Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4936? Old Sheep

In the face of a trivial, the sword is unparalleled, and 30,000 swords have emerged in the palm of the palm.

Next moment, he welcomed the big Deman directly!


The air suddenly fell into the explosion, and the two ancestors were completely turned into a punch, and the energetic prosperous motto was extremely.

Then, the scream was sounded.

I saw that the old man who was previously like a wolf, directly by the sword. There is a flexible flew.

This scene is that the sword is unparalleled, and it is a little doubts that he is far away from the old feathers, then he is far away.

This is clearly the old man who belongs to Da Yanxian, and it is too weak.

The sword is unparalleled. If you just use it, you can use it directly to your hammer.

He is in his heart, then flying to the old man who came back to the ground.

The old man's breath, the face is full of god blood, and when he saw the sword, there was no pair, and he hurriedly climbed up and retired. Only there was only a panic.

"You, what kind of person is you, how can a Division in the district have this kind of strength?" He said with his face and tremble.

"Of course, people who want you to live!" The sword didn't have a cold and cold, then raised the palm.

For the enemy, the sword has never had any compassion.

The old man wondered when he was dead, then he directly pumped down, "Ask everyone to raise your hand, I will live in this unity of the sea, I just want to be able to live in a day."

"As long as adults can put me a way, I am willing to do."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is no longer killed.

"Tell me, where is this, have you had any strange faces?"

The old man is like a Daddy, "Go back to the adult, here is the exiled ranch, when I created, I didn't know, but the place here, I am still alive, responsible for controlling the order here."

"Here is the exiled ranch, in fact, because there is a lot of exquisite people here, we want to live, you can only stop the fight."

"Dead big Damadi, it is used to fill the earth under the feet, and it is stable here."

When I said, the old man refers to the layer chain on the neck. "Only killing a certain number of big densities can unlock the chain, live here."

"How much have you been killed?" The sword watched him.

"Hey, there is no." The old man said ashamed, "I just want to continue to live."

The sword is unparalleled, and "that" That is in these time, have you seen any strange face here? The body is very high, the long-term English, the tale is gold. "

Listening to his description, the old man meditated for a moment, then shook his head, "Tell people, this is almost a dead water, in nearby China, there is no exemption from the expropries, the person you describe, Never likely coming here. "

The sword flashed in the eyes, then he turned and prepared to leave.

"Adult, this is dangerous, or ask adults to stay again, let's leave!" The old man quickly stepped forward, watching him to bite how to say, "The better, the better."

Although the sword is unparalleled, it also shows that he is not like a lie.

After nod, he was ready to leave here.

However, everything is already a bit late.

I saw that there was a lot of black light burst out from the four wilderness, and then she was then laid out in front of the sword.

The sharing four has a strong body shape, and they locked this strange visit in a moment.

Three feet high, the three initial borders, a three-way Damadam, every delay is full of pole.

But their eyes are all red, just like seeing prey.

The old man has a large change, whispered, "Adult, let's go, don't go, you can't go."

The sword is not a little dignified. If he deals with a single big Daman, he is not afraid, but it is now directly within the four big Damadam, the situation is very unauthenticated.

At this time, the highest one in the four big fans saw the old people around the sword, and suddenly sneer. "It turns out that your old sheep dare to do it? Is this your prey? Newly released?"

The old man called the old sheep bite his teeth, finally, "Yes, this is my prey, let's leave."

Four big Damadam also smiled at the same time, "Just talk to the old sheep of you, do you dare to talk? Your prey?"

The highest Damadi walked out, waving on email, and the delay that I watched and sent out directly.

The old man fell out of the way out of the line, and then fell to the ground.

All this happens too fast, when the sword is unparalleled, the four big Damadi have been brushing to him.

The four districtless derivatives are completely burst in the corner of the continent.

Air tremor, obviously to withstand the power of the big Damai.

Next moment, the sword was quiet and quietly streamed to a seven stars.

Hairstyle, a little mountain river.

Today, a little mountain river is no longer a one-point mountain river, which has long been growing with swords.

He suddenly opened five fingers, broke out, huge floods!

Dramaticized flooding, the three large derivatives rushing to the forefront of the top.


The torrent burst, and some of the four big fairy shocked.

After the body is, the most short big Dami is anger. "Damn, I will kill you today!"

His words, suddenly condensed a long gun in his hand, and then throws a sword.

The long gun welcomes the storm and has a lot of thousands of handles in a moment, just like the rain.

Looking at this scene, the sword is unparalleled without a panic. He quietly condenses a handle of the invisible sword.

After the sword, the long wind drove his clothes, let him reveal the breath of Silentness.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.


There is no fancy sword straight out.

In an instant, millions of swords are empty!

The rain rains in the nearly a thousand silent, when I touched these swords, I was directly twisted, and I didn't leave anything.

And that sword, the goal is not submerged, let the land under the feet are torn.

The first short-selling Dawi fairy suddenly shocked, he did not think that this sword would be so horrible.

The sword is like a mountain, and he will wrap him in a flash.

The remaining three big dean is hid in a timely, then some feelings look at this scene.

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