Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4933? Exhibition Ranch (on)

The turbulent dark stream is often hidden under the calm water.

This sentence, the sword is unparalleled, and it will be encountered soon.

He didn't think of it, and everything will come so fast, so that he can't prevent it.


Above the endless waters of the ink, there are ten evil beasts that have been evil in the anger.

In front of this ugly huge beast, a eyebrow is full, and the body is surging the body shape, and the positive is far away.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the face is cold, and the inner is actually called it.

He didn't think that he had to step on this extent.

From the passage, this endless paint black sea area suddenly separated, followed by a ugly beast with ten brains, and swallowed him in the past.

If the sword is unparalleled, I am very vigilant, I am afraid that I will fall into the mouth of the beast.

Looking at the top of the beast, the sword is big, and the sword is unparalleled.

Because only the large-scale fairy above five, it will condense its own derivative aura, which is a symbol of a realm.

The sword is unparalleled. If you don't think of it, you will have such a killing of the world.

Welcome to the Three Transport Damai For today's swords, there is already enough to cope, but the sixth translator is afraid that the situation is not so optimistic.

I am afraid I have to fight.

But only to fight into this, the sea is to fight, and the road behind it is even more unable to go.

Keep your own best physical condition, is the sword unparalleled.

In the face of such a huge beast, he also understood the little emperor, why did you block him into it here?

What will this be held in the so-called waters?

On the dark and thick sea surface, the huge beast also made a shock of the sky at the same time.

Under this giant, the sword is unparalleled with a pause.

That is, in this moment, the beast suddenly supported the forelimb, and the huge trend rushed over.

The sky is shocked, and the sword has no double hurriedly released the ancestor.

The power field is reproduced, and one party will cover the sky.

However, the beast is just just a head of his head, but it is even a ancestor.


The sea is violent, aroused the waves, and the ancestral surgery that has grown by the sword, falling on the behemoth, but did not hinder the moment!

The sword is unparalleled, the sword is suddenly hitting the distance!

The clouds were plowed out deep gully, and they have been drawn by 100,000 feet. He barely stopped his body.

Strong to stand the blood of the heart, the sword is unparalleled.

The strength of Sixth Transport is far beyond his imagination, and this huge beast is probably full of fighting, and it will be very difficult.

If you consume this, it is absolutely not conducive to the next situation.

I think this, the sword is unparalleled, and I reached out from the arms to take an emperor Dan Pusher into the mouth.

"We have no fear, no matter how it can't fight, you can't let me go, but I will leave."

In the face of the giant beast, the sword is unparalleled with the attitude of trying to see.

A total of ten heads, twenty pairs of eyes looked at him.

Just when the sword was unparalleled, the ten brains of the behemoth were all speaking.

The sound is hoarse and thick.

"I am expelled, what did you just eat?"

The sword is unparalleled, soon understand the meaning of the huge behemoth, and then he directly reached out from the arms and took out an emperor Dangu, Yang Yang.

Suddenly, the rich to the pool is completely empty.

This Diner Dan Pill, every one is the Emperor Treasure of the Six Ceremony, is there is no top.

Strong to rejection is almost flooded in each inch sky.

The beast also widened at this moment.

" ..."

The stomacity of the earthquake sounded through the four wild, it was obviously the extreme.

"Give, give me ..."

The sword is unparalleled, quietly smile, "Of course you can give you, but you have to leave, and you can't have any entanglement."

"I, I promise you!" The giant behemoth is red, mouth watering.

The sword is no longer hesitating, and the song is directly tomb, and the Tan Pill is shot.

In an instant, the behemoth also chased out.

He took the opportunity directly, flying outside the feet.

Feeling that the kind of breath disappeared, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a little crying.

Just relying on a Dan Pill, just leave a six-turn big Damadam, it is really a tangible thinking.

However, his face has no solidification, and a fast-to-air snoring is resounded from behind.

The sword is unparalleled, and this will only appear again!

"What should you do? Isn't you said it?" He concoudly.

That giant beast heard the words, and scattered his mouth, then extended a huge front hand, refers to his head.

"Is there anything, I have ten brains, a no score."

The sword is not a double brow, "" This level of Dan Pill, do you think I will have? I just give you the last one. "

I have a bitkon, and the beast is somewhat unwilling to look at him, and it seems to be considering the true and false.

Half, the beast, "Then let's go, don't let me see you, don't appear again in my border."

The sword is unparalleled directly, and the moment does not stop, and the moment will disappear.

And this time, the beast did not catch up again.

It is squatting on the waters of the ink, and ten brain is like thinking about what they think.

"It's a strange, such a weak exquisite person, how can he be exiled here, is he done too much bad things before?"

The behemoth is thinking, soon it is directly under the dark sea area, turns a water line, and go forward.


It has been unknown to fly from hundreds of millions of miles, until you feel that there is no breath after you have chased it, the sword is unparalleled.

The breath of the Sixth Transport is too terrible. If you resolutely fight, I am afraid I will seriously hurt.

Fortunately, I have now fully escaped the control of the breath.

However, the sword is unparalleled without alert. He quickly brought some Dan Pills that can cover the breath. After swallowing, we will continue to do everything in front of him.

The so-called unbearable sea is the meaning of no marginal sea.

This is the case, the waters of the thick, as in the same mirror, do not know where to extends, no reference.

It's ridiculous and dead.

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