Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4934? Exhibited Ranch (Medium)

The sword is unparalleled, trying to release the delay, go to the endless shock of the sea.

I saw that the tragent of the water was directly swallowed, and there were countless chains of the chain.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is rushing to take the sky, and it is not dragged into the sea area.

Looking at the silent sea area, he has a slight breath, starting to have to celebrate, just have not to set foot in the sea.

At the same time, this also makes the sword unpaid, this is not dangerous in the hidden danger of the sea, it is absolutely too much more than the expression.

I am afraid it can be touched here, the lowest is the big Damai.

After the shocking and dangerous escaped, the sword did not dare to conduct another way, swallowed an emperor's Dan Pill, he flew in front of him.

I learned from the Xiaolunkou, this is not in the sea, and there is no uncemorrhee, invisible and ugly, I can't tell the true existence, or just a virtual image.

This increased very difficult to sword in invisible.

If the little monarch says, the sea is uncemmonious and invisible.

Then it means that it is very likely that it is unlimited, and it can even put a universe!

This is undoubtedly a problem, I want to find the elite in this nearly endless sea area, basically a impossible thing.

But after the sword is only slightly sick, it is still unlucky.

When he didn't pay attention, in his sea area, there was a rolling water line, followed by him ...

"Damn, is there no land in the sea?"

The sword that has been flying out and how many distances have no double black lines.

According to the speed of him, I am afraid that I have fly over the distance of thousands of days, but I still have a land.

This has even made him suspect that it is still in place.

Not only there is no one in terms of land, and even a delayed breath has never appeared, so that he is already a little dignified.

Just when the sword did not have a double, the call to help, from the bottom of the pole.

"Help ... Help ..."

He looks at the bottom, can't help but feel in your heart.

I saw it on the water surface of the ink, and the shape of a weak to the pole was settled. He used his best to open the water, trying to escape the sea area, and saved loudly.

At this dead, the pool, there is a strange scene, even if the sword is unparalleled, I feel a unpleasant.

Can be exiled in this unbearable sea, almost nine, nine, is a poor and evil generation. If the sword is unparalleled, the heart is saved, saying that it is not allowed to fall into a very passive.

When you think of this, he will no longer hesitate, ready to go directly.

But that is the body shape of the fluctuations in the sea area, but at this time, "Help, the true fairy in the sky!"

The sword is unparalleled and can't help but look at the shape.

In the past, he was completely shocked.

That is the body shape of the sea area, not someone else, is being released by Zhenwu Yang!


After the sword is unparalleled, it is clear that the sea is clear, and immediately fall from the clouds and prepares to be administered.

In the sea area, I saw the sword where the sword fell without double, and I couldn't help but get it.

At this day, the sea surface is just like a crystal of crystals!

The sword who is about to touch the clever is unparalleled, and it feels that the sky in front of them is shaking the dark.

The sea area is separated, and a huge behemoth in a hill is taller.

It has ten heads, every one is like a big day, terrible to the extreme.

At this moment, ten giant capital opened a big mouth, and then swallowed into the mouth.

It belongs to the terrible momentum of the sixth transmissions, and there is no double-shock of the sword.

"you wanna die!"

He is angry, I originally thought that the beast was completely got rid of, but I was still behind him. I even swallowed into the belly, how can I make him not angry?

But the beast who swallowed into the abdomen is still unknown, and even satisfied it.

The sword is unparalleled, and he directly condenses the invisible sword and faces the giant behemoth.

This is a sword that is completely separated from unparalleled swords.

This is a sword of Jianxintebelle.



The clearest sword sounds through the four wild eight, and it is unimaginable to crack.

Such a sword, even destroyed the derivative of the behemoth, and then returned to one of the heads.


The sword is very popular, and a big big head is bombed directly.

Under the pain, the behemoth sent anger, and the Zhang was spit out of a fission wave.

The fullness of the six-transverse Daiyan, all hit the sword unparalleled, and he flew him from the moment!

Protecting the tragestance of the fairy is directly broken, while retreating, he has spit his blood, and finally stopped his body.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the chest that has been collapsed, it is not worthwhile.

The fullness of the sixth transmissions is too terrible. If it is not wearing nine days, I am afraid that the fairy will be broken directly!

The vast delay is filled in every inch space, and the giant beast has also appeared in front of the sword.

The original ten heads, now only nine are left.

It uses hard to labish the blood on black, the sound is low, "later, you can know that I am saving you?"

"Save me? You know that you are swallowing is what I want to find?"

Wipe off the corner of the mouth, sword is unparalleled, "I spit him out!"

"Spit out? When I was eating, I was twisted into the slag." The behemoth said, "Now, you are also prepared to pay the price, and you can't put it into my belly!"

It's finished, the remaining nine heads are at this moment.

The air is borne, the shape of the sword is not bound.

Then the beast rushed over and the clouds were torn by his giant claws.

Although it is extremely angry, the sword is not lost, and the six-turn Damai is now in the current, it is impossible to fight.

If you don't care, the ultimate next thing is that he is also falling.

The else has been swallowed into the belly in the giant beast. The sword is unparalleled now. It is not a fight, but the way is to leave here.

After the release of the delay, after the hit of the beast, the sword is not going to fight, and it is directly to escape!

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