Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4944? Emperor

If the big Damadam, even three turns, the sword is unparalleled, and if they are separated, they have no possibilities.

Six turn, it is a watershed of Dagan, once it takes to six turns, it will be thorough transformation, condense the extension of the light wheel, and the strength cannot be imagined.

And why, the sword is unparalleled to kill the three-turn, but when they face the huge behemoths of six-turn big dermine, they will escape.

Six-turn big Damadam is a dream-like existence.

But he has now avoided, can only be hit!

The fairy-style mountain river was evoked, and a seat alpine god peak was directly in the sword.

At the same time, there is a violent Tianhe out of his palm, and it is turned to break the sky and go.

Heaven and earth are magnificent, and it has built the most hit.

The hill stands, the Tianhe rushes, the Xinghai flows to build a sword unparalleled fairy.

A maxilized blow, completely burst, unable to describe Huang Mang to condense in the center, like a million rounds of big days, and it is extremely pole.

I am afraid that I will continue to survive the most central survival in this explosion.

The side of the condense in the void is far from this scene, although the face is calm, but the eyes have been stunned.

He can feel the scary trend that the sword is unparalleled, and the kind of terrible trend that can be resistant to the chambers is precisely because of this.

"Do you really have a demapthing so terrible?"

As early as the battle of the sword, there was a battle with the ten black robe, the side of the big witnessed the battle, so he did not think that the sword was unparalleled.

After the release of the Heaven, he just stayed for a moment, then the figure did not disappear.

The unparalleled martyrdom, the sword is not strong, and he quickly took out an emperor Dan Pill into the mouth and prepared to fight.

Although it is not necessary to face a six-transverse Damai, he is confident, even if he can't overcome it, it can escape.

The whole feat of the fairy mountain river directly offsets the side of the side, just when the sword is unparalleled, he suddenly swayed a big crisis behind him.

The sword is not shocked, I don't want to go straight.

The old man who is holding a handle is not reacted at all, and the expression on the face is even still hidden, and it is fully flying out.

The blood sprayed out, the old man fell to the ground, and the chest collapsed.

The fairy body of Da Damai can't resist the sword.

Under the anger, the sword is unparalleled, "Why do you do this ?!"

It also spit out a god blood, the old man has been in terror, and after connecting.

It has been unparalleled in the bottom of my heart, and I am ready to take it directly.

But at this moment, the side is like a ghost shape, behind his back, then the palm quietly stuck behind the sword.

In an instant, I don't know how much the number of trays, Huang Mang rushed, and all bombarded.

The sword is unparalleled, and the back is fully affected.

This terrible blow is to be heavy than the previous blow.

So can't prevent it, the sword is unparalleled, and the baked arm is born directly in the nine-day clothes!

This hit is far away, so terrible, so that the sword has lost the ability to fight again.

If there is no protection of nine-day clothes, I am afraid that his fairy will be broken directly.

"Well? Not dead?"

The old eye is slightly trembled, but he didn't shot again, but the sword did not fall in the ground.


He is heavy to the ground, and the blood flows out of the broken fairy, and the blood falls on the grayish ground and is directly swallowed.

At the same time, a gray white tentacle rises from the ground, and then climbed above the sword unparalleled fairy.

This tentacle can swallow the fairy body of the big fairy, is one of the mains of the construction of the land.

Then, with the endless neighborhood, it fell in front of the sword.

He is a feet, and the tentacles that have to be swimming in the sword have drilled into the ground.

Then the son is slow down, and the face is sorry, "Unfortunately a good seedllar, I have pledged you, but I have to smash you, it is a unfortunate thing."

From the back of the sneak attack, he is full of confidence in his eyes.

And the sword is unparalleled in nine-day clothes, the arm of the nine-day nice has been broken, and it is not possible to make any action, can only see the side.

It seems to lose the farther who kills the intensive, slowly gets up, watching the old people who have been sluggish, revealing a disgust.

"You are all over, I have long seen that your heart is not pure, it turns out the murder is hidden here."

The son is afraid, and the palm is preparing to raise the old man.

At the same time, a big voice of the morning, broke the death of the land, spread throughout the four wild.

I heard this Hong Zhong Da Lu's big voice, the side recovered the palm of the palm, looked up and looked up to the top of the sky, then directly picked up the sword unparalleled, and went straight to the front party.

Over time, do not die, the fairy began to quickly repair, the sword is unparalleled, the limbs have been bombed, and it has already been reunited.

I bind his side with a tragent, see this scene, the eyelid is also jumping.

From this guy, regardless of the intensity of the fairy body, will it be a Dynasty?

But the side is far from thinking that he is a Deman. After all, there will be a Danxian to kill nearly ten big Damadomes with a self-cultivation? !

"It is best not to move, otherwise I will guarantee that you can't get into the Emperor." Headmares who have no wards in front of.

The swords that are traced by the tragent are unparalleled, still in a weak state, facing him not to win, so the sword is unparalleled.

Pierce the sky, with the strength of the side of the big sixth, almost a few breaths, and arrived at the top of the entire heaven.

That is a giant city, a majestic and desirable giant city.

But there is no giant city, can distribute the great potential of the kind.

Only the imperial city can describe it.

The entire space is only the building, and it is extremely popular.

After seeing this Emperor city, the face of the side has also become more dignified.

Then he was unparalleled with swords, and he turned into the Emperor City.

"Da Tian!"

Before the emperor, he was guarded by two three-way Damadan, they saw the side of the year, and the arched handed.

The son is far away, and then directly with the sword and unparalleled, stepping through the Emperor Gate, entered this Seminy Emperor City.

A unparalleled surface is coming.

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