The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is happy.

As long as they are not together, there is still a fortune.

Today's sword is unparalleled, even if you don't use your strongest sword, it is enough to suppress three-way big derivative.

So he is not afraid!

The highly strong big Daman must also pay for its own arrogance.

Waving your three brothers outside the war circle, the high-profile Deman is smiling, looking at the sword unparalleled eyes only have greed.

Next moment, he took the lead, and the earth-shaped delay trend revealed this moment.

Like the mountain sea, even the sword is unparalleled.

The old man has changed, and after watching the sword around, he bite his teeth and ran out the war.

In the face of the madness to the extreme, he did not move, just like a sculpture, condensed.

This makes the high-strong big Damai to the extreme, he suddenly shook his arms, and the sword was unparalleled.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth are big, and the dark black is burst.

There are thousands of layers in each layer, and the mystery runes are flowing in the middle of each layer, and the unimaginable potential is

At this moment, the sword was not lighter, and his right hand closed into a punch, facing the blacks of the shroud.

A punch!


Unable to describe, the ground is cracking in deep gully.

Time seems to be stationary, nearly a thousand layers of black ripples have hovered in front of the sword, and it is more difficult to further.

Three big Damadam in the war circle, looking at this scene nervous.

The sword of the whole force is unparalleled, but there is no punch, but still keeps still in a posture.

The land under his feet has split deeply, and like a spider web, it is radiated in an instant.

Next, there were nearly thousands of blacks, and the swords were crackled.

Like Wuyun, the extension is broken!

This is his strong fairy, even if the big Damadam in the same experience has to avoid it.

But in the eyes, this is not the district of a Deman, and he blocked him this record? !

This is really incredible, so that the high-gravidity of the fairy, but not dare to release the second letter.

"Big all wheel!"

He screamed, his arms hooked to the top, and endless endless derivation gathered to his palm.

A thousand hiking wheel, it is condensed at this moment!

The sword of the fist is unparalleled, look up to the void.

The black eyed wheel that is typically illusion is completely illusion, and there is a large number of lightning, and a lightning thunder is agglomerated.

With the more aggregation of the delay, the eye wheel is completely staring, as with a square eye, transverse to the world.

Under the shroud of this round, everything has become dim.

"Haha, the ant ants will die!" The high-strong dramatic fairy suspended in the void is laughing.

With his voice, between his arms, the horrible eye wheel slowly opened.

There are countless thoughts of silk-like derivatives from the eye round, and the dark purity is swallowing the sky, terrible is extremely.

Under the reflection of the light of the eye wheel, the ground directly burned a layer and quickly worched the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to the extreme, and the next moment, his wrote suddenly condenses a layer of blood.

Blood color pattern, scarlet monster to the extreme.

This is the way of killing, is the killing of the blood gas that is hidden by Yuan Jun.

It is the meaning of the ultimate killing.

Once the killing of the killing, the sense of the sword will fall into extreme thirst, and the strength of itself, even far more than my hair.

In the face of the magical attack, he opened the way of killing.

At this moment, it was the confrontation of Jomechi and Dark purple.

The earth that is covered by the dark purple, suddenly condenses a mean meaning.

Like the original, it is full of the trend, even if the beam cast in the eye wheel will be swallowed here, it is still hard to squeeze a crack.

The sword is unparalleled with the black robes, which has been completely broken, and bare bare chest.

"Hey -"

He is screaming, and the next moment is directly on endless dark purple derivation, and the sky is boiled!

Under his impact, all the derivative beams are broken.

Looking at the sidelines that torn the endless juncture, I rushed to him, and the high-profile Damai has been horrified and can't say, and even forgot the action.


The sword is unparalleled, and the terrible boxes directly tear the last layer of dark purple derivatives.

The boxing of the boxing rose by millions of feet, with the meaning of endless killing, and there is no hindrance to the dark purple eye.

This is a moment that is awkward, and the meaning of infinity is the meaning of the sword, and the shank is tatched into the eye.

There is no magnificent and shocking, even this scene has only a moment.

Then, everything is like a cloud smoke.

The high-ranking magic eye was bombarded, and the high-growth Damai was still in place or even did not respond.

When he responded, the portrait of the portrait of Scarletia has disappeared.

Then he felt a pain in the chest, there is something broken.

The high-growth dramatic fairy only feels that the delay in the fairy is passed on the speed of rapid, and it cannot be aggregated again.

He looks down to his chest down.

I saw a palm to break your chest from behind, picking out a bright star.

That is the fairy source, belonging to the three-way large fairy.

The next moment, the palm is covered, and the fairy is directly pulverized.

"no, do not want……"

After told this last sentence, it was completely no living, just like garbage, and bowed to the earth.

"Bang" sounds, I am aroused the Tools, and the high-profile fairy that has already been lost, his fairy corpse, and it is directly smoked directly, turned into a grayish stone.

Heaven and earth are dead.

The old man opened his mouth, which was obviously shocked by the scene just now.

The remaining three big Damadan have not come back from that scene.

Their big brother is dead in a derivative.

A broken fairy in the heart, the sword is unparalleled with red eyes to see the remaining three big Damai.

His monster smile, the macrity of the heart is completely released.

"Killing one, then you will kill the second one, you can't run today."

The sword is unparalleled, with a finger to point to them, just pronounced the death penalty in advance.

Three big Damadam all have a shock, and then look at it directly, and you will run away!

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