. It is tight to follow the sword. After the sword, he can't say this to make this move.

The giant Hall is broken, there is a deep abyss in the destacgence, where even light is not allowed to shoot, countless roughness, in the abyss, it is extreme.

The sword is unhappy with the invisible sword, and the weighs are flowing with , so that all filth cannot be close.

This abyss seems to have no total, as if the other in the sky.


The gravel splash, two or even the roughness of the Zhenlong is quite twice to the ground, crazy twist.

Then, there is a hand holding a sword, and the body shape of the wealthy appears, and the Silver gun in the handheld silver gun is followed.

Under this abyss, it is a vast road, without any light, it can be irradiated here, it is incomparable.

In this vast road, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a huge futon composed of flesh and blood.

This is a huge futon, which is all consisting of dead immortals. It is roughly to see more than hundreds!

At the same time, on this futon, the black robe is sitting on the top, and the dead face is staring at the sword.

"This is the dead, this seat should not lead the wolf to the room, dragging you into my world." Said he said.

The sword is unparalleled with him, the cold channel, "said less nonsense, put him back, I am willing to live."

The cloud suddenly stood up from the futon, and the collapse of the eyes were criticized. "You really have to settle me ?!"

"I can kill you first, naturally you can kill you the second time, you still want to try?" The sword has gradually beaten.

"That's today, you will try it today, you won me, I will return him!" Yu Yun said, his arms have a shock, and the blood ribs, a million feet, have emerged from the dark.

And the body shape of the mountain is firmly fixed in the topmost of the blood, and the slightest movement cannot be moved.

Jing Yun still wants to open, but the sword is unparalleled, and it is obviously not to talk nonsense, and the sword will go to him.

He is shocked, hurriedly manipulating endless death.

"Hey, Hey ..."

The ground is broken, and suddenly a boulder explores from the bottom, all crazyly caught the sword.

Square, rushing to play the silver gun, open the way.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.


The big view of the swords will gather together. If it is open, I will go forward!

The sword is completely broke out, exploding countless mangules along the way, smashing the giant claws from the ground.

This sword is the highest sword of the population damage, and can easily remove the threat.

The clouds were very shocked, and the swords that he suffocated again, he was forced to shoot.

Standing above the high futon, he joined his hands and then suddenly opened, "swallowed!"

Time, the futon of his feet creep.

All the dead fans overlapping together, struggling with pain, all open a big mouth, forming a strange suction.

Under this suction, the sword is directly divided into and found it.

He felt unusual, but he felt unusual.

After Shuyang came to him, some dignified said, "There is a problem with the futon sitting below, can devour all injuries."

He nodded and did not hurry.

At this time, I was shouted in the mountains who were hanged on the blood ribs. "Adults, you will go, don't stay here, this old thing has problems! He ..."

I didn't finish the words, Jing Yun directly reached out to release a group of blood, "It's really noise."

Then, the clouds smiled, and the figure was steeply dissipated in the air.

Square, the face is large, and the shape of the fencing is unparalleled.

The Damai and Da Di fairy are in the same manner, not to mention the big Deman of the clouds like the extreme.

It can be said that as long as the cloud moves, even though the Square is invincible, it can only be old and live, not to talk about it.

For this, there is no doubt, so he hasn't doubt it directly, so he directly in the sword.

This is the same as the land of the Danadian, and even the enemy's Deman, now it provides him with a great sense of security ...

"Here is the home of this seat, this seat is an eternal heaven, no one can hit me!"

"Now, there is a devout belief, becoming my nutrients, you are enough to break through!"

With the sound of Jingyun in this abyss road, the huge futon consisting of dead fairy is also moving.

Every dead fairy is painful, they are like being the most painful discipline before it is completely fallen.

The endless death is scattered in the central center, and then the huge futon is moving, all dead fans open his blood red eyelid.

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