Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4945? Emperor

That kind of unparalleled Dawei, solemnly cold to the extreme, so that the sword is unparalleled, there is a little doubt what happened to live here.

"The so-called Emperor, can be crowning, is there a emperor here?"

The sword is unparalleled, but soon he ordered himself.

Even if the true Wuyang has more than hegemony, it should not be able to put another emperor in this unbeatable sea.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled, but there are three emperors of the real shadow, they all crushed with the real mission of the real Wuyang, nor is it.

It can be seen that the emperor can be killed by another emperor, but it can't be saved, or is exiled.

But the two three-way Damadam who guarded outside the Emperor, the statue of the statue is far from the big official, or let the sword have doubtful.

The so-called Tianshi is the title of the idea of ​​the Emperor Jun.

Only the emperor will have a seat of Tianguan.

Just took the entire big city, Zhen Wuyang Emperor's monarch.

There are seven emperors under the real Wuyang seat. Every emperor is strictly equipped with a big official, Xiao Tian official ten, and cannot be exceeded.

As for the emperor, there is only a big official one, and Xiao Tian official is not limited.

The importance of the seat of Da Tian official, even beyond the emperor, and accompanied by a major companion from young years.

As a result, it is enough to explain that once there is a big official, and the appearance of Xiao Tian official, the appearance of the emperor.

Because they only serve the emperor, and the emperor.

The side is far known as the big Tian official, which means that in this emperor, it is likely to have the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled.

Soon, everything that reflects the eye, let him more downs.

I saw that countless fairy bones, forming a Tongtian Avenue, which has been extended to unknown fog.

At the end of the fog, if you have a frankly, it is a monetary monetary contour.

This scene is too shocking and Sen, let the sword are unparalleled to believe this willing to live with a terrible existence.

"Since the hands and feet are long, let's go, advise you, into this emperor, don't think about how to escape, otherwise these bones, but you are your next."

Recovered the tray chain on the sword without a double fairy body, the side is far cold, reminding him, then walks in the forehead and walk towards the giant temple.

The sword is unparalleled to turn the wrist. After the cold is glanced, he went around.

The entire Emperor seems to be covered in the cloud smoke in Xuan'ao, there is a non-real feeling, and it seems that there is no other real thing in addition to the white bones under the foot.

After convergence, the sword is unparalleled to watch the hide of the cloud in the cloud smoke.

The Bone Bone Avenue has a total of nine thousands of nine hundred feet, until the last step, the sword is unparalleled, some look is complicated to see the monette.

He has a total of nine thousand nine thousand feet behind him, and every fence is cast by the fairy bones, and every fairy bone is the corpse of the Deman, no exception.

That is, it is just this bone avenue, which is accumulated by the corpse of the immortal of the immortal.

What is the one of this temple? Will you make such a thing?

And there is still a strange thing, so that the sword is unparalleled.

He has a huge plaque in front of this giant house, and there are three big characters on the plaque.

But these three big characters are very beautiful, because they can't see their gangs from any orientation, since they don't tell the word, it is difficult to explain.

However, the sword is unparalleled soon, this plaque is not intentionally written, but seems to be presented and the image reflected.

With this idea, he quickly drifted in his mind, and then thoroughly understood.

This three quasiors on this Sterlen Giant Temple are actually mirror reflections.

The sword is unparalleled in your mind, and it is found in some familiarity.

" ."

Standing in front of the giant house, the side is far away, looking at the sword that is still in a daze, and then waving the temple door open.

It seems that the temple of countless years is slowly opened, a unique , also floating from the temple.

Then, the side is far away into the temple.

With his entry, the darkness of the dark temple came out of the lattice.

"I have seen big officials ..."

Although the sword is unparalleled, he does not want to step into the hall, but he has avoided it, he has to step into it.

As he stepped into, the sky behind the Temple was steep.

It also lit up in the original dim.

On the mountains on both sides of the temple, there are nearly a hundred days to slow down.

Along the two sides of the palace, accompanied by the sky.

The sword has no double eyeliner, these black rones, each of them, each of which has the strength of the three transverse densities.

If you shoot, I am afraid it will be extremely unauthorized.

Looking at the black robes that gradually approached, he has already smoked the delay.

At this moment, the side stopped the footsteps, slowly turned, and the sound was low, "retired!"

With the fall of this sound, there is already a big Demai in the black robe that has been surrounded by the sword, and it is like a tide.

I saw him, and the side continued to go to the giants.

The sword has no double and self-sighted breath. After reading the four weeks of hiding the crisis, no longer stop, and step forward.

"Hey, he has brought you."

The side stopped, slightly squatted, facing a somewhat dimly deep temple.

Then, a weak voice with doubts sounded, "Zi Yuan, is you?"

Soon, a somewhat thin figure came out of the temple, stepping in a hurry.

"Zi Yuan, is you?"

The thin and shaking shaped wearing a gray and white, but it was as pale.

After the side saw the person, I nodded again, "I will return to the temple, it is me, he also brought you."

This is called the young man under the temple, and it will look at the sword.

I don't know why, the sword is unparalleled to look at him, there is always an inexplicable feeling.

"It is him, a Division of the district, killing the seven big Damadam in our seat?" The young man did not dare to confuse.

The side is far behind, "The His Royal Highness, It's really only one person, the Yuezhong kills the big fairy, but not only killed seven, but eleven."

"What? 11 ?!" The young man was shocked, "But he is just a Deman!"

The son is far from the mouth, there is some convulsions, indeed, such a record, put it on a Deman, too incredible.

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