Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4946? Giant Hall

At the beginning of the ancient times, I have never heard of it, and there is an unfair to kill the big Damadan, the awareness between these two, can be comparable to the moon.

If you don't see the scene, I will not believe that he will not believe that a little Daman not only kills the big Damadan, but also killed 11.

In the face of eleven Dagan's encirclement, I am afraid he can't make this easy letter.

But the facts have happened, and he doesn't believe it.

The son is far or even thinking in the heart. Once the sword is unparalleled, it will be a scene, and it will be a scene.

Subsequently, he said slightly, "His Royal Highness, it is true, and eleven big Damadam is dead in his hand, of which you have six black robe, it is also falling in him."

The young man known as the temple is hidden, and the sword is won that the sword is won.

He was smashed by this gaze with a kind of Weiner, he was slightly uncomfortable.

This youth man in front of you, giving the sword unparalleled, but he didn't know where to know this.

After a moment, he said that he said quietly. "So, in the seven black robe under our seat, really fall in your hands?"

The sword is not concealing, calm, "Yes, they died, if they didn't come to kill me, I don't have to be enemies with them."

"That do you know why they are enemies with you?" The side turned around and looked at him cold channel. "If you are not your intention to destroy the land, how can they go to kill you?"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of matte, in the bloody battle of the previous four big fairy, the land under the feet can not afford to attack, and the strike is broken.

Subsequently, the farther's voice has eased, "You have to know that there is a difficult thing in the end of this without the sea."

"Above the sea, the heavens and the earth can not float, even the big Damai can't shuttle in the sea area for a long time, and this is also the importance of tomorrow, once the sky is broken, all of the big Dancto has no possibilities. "

"Do you know how this day is to form?" The side came to the sword. The sword was unparalleled. "This inch of the land is accumulated with the corpse of the Deman."

The sword is not a double brow, and the palm is already dark.

"Well, Ziyuan, now I am really wanting to see, how do he kill the seven big Damadam in our seat."

The young man slowly came out of dim, and the taste looked at him.

Then he waved again.

Time, there are three black robe to get out of the mountain sea column on both sides of the giant temple, from behind, blocking the sword unparalleled road.

"Start, you can live, and continue to talk about the qualifications."

As his voice falls, the three black rises behind the sword have moved, and the endless trend is in this moment.

Two initial territories, a three turn!

In an instant, the big Damadi, who is the three-way, uncommered from his palm, just like the world's unparalleled sword blade, straight thorn to the sword unparalleled back.

At this moment, he also moved, but did not turn around, but the fairy was slightly tilted, and the terrible hit was taken behind.

While avoiding, the sword has bounced a punch on the side.

There is no blessing without my real shadow, this punch has played a 10% power.

A hit the black robes make, you can't prevent it, the whole side is completely in this punch.


Juli burst, the black robe can eat this kind of giant, the whole fairy is like a kite with the disconnection, and the sky is flying out, and he is over the mountain column.

Every party supports the mountain sea column of the giant temple, there are hundreds of feet with so thick, and the ordinary fairy is only afraid of being destroyed.


The black robes have made heavy ours topped on a mountain column, countless cracks are centered on him, instantly filled the entire cylinder, I am afraid that the next moment will be broken directly.

After a three-way large-scale fairy, the sword is unparalleled. He turned directly, and the other two black rises that came forward were made.

The unscrupulous delay is burst in this hide.

A squid swept, shocked the entire hide.

Looking at the body shape with three big Damadam, and the young man did not fall in the body, the young man and the side were completely shocked at this moment.

This scene is too amazing. I know that the Damai is not in the hands of the big dermatoma, almost casually kills, and there is no possibility of fighting each other.

But the appearance of swords and unparalleled, broke their inherent cognition.

It turned out to be a Danctuary, can you be able to kill Dagan? !

Three thousand six thousand swords will be rushed from the body, and the bless sword is unparalleled.

Under the blessing without my hair, he did not fear the two initial borders, even the three-turn large-scale fairy behind it was not placed in the eyes.

Because of the big Damadam of the sea, more or less is some weakened, this is also the reason why the sword is unparalleled to let go.

Heavy punches, there is a slight short big dermal derivative avoided, and is hit by a front.

In an instant, his chest is directly collapsed, and the whole fairy has a big discount from the middle, and then the shell is usually flying, and smashed in the mountain column.


The whole hill column seems to have to bear the competition, and it will be broken directly from the middle!

The giant house is shaking, and it seems that the corner of the temple is almost torn!

After returning a black robe, the sword is unparalleled, and the stress is reduced, and completely let go of his hands and feet.

Although he completely let go of his hands and feet, there is no down hand.

In this Sterlen Giant House, if it is in the face of the owner of the temple, I am afraid that I am really good.

The giant temple is in vibration, and the unparalleled crack is unparalleled, and a fine crack is brought from the foot and then gradually spread.

Two black robes have made it constantly flying out, and climbed from the ground and handed again.

A hill column was broken by the giant force, and the whole temple is already a wolf.

A young man who looked at this scene was already a convulsion.

The side is far from the initial shock transition into helpless, he turned to look at the young man, said, "His Royal Highness, don't let them fight, or you have collapsed this Tiangong ..."

"Fast, stop." The young man finally opened.

Get the front of the command, nodded, and then on the previous step, reach the email free.

In an instant, endless exquisite water mist.

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