Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4928? Emperor

There is only a lonely cold in the eyes of the sword, and it is like laughing at him.

"Only, as long as you don't kill me, I promise that I will not do anything about you from this time."

The gongyu has completely abandoned the arrogance of the emperor, almost begging.

"I, I am the three brothers of the son. He, he is my brother, he will not let you move me."

He said that it is, even began to shout the name of Xiaofei.

But he didn't know that swords were not part of a small monarch, and even their relationships were in equality.

If you want to use the little Jun to suppress him, it is worthy of talking.

The son of the son, shouting the name of the little monarch, but the sword is unparalleled and refers to the knife, directly palm, the whole left arm is cut off!

The blood sprayed out, the fairy was broken, the son is screaming, and the back of the broken arm has fallen.

The sword has no double eyed, and it is no plan to let him go.

If it is not that the emperor of the monarch, the boy clock will inevitably kill the sword.

It is precisely because of this, let him have a kill.

Now this kind of unsatisfactory situation, once in the order of the official, then I am afraid that the sword will be unparalleled in passive.

So the meal feathers must die.

At this moment, he didn't even take into account true Wuyang, and the existence of heaven.

The palm of the scarlets was once again dropped again, and the right leg of the gongyu was directly cut off, the blood sprayed.

Less a support of a leg, the son is in the chaotic void, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is a sword.

He has seen the unparalleled kill from the sword unparalleled cold. There is no room for recovery.

The gongyu has regretted it. He should not make a battlefield and catch the thoughts of the little emperor.

Without this idea, it will not be in this situation.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die ... I can give you anything," Gongzi Yusi is like a dead ash, "the emperor is angry, the emperor is transported, I use the emperor to transfer me to life, don't work ? "

The sword is unparalleled, he is too lazy to listen to him, and the gas in the hands has been strong to the extreme, and it is chemically smoldering a narrow blood blade.

Next moment, he hooked up his hand and did not have any hesitation.

The son feathers are smashed, and the face is as frustrated.

However, the blood blade did not cut down, like something hindered, hovered on his head.

The sword is not double turned back.

The elite has come to him, and the cast will stop his actions.

He said, then slowly came to the front of the gage feathers who shake like sieve.

The masters are as big, "saving me, saving me, the emperor can give you!"

Responding to him, it is a thousand hundred rounds of golden feather.

Every gold feathers are enough to break the sky, and the caves wear any super skyport.

Thousands of golden peats have passed, directly shooting the fairy body of the gongyu into a powder, even the fairy is completely crushed!

The third night of Zhenwuyang, the son, the meal!

Void, the gas transportation belonging to the emperor is returned to the unfair, and it can't be collected.

Seeing this scene, the little monarch shaped a shock, slowly retreating, if there is no thin small robe, I am afraid I will fall down.

The son is dead in front of his eyes, and various emotions have changed in his eyes and eventually closed their eyes.

The magnificent wings of the magnificent, the slowness of the genitals, and the chaotic void is browed.

Under the random hit of Jiu Tong Dami, even the emperor is easy to cover.

The unilateral meal is completely fallen.

Collapse the way, the sword is unparalleled has recovered calm, he looked at the else, slowly, "Why do you want to do this?"

After receiving the ten square wings, you can't calm, "

To be, he said, he suddenly, "I am not the same, even if he shots me, I also have a way to protect."

The sword is unparalleled, he understands the reason why this is doing is to protect him.

Immediately, he seriously said, "Thank you, I owe you once."

"You and I don't need to say thank you." He clam your eyebrows, then said, "Just, next, I am afraid I have to leave for a while."

Just when the sword is unparalleled, when he is going to, an unable to describe the full shroud of the whole void battlefield.

That kind of breath is full, wherever the breath is covered, the years stopped, and it was completely sealed.

Crushing the heavens remodeling, the chaotic void is quickly repaired.

It has been completely unmolindled with a half-fold sword, double-eyed, and dare not confidence.

Everything is actually retracting!

What is the power that exists, can you complete the backtrack? !

The gas transportation, atmosphere, is like the stars, usually start condense.

Soon, under the conjunction between the stars, a more familiar shape appeared again!

That was clearly lying on the fairy, and he could not reverse the dead gammon, which was reborn.

At the same time, the void of chaotic is torn, and a strong shape cannot be described, from the end of the void.

They are all carrying each colored glutinous wheel, and it is expected to flow in the air wheel.

Only six-turn Damai will condense the glutinous wheel, and they all are the veteran Deman of the true Wuyang.

Every bit, the lowest is nine turn.

Even the newly born Tiandao, they are at their feet.

In the forehead of these veteran, the forehead is a tired and tired body shape without any breath.

Although he is generally to the extreme, but all the Yuan Lao Dawu Dai Dai Tsukai will succeed.

All violent densities, breath, and even the heavens on the void battlefield are unable to close to him half.

The Lord of Tianship, the emperor is coming!

The sword is unparalleled in the meridian, the blood is solidified, in front of the kind of breath, he can't even breathe.

When you come to the void battlefield, the emperor is really tired, but it is still in the Upper.

Looking at the eyes, a confused gamato, his look is extreme.

"Emperor, Emperor, I am still alive ?!"

From the confused, I went back God's gods, I saw the arrival of the true Wuyang, excited to the extreme.

However, waiting for him, not concerned, but a strong slap.

The emperor is angry, and he fleszes him directly!

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