Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4914? Xu Wei's flow cloud grass sword

The void suddenly shocked.

All Di Dynamic, and the top repair, I feel that the void suddenly viscous.

It's like time to stagnate.

Then, a dark light sufficient to tear the void, with a unimaginable speed, brushing through the entire void battlefield, squatting to the magnificent figure.

Like Tiandao collapse, the big daughter is different.

A crisp to the pole sounds in the void battlefield.

The Qing's treasure phase is directly broken, and the number of unsuccessful Jin Mang has retired from his fairy, and the magnificent ten wings are also withered.

All Diqings can be clearly seen that at the heart of the fairy body, it is replaced by a huge wig.

The ultimate pure blood is out, and even the broken void is contaminated with colors.

Gong Yumor, Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Wei Liujia, Zhao Ting and other public, all are as good as death, even the only number of Deman, and less than a thousand top repairs are desperate.

Each Deman is clearly repaired, and the reason why they can insist now that it is existence.

At the moment, it is true that everything will eventually go to the end.

"Cough ..."

Cough out of a golden blood, the clear breath is sluggish, the eyes began to get tired, then he can't support it again, drop the empty.

The first reaction in Spring and Autumn, he was in front of the Qing, holding it, and pulled out the big emperor Dan Pill directly from the arms, directly in the mouth.

"Don't conflict, all eat it all." Spring and Autumn trembling said.

The entrance of Deni Dan Pills directly became a passion, drilling into his body to start rapidly repairing the places.

It was also almost empty, but also renewed, the breath was stable, but he is still in the mortuary, it seems that it is possible to blain at any time.

The broken void battlefield is quiet, more than eight hundred Danctari is like a mountain sea, silent to them.

Unable to say, almost the six-day territory is on the edge of the collapse.

Then, the Danadian army, which covered the sky, condensed a old black robes.

He is going to work, and the muddy eyes are satisfied.

"The old man did not think of it, in this small void battlefield, there is still a nine-transposed existence."

"Let the old man didn't think of it, the old man killed a nine transverse Damai with a strong force."

He said that the muddy double eyes is full of proud.

This is indeed a glory. He is not in the district three to zoom in Dani, and it is actually able to kill a nine-turn Damai. This incident will be his most brilliant battle!

Chen Yong slowly stepped forward, and the face is gloomy to see him, "shameless, actually will sneak this kind of contest! Although you are Dagan, it is not as good as the animals!"

Old Mai Damai Wen Yan, direct to a light.

Time, Chen Qing face change, and his right arm of the sword is directly crushed into a powder.

"You a little Daiyan, you dare to be called with this seat? No respect!" He cooled.

Cui Jing stood out at this time, proudly looked at him, all of whom was all disdainful, "Laozi said that he was not listening, you only match the sneak attack, if you put it on the battle, you Don't get on the table at all! "

I don't know how many old years, there is no angry, the old Dai Dai, this time is completely angry!

He didn't think that these guys like the ant ants actually dared to hit him, which made him unhappy.

"Looking for death!" The old Mai Dai Dynasty Directly fell, and Cui Jing Ying was hit hard.

"Today, you have one thing, one can't live!"

He has also been hit hard by hardcore, finger, Spring and Autumn, Zhao Ting, Wei Chijia.

Only the only four-day exquisite Dynamic, at this moment, no one can get up.

The pressure of the Dagani to the Danadian is too terrible. He is just moving his fingers, so that the Danan is hit hard.

No Dikai can stand up, six-day interior portals open.

Old Mai Dai Dai fairy is contemptuous, and it will turn his eyes to the front.

He only needs to be destroyed in the six-day domain, and the mission is completed.

Just after he was prepared for six days, he suddenly became a change.

In the face of the mountain sea, the Danadian army will be tilted, and there is a thin-headed top, then take out the ruthless sword of the waist, and look forward to the front.

Seeing such a scene, all the Deman only felt ridiculous, even the old Dai Dami was very sharp to the extreme.

This is even more than the top repair of the encended, and I actually dare to stop nearly a thousand Diva.

You know, it is as simple as a mortal ants.

But he still does not hide, and resolutely stood up.

Holding hands holding the sidelines, sharp Jianfeng is aligned in front.

This face is ordinary, the shape of the thin, is Xu Wei.

Looking at this ridiculous scene, the old Dai Dai is seemingly coming, he is moving directly, and three are also the top repair of the junior, flying out, standing in front of Xu Wei.

Xu Wei took a deep breath and then held the sword.

A top tricks on the top three, which is almost no ending of suspense.

But Xu Wei is standing, and he still stands out. He has retired, and it is clear that his end.

Next moment, the three top repairs are simultaneously moving, and the plurality of derivatives go into their hands and then rush forward.

Before the long sword, Xu Wei seems to have entered a certain kind of etiol, and even breathing disappeared.

All Demanic is a drama, look at this divert.

However, the results of this presentation did not appear.

The three top-bearing tragers, while the target is inch, it actually inch fragmented.

With a careful derivative, the violent traction matters is not a self-breaking, but crushed by a mouse.

The sword repair is not simple!

Three top repairs also notice this change, but they did not put them in their hearts, all rushed to Xu Wei.

The flow of the flow cloud grass sword, and it is composed of nine-style, from simple until, only the sword is unparalleled to the top.

And Tianhui is dull, Xu Wei, which is poor to the delay, but now only practiced the third style.

Which step is it strong?

At this moment, Xu Wei has long been forgetting to have all the crisis. He only has a sword in his eyes.

Flow cloud grass sword, first style.


This is the most basic sword that lays the swords of the flow of flowers and swords, which is turned on by simply short-to-life.

In the premature sword, a record is the most simple, it is the meaning of the stalk!

Void fluctuations, swords Huang Huang.

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