Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4930? Explain the sea

If there is no sword unparalleled, it is necessary to exist, in the face of the Danadian army, the six-day domain has only destroyed a road.

So really Wuyang did not clearly.

It is a war that has been premeditated in the battle for six-day territory. If it is clear, it is afraid that there will be a misfortune.

Pensive moment, really Wuyang and open mouth, "Gong Yu Yu, who is you underwent?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is sinking. As soon as the meaning is clear, the true Wuyang will find the bottom.

Just when Xiaofen is ready to open, the sword is unparalleled first, and he said calmly, "I am killing."

All the Millennium Damai transferred his eyes to his body, and it seems that there is some regret in his eyes.

The meaning is slightly, then turned to see the sword is unparalleled, and there are all kinds of emotions.

Then, the Zhenwuyang Shen Sheng, "Then you know, what is the crime?"

Di Junwei is pressing, he is tight, and he does not let himself down. "I, I only know, I don't kill him, I am dangerous."

The long sword is empty, and a sword has opened the emperor's pressure, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Xiaowei, let go of the sword!"

All the Yuan Dynasty Daiyan took the first step in front of him.

But he is still not moving, he horses the true sword, the sword pointers refers to the true Wuyang, and it will not be retired.

"Do you dare to do it with me?"

Zhen Wuyang said, in this moment, the emperor shines on the extreme.

Under the emperor, Chen Qing and others were all sured, and they did not look at a goddess from the corner of the mouth.

This is the end of the small emperor who is weak, and the ear is erected.

But he turned to the sword, there was a unparalleled, raised the true sword in his hand, and again aligned the true Wuyang.

Then the hoarse voice, "Why not dare!"

Zhenwu Yang's eyes flashed a disappointment, then he random random hand, the heavens were applied.

The true sword in the hands of the small monarch should be broken into a hundred paragraphs, and his body is also directly suppressed by the emperor Tiandao.

"Let me go, really Wuyang!" He smashed, but there was no way to break away from this.

In the face of Xiaofei's straightness, the emperor is not intended, but it is a sword, but it is "really you?"

At this time, a lazy voice was awkward in this void, and cleared to the forefront of the crowd.

"Hey, I can see it, I can kill the emperor, in this whole big section, I am afraid there is no second Deman!"

After I finished this sentence, I decided to make a witch!

In an instant, the magnificent tragent that belongs to the nine turn-large fairy is swayed in the void.

The magnificent ten feather wings bloom, and the ancestral Puobao is also a thousand miles here!


Jinwu Bao is humming, and the sacred magnificent is extreme.

The clear is in the initiative to fight the truth!

Although he is nine to the big Damadam, he faces the emperor, even not worth mentioning.

It's just a gentleman's luck, it is enough to kill any big Damani, and even the clearing is no exception.

If you want to describe the distance between them, it is dust and the moon, and even more can't match.

But that is, this is the same, and the pride is clear, and the true Wuyang did not even mention the intestment of smart fight.

He just uses some interesting eyes, looks at the meaning, "Jinwu, you seem to have never afraid of me?"

The meaning of clear smile, directly looks at the true Wuyang Road, "I tell you the truth, even if you become an emperor, I was really not afraid, even now I am not afraid, because I am afraid that I can't solve any problems, so I This unstable factor is removed from the blood. "

"You are really not afraid of me?" Zhen Wuyang is slightly smoldering.

The clear eyes are also slightly condensed, "Of course."

The atmosphere is dead, and the first time, there is a big Damadam dare to hit the emperor. This is a strange to the extreme.

Zhenwuyang's life was killed, and he had killed several emperors and opened up today's big domain.

But now, in the face of this guy who can be crushed, he is not anxious.

"Since the heart is still like the original, you are a golden ancestal, and there are nine true life. I am afraid this is also what you dare to confront my confrontation."

Zhen Wuyang Emperor Jun said, "If I have died now, I've wins your nine true life?"

He said clearly, the heart is slightly tight, he hides the most deepest card, I didn't expect to be known by Zhenwuyang.

He is now only seven of the true life. If the true Wuyang iron has a heart, he will be completely fallen.

When you think of this, you can't speak it.

And really Wuyang, I don't want to know the answer to the email, and he directly reached out in the void.

In an instant, all the trend of creating all the trend is clear, and it is directly broken.

The , the big double is the biggest.

Really Wutai looked at him and said.

"Killing the northern, the words are dead, but I have other ideas, this emperor is free to die."

"But immediately, you will be released without the sea, the time limit is a Hua!"

Emperor monk is out, the heavens are present.

The layer chain is bundled with it.

After listening to this penalty, the expressive change, "A Hua Ye, are you going to make this seat is completely lost?"

But he only left this sentence, and his body shape completely disappeared in the void.

The sword is unparalpired to pursue, but it will eventually be chased.

Exiled without the sea, just six words, but contain endless horror and Senhan.

At the beginning, I used to kill nine days, I have been exhibited in the sea.

But he doesn't know how to escape, and it is also a pole to the sea.

The place where the unknown rumors, I am afraid it is true purgatory.

The gongyu was banned in a Hua Ye, and he was exiled from the sea.

Everything seems to be just just start.

Really Wuyang slowly swept the only Di Dynasty, the left, and finally stopped his eyes on the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, it does not flash, even cold looks at him.

I don't know why, when I look at it, I feel a very familiar and very strange feeling.

At the same time, there is another real feeling of flatness.

This makes the heart in Tunyang surprised, such a small Division, why will it give him a feeling?

One or even the existence of a realm, I have made Zhen Wuyang vigilant at this moment.

That kind of vigilance, in love, is unprecedented.

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