Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4931? Cannot break through

Even in the era of the era, the emperor crossing the era of the world, it can make him directly feel the existence of threats, and there are few days.

This is just absurd.

Really Wuyang directly discards the ridiculousness of the bottom of the heart, and recover.

At the same time, he has some doubts, what is the familiarity that is scattered on the sword unparalleled? Why is it like to know?

After thinking about a moment, Zhenwu Yang did not intend to explore, he came to the big company, and found that there was an abnormal fluctuation here, so he came over.

Nowadays, the crisis in the six-day domain has been released. He also returns to heavens and deals with some hidden dangers.

The reached out of the emperor Tiandao, the truth of the small emperor, Zhen Wuyang wants to say, and finally did not say anything, led a bunch of veteran Damai left.

The void of the chaotic, re-being repaired by the emperor, all the wounds of all the wars, did not leave slit marks, clean like anything.

Even the domains that are marked and destroyed are reshaped, only the hundreds of millions of people will eventually disappear.

Looking at this clean flow of voids, Chen Qing and other people have lost their gods.

Here, there have been a tragic war, nearly two thousand Diva, the three large-scale fairy buried here.

But at this moment, they all disappeared without traces.

Gently cough, the little monarch slowly came to the sword and there was no double, and his eyes were light, "Sorry."

The sword has shaken his head. "This doesn't blame you. If you have, what you want to make up."

"Sword brother, your plan is? No matter what, I am the first to follow you!" From the behind, Chen Qing, who was odd, said, the eyes were unparalleled.

"There is also a copy, Fengshan is never retreat!" More than Chen Qing's body is also hill, and patted the chest.

Following, Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing, Wei Zijia also on the previous step at this moment, except for firmness, more than firm.

And Zhao Ting's eyes have hesitant flash, and eventually don't have a step, but stayed in the same place.

I barely smiled, the sword was unparalleled to look at them. "What are you doing, the war is over, there is no fight, go back to the nurse."

"Sword brothers, haven't there anything to do?" Chen Qing asked.

The sword nodded, "Of course, no matter what you are in an urgentity is to restore the injury, so as not to leave a darkness."

The war eventually ended, nearly two thousand Deman buried bones in the void battlefield.

The six-day somewhere is finally presupported, but the heritage has been completely destroyed, only more than a thousand top bears.

The son who came to collect aid was also a heavy damage, and the one hundred Dancto brought only three left.

But he did not lament, but he was very excited.

More than two hundred Danoma in the district, there were more than two thousand Deman, and eventually held six days of territory, this is a can't happen, but eventually happened.

The reason why the son is excited because he saw the heritage of six days.

His alone is a gamble!

The gambling is meant. From this way, no need to see the face of the son, his , also has a certain security.

Just, the son is still a bit worried at the moment, and the six-day territory has now been micro-implicated. Can you take care of the time in the future, a unknown number.

When you think of this, he still regrets. If you have come later, there is no better to catch this war ...

At the end of the war, the top of the farther sent, and returned to the six-day territory.

Every top repair, after experiencing such a battle, it is completely educated.

I want to survive in such a tragic blood battle, only myself become stronger, in order to have a line of life.

The land of Damai is what they are determined to chase the ultimate goal.

Six days are heavy and still cold.

Sitting above the top of the Tiangong, the sword is unparalleled to sit down.

In this fierce battle, he has gained his strongest swords, and his own swords have also been to the round stage.

Once there is no double sword, the sword is unparalleled to enter the sword.

At that time, I am afraid he is enough to fight with Nine.

I got my own strongest swords, I was unparalleled. At this moment, I didn't even have any expression to sit on the top of the Tiangong.

Countless terrible derivation is surging in him, and he quickly swalloweds the number of emperors.

He is fully resumed to the peak, and even try to break through!

The birth of the birth of the entire little orchically born is gathered to him, and there is a changing in the world.

I don't know how long it is, when the sword is unparalleled slowly, I can't help but expose a shot.

"Don't any way, is there any way to promote it to Dagan?"

The sword is unparalleled in impact, but he eventually failed.

This failure is far more than a breakthrough in the past, it is terrible.

Because this time, it is completely different.

As a super-perfect chaotic, the road that breaks through the promotion is unusual, and once the breakthrough is successful, it will completely crush the same enemy.

Although it is unusually difficult to break through the road, it is not a road.

If you describe everything is a unknown cloud smoke, although it is not possible, there is also a road that can be enhanced.

But the swords in the eyes are unparalleled, but they feel that his realm cannot do it again!

Because of his realm, it has been completely reached.

After the Deman, there is no real world to break through!

A spoon of cold sweat floods from the sword.

He didn't think that his promotion path will stop in the land of Damadam, as for the big Damadam of Damai, he has completely perceived.

In the eyes of the sword, there is a bitterness, and he also knows the reason.

He is from the universe of the Shenli, which is simply not a big practice system, although he cut off the red dust, it has been delayed.

But after all, you can't bother.

There is no fairy source, it means that he will never be promoted to the big Damai.

"There is still other ways, this is not my end point."

Slowly spit out a bite, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are gradually determined.

Since there is a mountain in front of you, it will open a road!

If there is no way to open up, then it is destroyed in front of the mountain!

Just, in the next intent, I am afraid he will be in extreme passive.

The original sword is unparalleled for this time, and it has made all efforts to break through the immersion, but everything is fadless.

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