Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4929? Sealing is forbidden

Only in the most weak son, it was in the most weak state, and the seven rushed the blood, and there was some of the princes to die again.

Then, the true Wuyang reached out and pulled him back to the front.

Give the blood of the nose, the son is awkward, "the emperor, why do you want to play?"

Deep sucking a breath, really Wuyang refers to the whole broken void, Shen Sheng, "Is it, is you doing?"

He heard the words, and suddenly some of them were a bit, "Yes, no ... not just me ..."

I listened to Wuyang, and I wanted to smoke him several times, but I finally recovered her palm.

The kind of flying on the battlefield has disappeared, the sword is unparalleled, and then all back.

The breath of the real Wuyang is really too vast, even if it is the meaning of nine to the big Daman, there is no way to counter, let alone them.

The sword is unparalleled and the sweat is like a pulp. If the true Wuyang will suffer from the next pain, he has no possibility.

Then, Zhenwuyang slowly swept them, after staying on the sword, there was a moment, and quickly looked at Xiaofei.

"Derry, let's talk about it." He Shen Sheng, "The whole void is broken into this way, but it will not only be as simple as a battle!"

Xiaowei heard, did not hesitate, when everything happened, he said with true Wuyang.

This war, which is awarded by a thousand Diva, is the most vast battle after the Daxie Dijuling of the Immortus.

The intensity of the impaired power, the extension of the Deman is all discrete.

Therefore, when the Xiaofei said such a tragic war, it was shocked when the world, including the body of the people, including the body.

A Damai, which belongs to the absolute domain in the ordinary domain. They are overline, and they are super off, even if they look at the big, they are all presence.

But in the eyes, they have become batch of bloody in the void battlefield.

Just because of this inexplicable battle.

When I was really shocked when I heard the forces of the two sides of the power and a foreigner.

With less than two hundred Deman, nearly two thousand Demai, and the three big Damadam offensive, completely saved six days.

How can this be?

One fight twenty situation? ! Can you keep six days?

At the end, Xiaofei said to the sword unparalleled and clear, "If there is no help, the six-day territory has been destroyed, and I will fall in this mean."

"So, he damns!" He finished the gongyu, anger in front of Zhenwuyang.

When the son, the son is sitting in the void, and the hand is swayed, "No, no, not just me, this matter has nothing to do with me ..."

Really, Wuyang took a deep breath, and the emperors who have been emitted by him couldn't help but fluctuate.

This is too horrible, just burst such a tragic war in a short period of time he left in the six-day domain.

This war, if it is not stopped in any orientation, it is terrible to destroy.

But good, this war has completely filed.

Zhen Wu Yang is sinking, almost swallowing the son.

"No, emperor, I haven't need to do it with me, this matter has nothing to do with me." He continued to retreat, and the eyes exposed.

But the true Wuyang did not play him again, but Shen Sheng, "Only you, absolutely unable to set up so much Deman, now tell me, except for you, who!"

Gong Yu hesitated, hesitated and struggled, he seems to be a secret.

But in his heart, it is hesitating that only has a moment, and then open the mouth, "Go back to the father, two brothers, there are six brothers ..."

I heard this sentence, Zhenwu Yang anger, "Okay, Okay! You have three great courage to mobilize so many Deman, go to the brothers!"

"Now, the brother, will it be to God in the future?"

His face is gloomy and terrible, obviously a true angry.

Gong Yu heard the words, I shake like a sie, "Emperor is never what you think, all of this is reason."

Strongly endured the horror of the heart, and Yu Yang was disappointed to see him.

"When you come, you are forbidden."

The emperor's true words, the establishment of Tiandao, countless emperor Tiandao is born directly at this moment!

A mysterious to the pole is flowing in the void, and each represents the emperor Tiandao.

The entire void was shrouded by Emperor, and an emperor was coming.

The son feathers are scared to no additional.

When the Chinese year is banned, it is unimaginable.

In the Chinese New Year, even if the heavenly manifolds constructed by Tiandao, it will be silent, and the stars disappeared in the nozzle.

In the Chinese New Year, a monk is sufficient to grow to the terrible level of the Damai.

A born year is almost representing infinity, is a newly born heavens instead of alternating nodes of the old days.

Gongzi Yu is banned, the year is the most stringent discipline.

"No, I don't have the father! Everything is the master's correction, and the son is doing this. I am innocent!"

The son is shouting, but the emperor Tiandao has been covered, just like a chain, instantly hit him.

Then, the void collapse reveals unknown space, and the emperor Tiandao directly dragged the son, and sealed it.

The void is flat, belongs to the unique odd of the emperor, and is slowly launched. In the unknown space, the third emperor is the third emperor under the emperor, and the seal is banned!

The void is silent, all the veteran Dawu is shook his head, and then the eyes will turn the eyes to the sword, and the other is clear.

Soon, there is a funeral, Dagan, I recognize the meaning of the sword.

"How can it be him?"

"The ancestors Jinwu? He didn't be there?"

The Millennium Dagan has begun to pay the low language.

And Zhenwu Yang Emperor is also at this time, noticed the meaning.

"Talk, how come you here?"

In the invisible, the Emperor of the emperor covered, and it was a little supported by all the Deman.

He has clearly biting his teeth, he is struggling to fight against the power of the emperor.

At this time, the little monarch was in front, and it was blocked in front of the sword and the unparalleled. Do you have anything you want to ask me, I will answer them! "

Zhenwu Yang wants to say, he also knows that this war is too fierce, and there is too much forces involving too much, and the whole six-day territory is completely victim.

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