Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4937? Four Dagan

The whole neverhereous sea is under this sharp sword, set off a million huge waves, almost bordered with the sky.

The three hid an Available Damai, looked at the crazy rushing sword, and heard the sword.

How can this be a fairy? !

Don't he have been extinguished by a large energy that has been exhibited countless years, deliberately playing as a Diva to come here?

Thinking of this, they all collapsed and prepared for a war.

The swords of the sky cover the day, eventually dissipated.

The three big deanmen saw that this scene was pumping a breath.

I saw the clothes on the body at the moment, and the blood was born, and there was almost no meat on the fairy.

He shakes and desire, and his body is not standing.

"You, who you are?"

Suddenly spit out a big mouth, he is afraid to an additional point.

Just just a sword, I will forced a big Deman to this point, and it is also easy to write to the extreme, which is afraid that even the three transverse Damai can't do it.

The remaining three large deanities are not retreat of traces, and their eyes are lighter.

I wiped a nosebleed, and I hurriedly sat up from the ground, and I gladly looked at this scene.

Collect the invisible sword, the sword is unparalleled with both hands, the face is calm, and there is no fear.

In the face of the four big Damadam, although he was very calm, he was already pinching a sweat.

After all, it is necessary to face the four big Damai. If it is not in the momentous to suppress them, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape.

I can't fight, I am going to say it first.

"If you, dare to stop me?"

The sword has no double silence, the sound is full of no more than the power.

After the sword, I lost a little Daddy, I retired, although he wanted to revenge, but did not dare to have any thoughts, "I don't dare to stop the adult to go, you instantly leave."

He heard the words, cold and cold, then his eyes straight, seeing that there were several big dermations, directly forward.

No one dares to stop, only to watch the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

Seeing them to eat, the old man is smiling, and then rushed to the sword.

"Adult, wait for me ..."

The old man keeps up with him, and the face is exposed to the smile. "You will definitely don't know where you leave, I promise to take out the adults."

Listening to his words, the sword is unparalleled, "How, is this mainland still can't enter?"

The old man nodded, "It is indeed possible to enter. Once you leave, you will be alarm the breath, when he shot, I am afraid that the adult, you really can't leave."

"The bit in your mouth is very powerful?" The sword was unbrick.

"What is amazing, it is very powerful, here he is there is no existence. Even if the nine turn, the Damai is correct, he can't hurt him!" The old man said, it is somewhat frightened, and some fear.

The sword is unparalleled, if he is as if he says, the mysterious existence of this continent is, I am afraid it is a level of the nine-turn large-scale derivative.

"Is it a emperor?" If he thinks like his heart, it will soon deny this idea.

Even if I really had a strong, I am afraid I can't do it.

Of course, all this is just a sword unparalleled guess. The truth is, he doesn't want to know that it is just that you will leave this place as soon as possible.


"What about the big brother, is it true?!"

The sword is unparalleled to the original place, and several big deanmetric whispers who don't dare to move.

The big dean is indignant to the big dean of the blood gourd, "Let's go together, I don't believe him!"

"Stupid goods, have you been killed?" The highest big Damai, the only three-way Damai did not have a good air, "If we rank him, the most dead must be you!"

"What should we do now, really run away?" Another body shape is short, and there are two mustache's big Damadi. "Kill him, you can change a merit."

At this time, a dark and unparalleled short Damadi said, "This little Damai also couldn't change a merit."

"Old second, what do you say, is he really a Dynasty?" The high Dagan is rushing to ask.

He nodded, "Although he doesn't know what to use, he will make the third three, but his breath is not changed, it is undoubtedly."

"Then what we are waiting for, and you will kill him directly, and revenge for me." He said with the old three in his head.

The high Dagan is considering what, very quickly biting the dental road, "His mother, this time, no matter what you can't let go of this little merit, I will don't believe in the guy, it is a step by step. For it, let's four together, he also can't help! "

They look at the eyes, and then they are directly rushing forward.


"Not good, adults are chasing them."

The old man hurriedly said, but when the sword was unparalleled, everything was late.

The four flow-ravery degradation came, and all the four orientations were blocked from four orientations.

See this situation, the old legs fight, almost stand if the station is unstable.

The sword is also a condensed in the heart, and his most worrying thing is still still coming.

Four big Damadam, the pressure released is extremely horrible, almost criminalizing all the breath.

So far, so far, the minimum realm he encounters is Dagan, which is not imagined in the outside world.

And this also caused a very passive situation in the sword.

The arms are hugged, and a high-pronged look at the high Dagani who laughed and laughed. He looked at him with a slanting.

"Adults, can not listen to him, once you lose, the fairy is to be filled in the foot of the foot." The old man is tense.

"Old sheep, you don't roll back to put the sheep, this seat, you can also fill in the land." High Dagan anger.

There is no sword who has not blinded. I glanced at him at this moment, and then calmly said, "My life, you need you to take it, but not anyone can take it away, don't believe it."

The high-pronged fairy smiled, and the slightly tragent came out, and the sky was blocked.

"That's today, you have a few pounds!"

The old two, the old two, hungly reminded, "big brother, don't impulsive."

But he is a big hand, "This battle, no one should participate!"

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