Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4912? Pushing

If you don't die, you can't completely restore it, and you can give him a very limited weight, and it is not as good as often.

So the sword is unparalleled to recover quickly.

After listening to the dead, the sword was unparalleled, "Can I tell the specific location?"

"Of course, the ancient book should be under you, I hope that you can damage it, this is the last thing I can inform."

The dead fairy head gradually collapsed, and finally became a flying gray, disappeared.

The sword is unhappy, and he looked at the scene in the air, then the palm was re-condensed out of the invisible sword.

Next moment, he waved to the ground.


The collapse from the depths of the scenarius is complete.

A sword is millions of feet, the cities under the whole place are broken by him!

It is preparing to take a picture of the quiet cloud of the sun, the next moment, he is straight to the sword.

"Want to go? Laozi today is fighting death, will never let you pass!"

Square is blood, and the silver gun is held in front of the cloud.

"Waste things, don't self, power!" Yu Yun was angry, and he flew him out.

But immediately, a high-stricken shadow that is like God is stopped in front of him, and spit a spit.

"The old animal, there is also the grandfather!"

The clouds are almost mad, facing the mountains, directly released the endless death.

Fengshan and Square, but only blocked him for dozens of interest, but it was the dozens of interest, and won the sword.

Almost all the cities are almost unparalleled, under the deep and cold genus, I suddenly plundered, and the whole villager.

The cloud is like a dead ash, and it is going to the red.

However, everything is late, and the sword is unparalleled to explore the namah, and take it out.

"no, do not want!"

He is frightened, but he dares dare to go forward.

It is completely dissipated to beat, a shabby ancient book falls in the hands of the sword.

"Push the death."

This all ancient books, only these four weird fonts, in addition to this, no matter.

"I also give it to me, I will leave you!" Yu Yun shouted.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't pay attention to him, directly open the first page of the ancient books.

The red light is turning, and a picture is engraved with an ugly picture, it is included in the eye.

"Jing Yun? Soul? Will He will it be the ghost in this first page?" He thought.

However, the clouds can no longer wait, and he directly pounces to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and directly reaches the first page of this "Pushing the Death".

"You should die!" Jing Yun was completely desperate, his entire figure was instantly broken, did not leave any traces.

At the same time, endless death begins to dissipate, and the whole house began to collapse.

The sky is violent, it is simply a pole.

Everything happens too fast, and you can't believe in the sword.

He just torn out the first page of this "Pushing the Death", a big Damai died like this?

The sword is unparalleled, soon, I watched the page that was teared by myself, I found that it has become a yellow paper.

Everything is too fast, and the clouds are violent, and the death of this land is also dissipated, and they can no longer stay in the place.

Everything that has not been thought about, the sword is unparalleled directly into his arms, and then urges the mountain to go.

"Adults, what is this guy to do?" Fengshan wiped the nosebleed on his face and pointed to the referredity of the ground.

The sword is unparalleled, and this guild is equivalent to saving an enemy.

But he did not hesitate, directly released the delay, and then flew out of this place.


The endless death has dissipated, and the original chaos has returned to the original colors.

It's just that the earth is still yellow and dry, and I am afraid that I will need a relatively long time.

As a big Damadam, this square field is covered with white bones, and there are countless top and fairy falling here.

The sword is not done to destroy this square field directly, but I want to finally don't have to do it.

The cloud has been completely fallen, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Then "Pushing the Death", which implies the energy, I am afraid it has exceeded imagination.

The sword is not intended to study, and he has more important things.

It is almost the same as the refusal of the special sun.

Facing the sword is unparalleled, he is heavy, "" Thank you for your life, the Square will not forget. "

The sword is unparalleled, "how is it recover?"

Special Yang, "Not bad, there is already self-policy."

"Can you return to your own sky?"

Shuyang heard the words, did not answer, after a moment, "Square has been defeated, no more face to attack the six-day territory, immediately return to the heaven, no longer step six days."

"But before this, I would also return to the six-day somaba, recalling my ministry, no longer participating in this war."

The sword is unparalleled to see him, some can't understand it.

Shuyang smiles, "I do this, actually I want to save some losses, I now understand, there is, you are in the six-day, I am afraid that it is difficult to be overwhelmed."

Wen said, he nodded, "Yes, after you will go to the battlefield, you will leave under the recall, I will not stop."

Square nod, then he is like a certain decision, "Can you tell me, your name?"

After detachment, the Square will soon regret it. If you know that the relationship between them is the enemy, so the unresolved bricks are simply don't have any intention.

But the sword is unparalleled, "You just call me foggy, this is my name."

"Fog double." Strioyan repeated it over again, then solemnly arched, "fog brothers, I recorded it, he will gather again, I will invite you to drink."

The sword is unparalared, "" I don't have to drink, I just hope to meet next time, not on the battlefield. "

On the side of the mountain, I got a smile, "Even if I met in the battlefield, I couldn't catch up with the adult, and I said that you tamamed again!"

Stri Yang smiles, no one knows where they will meet next time, maybe it's really on the battlefield.

It is a true portrayal that is as a big official.

The sword is unparalleled by Jingyun into the fairy array. In this field, there is no short time.

The most urgent thing in the moment is to return to the battlefield for six days, and force the tide.

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