Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4915? Tianguan visited

The three top repairs that flipped, and it felt nothing.

They hurried back, but they were still late.


Like the sound of torn sputum, the void is launched a narrow body.

The three top three tops are full of dignity to him.

At this moment, in the same location of their cheeks, there are a scarlet blood line, and there is a blood drop in the foundation.

A sword will reach an ordinary cross, let the three top repairs are treated.

They all felt the swords of the palpitations, but they could not avoid it. If they did not stop in time, I am afraid that the consequences will not only be here.

"His mother, find it!" One of the most young buildings, a god blood, and rushed up.

Xu Wei's eyebrows, in the face of this coming, he did not feel anything.

Flow cloud grass sword, second style.


The true sword is straight, takes the Yu Wei, who is stamped, and burst out the most cold sword.

The top is smiling, it seems to be prepared, his arms have a shock, and it is directly covered with a layer of derivative wall barrier to deal with it.

Next, the two collided, the body-shaped Xu Wei directly flew out of 100 feet away, even the true sword in his hand slammed off.

The top of the trick was concentrated in the original place and laughed.

"Cough ..." Xu Wei slowly moved his body, rubbing the blood of his mouth, looked at him calmly.

The shocking scene has occurred, and the top of the laugh is suddenly closed, and the face is dignified, and I don't dare to see my heart.

I saw his heart, was passed through a sword, and the origin made a mottled star, quickly overflow.

"No, it is impossible, how can my native of origin?" He was very horror, and then it was completely fallen.

All this is just between the moment, just a time to fight, so that you have a homing to repair, so the power, there is no top repair.

The remaining two top-bearing faces have no comparative, obviously the companion fall, gave them a lot of pressure.

The two opposite the eyes, then at the same time, directly flush to Xu Wei, and burst out their respective strongest hits.

Void oscillation, two pounds of lutethrough and.

Xu Wei once again took a deep breath. He kills a homing in the second style of the stream of cloud grass swords. It is still unsatisfactory third style. I am afraid that I can't play a lot.

Although he thinks, but still releases the third style.

Go to the water.

The third type goes to the water is actually in combination with two swords, and uses it.

Although it seems simple, but it is inspiring thousands. If it is not completely familiar with the first two swords, it can't be played at all.

Going to the water swords, I seem to have become a spring water with Xu Wei as the center of Xu Wei.

The two top repairs that were all made to go, just like drowning, suddenly being bound in it, even the delay could not release it!

That is, in this short, Xu Yan's thin body shape and, he holds the true sword, like the heavens who are in charge of the penalty, and harvested.

The void is silent. At this moment, all the top repair of this scene, even the Di Dynasty, is a bright eye.

Even the old muddy old Dai Dani, also looked at Xu Wei at a timely manner.

There is no truth, it is because this sword is simple, but it is amazing to the extreme, let the look will not have a heart.

The origin is broken, and the two top repairs that are bound by the sword to the water, there is no living, like a stone statue, the depth fall into the abyss of the void.

Xu Wei recovered the long sword of the blush, and his big mouth gasped, obviously after the thorough release of these three swords, he did not have a battle.

But even if so, he is still peaceful, as if all things are not hanging.

The three swords killed the three comments, he was very satisfied, and at the same time recalling the shadow of the clothes.

I am afraid that I will never understand the subtle draft cloud grass sword.

In the empty, even the hurricane is silent, silent.

Then, the voice of the old Mai Daiyan sounded. "The little generation, this Jie said, I will let you have a way, and let you practice under our seat, how?"

At this time, all the Deman is awkward, which can make a three-way magazine favored, and his day practice will inevitably go to the extreme.

This is just the top-repaired guy. If it should be, breaking through the Dynamic is a matter of the referring to the day. For a time, there are many Diqi's eyes hot.

Xu smiled, he seems to be very happy, and the cleaty voice resounded in the void.

However, at the next moment, he recovered as usual, with a few disdain in the eyes.

"If you are with you, also?"

All Deman is dull, do not dare to confuse a small top repair will give up such a generous condition, even open an inscruny Damai? !

Just in all Demani thought that when the old Mei Dai fairy will be angry, I didn't expect him that he did not have any expression, it would like to be insulting is not that.

"Since you don't want to tell the swords and roads, the old man is not reluctant, you tell me the name of this sword creator, the old man also puts you a way, how?"

The old Mai Dawei slowly opened, soft.

Xu Wei smiled coldly, obliquely, directly retracting the true sword in his hand.

"My Master is the name, passing to your ear, is dirty, my Master is the name, and the disciple is even dull, and this will never make this kind of thing."

He is already ready to die.

I don't wait for the old Dai Dai Xian, a voice that came to the top of Jiuyi.

"Since you want to know my name, it is better to tell you, how?"

All the Deman is nerve, all of which are a big enemy.

I saw the quiet and silent broken void, and the shape of a black ride was successfully.

He has flowed around the ,

After his body, followed by two body shapes.

One of the smell of the god of the god peak, Zheng Muquan, seemed to only wait for a number of orders, let go.

Another figure handheld silver guns, the lonely breath, full of an incidentally invincible momentum.

All Dikifae looks at this scene.

"Yes, it is the swordsman!"

In the six-day somewhere, the last left of the fairy, while shouting, the eyes are all popular.

"Jian Tian official! Swordian official!"

At this moment, only all the top of the six-day domain left, spontaneous shocks shouted.

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