Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4913? Clearing

The entire void battlefield has been completely chaotic, and the fire affects large flaws except for six-day sources.

There are already nearly 100 skydomas to destroy this battle.

The nozzle void is broken, and the dramatic mixed hurricane will almost become a purgatory.

At this moment, the last two fairy arrays have been completely opened, nearly more than 800 Deman siege for six days!

Even the voids have to bear the impact of such many distractions, while the crush is broken.

They all rolled into a place and crazy to the extreme.

However, it can be seen that these more than eight hundred Dano, and the unclear top repair all the top six-day somewhere portal, and it seems to be in the battle.

Continuously with Danafun and the batch of top, the fairy bones are in the empty, and then crush.

In this hunger war, there is a most prominent figure, his parsley is a ten wing, and each of the color of the wings is different, and the terrible trend is released.

Every time he shots, he will slap the Danadian of the front, and the whole six-day territory is almost his own strength to the present.

And around him, the remaining Diqi is less than 20.

With twenty pairs of eight hundred, this is unimaginable.

The son is also forced to join this battle, and the hundred Diki he brought almost all.

He can't get out of this battle.

At this moment, he almost can't wait to have a few slap in the past, and think that this decision is smart, but he does not know that it is a road.

If there is nothing to clean, this last defense is, I am afraid they have already fallen.

Only less than 20 of the Deman, Spring and Autumn, Chen Qing, Cui Jing, Zhao Ting, Wei Zijia and others are already the end of the strong, if so, continue to fight, there will be one in their end. .

All destroy.

More than 800 Deman, this is too terrible.

It is necessary to know that even the most ordinary Deman has the ability to destroy the heavens, they are all over the heavens, and even the existence of the heavens.

At the moment, they gathered here, no one can stop.

The weather is harmful, with a hard anti-eight hundred Dano's offensive, almost no one is supported.

But he is still insisting, sticking to the appearance of that shape.

"Let's have a few, withdraw, six-day territory can't help." The son will look at the meaning of clear and tremble.

Cold and cold and obliquely, and then continue to drop the neutrality.

Dragonal throat, the son and humble, he can feel the killing in the eyes, and uncomfortably did not care about his emperor.

I thought this, he bite his teeth and struggled again.


With the disappearance of swords, the entire battlefield has been the most confusing state.

The little monarch lost his soul.

He has been surrounded by nearly one hundred dectics, and it is difficult to escape.

But hiesty his Demai, no one dares to go forward, there are hesitant colors.

Every Diva in these six-day domain knows who is in front of this, a young man who is in luxurious, face, beautiful, beautiful.

Because of this, no one dares to go forward.

After all, he is the emperor under the Zhenwuyang.

He holds a soft sword, and his eyes slowly swept all the Deman in front of him, and it seems to have to record them.

Just then, the void in front of him quietly curled the layers, and the latter black robe appeared as heavily.

An emergence of this black robes, a powerful breath that could not be visible.

That is the atmosphere of the big fairy.

Then he slowly forward, reached out and held the neck of Xiaofu and put him up.


The sound of the taste sounded from the black robe, and then the hood was slowly pulled down, showing a thin face of old to the extreme.

This old Dagan, the net face does not have, the eyes are turbid, as if there is a small year, there is a fantastic atmosphere of the years.

The little monarch looked at him without any expression.

Subsequently, the big fairy said slowly. "When you die, do you want to say?"

"If you rely on you, also kill me? Do you dare to kill me?" The little jun is smiling, and the eyes are full of madness.

"Older, why not dare?" He also smiled, the empty right hand suddenly released the delay, directly on the fairy of the little monarch.

The fairy is broken, the blood is sprayed out, and his belly is directly awkward.

"Happy! You can then do it, this seat is looking at it, do you have a courage to do it," There is no pain in the face of the little, but smirked, "You don't kill me today, he is called You are survived, don't die! "

Old Mai Dawei turbid eyes look at him, "Now you can't die, you need everything to settle, and I will personally come to your life."

After you have finished this sentence, he reached out and threw him with a void, then the figure disappeared.

The war continues, more than eight hundreds of Deman, and the undisurable top repair, the forces left in the six-day somewhere will soon be eaten.

Even if it is clear, it has not been able to pull it.

It is unable to go back together.

However, it is clear that his delay is about to be exhausted, and it will continue to lose a true life.

"Unparalleled, where is it?" His voice quickly passed into Chen Qing several people's ear.

Chen Qing, who came back from the sword without double, and then, "Jian brothers are destroyed, but now look, I am afraid I have encountered some changes."

"It's impossible, the brother will be fine, he will come back soon." Spring and Autumn Body blood, but the tone is unparalleled.

"It is a moment to wait for a moment, will wait until the brother of the sword is back." Cui Jing bit his way, he was only a lot, but the foundation was most shallow, but still insisted.

The else is no longer speaking, he also believes that the sword will come back soon, and he insists that now, it is waiting for the sword.

He shook his ten square wings, down the layer of golden mood, all close to the people, even the Dano will be hit hard, but in the eyes, it is gradually micro.

Just at the clearance of the treasure, his heart suddenly raised strongly in the heart.

It is possible to go out from the era of true Wuyang, and his contest has been strong to unrecovered, and it is possible to perceive the danger from any direction.

Next, there is no hesitant, he directly released all the densities, and the ten-party wings are also closed at the same time. The first time protects its own fairy.

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