Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4947? Wanxian Bone Blood River

With this exquisite water fog, the cold cream also came with the battlefield in the giants.

It is unparalleled with the two big Damadam's swords, and the temperature is suddenly dropped, as if it falls into the endless cold cauming, the elders are cold to the extreme.

The two sprils were also directly frozen at this moment.

The sword is unparalleled, and a punch is smashed.

The two big Dawns that were frozen were directly hidden with countless ice crystals and sprinkled.

",, -"

Crisp ice crystals, the giant temple is re-caught in the dead.

Three big Damadam, only one left at this moment, and he didn't know.

Falling the ice crystals of the palm, the sword is unparalleled to see the side far.

The side is far away, and the front step is a long way. "Are you looking for death?"

He didn't speak, the palm of the palm, condensed a handle of the invisible sword.

In the main hall of the original dead, instantly full of sinister feelings.

"Do you think you are my opponent?" The front step forward, there is an endless stream of flow, and a glutinous wheel is condensed from his back.

When this is struggling, the young man is open, the sound is low.

"My Tiantong, it is not where you have a place, so I will converge a little, otherwise the cornerstone of this Tiantong will take a mat on your fairy pad."

The side is far from the words, withdraws an unprecedented strong delay, returning to his body.

The sword is unparalleled, and the young man who comes to him, "I am sorry, I am sorry today, I will never step down here."

"Leave it? Just leave? You kill all ten black robe under our seat, how do you calculate this account?"

Young men look at him in a laugh, "Do you think I will leave you easily?"

"What do you want?" The sword watched him.

He smiled slightly. "I want is very simple, just a transaction, even if you still have my account."

I heard this sentence, the sword is unparalleled, and he is the most likely that this kind of transaction is, there is a discomfort that is controlled by others.

"You only have this way." The young man stretched out a finger pointing to him.

As his voice falls, in the dark side of the giant temple, began to get out of a black robe messenger.

Sinking, swords are unparalleled, "What transactions?"

"This transaction is also very simple, but you need to leave a place, I can tell you the conditions of the transaction."

The young man slowed down in front of the sword, and smiled and smiled.

The sword is unparalleled to feel a big crisis, but it is too late!

A total of forty black robe makes it, released their own densities at this moment, bombarded on the floor in the temple.

In an instant, like opening the dust giant door, the entire floor has a blood red ripple.

"I wish you good luck." The young man smiled, and immediately pushed him.

The sword has no shocked, he wants to resist, but the giant temple behind him has become an endless blood sea.

There is a bloody to catch him, then drag into the blood sea directly, disappearing.

The blood waves roll, everything is restored.

At this time, the side is far from the side of the young man, asking if you ask, "His Royal Highness, you plan to put hope on him?"

"Do you have any other way?" He carried his hands, like something thoughtful, "he feels very different from me, I have a kind of hunch, can we leave this unbeatable sea, will be with him There is a big relationship. "

"Hope so, we are trapped here, it is too long." The side sighs, and the eyes are looking at the blood sea. "

"If he can't experience this bloody test?"

"That let him die inside, this blood is coming from the bones of Wanxian, there are not many, and he is a lot of him."


" ..."

The ear is a normal water flow of Qingquan, almost in this bloody sea, the sword is unparalleled.

He directly condensed the invisible sword, and then cut the blood gas arm that wrapped in the fairy.

Enter your eyes, everything is pure blood red.

Unlike the endless blood sea of ​​the Salvine Caves, this blood sea does not have the kind of cold and dead, but the cold and cold, but full of Senui's ban.

This kind of banned is very quirky, full of absurdly precipitated breath, giving people a unknown Seny.

The sword opens the bloody hand wrapped around the body, and the sword is unparalleled by the fairy.

He can feel that there is only a boundless dead, there is no other threat.

"Here, what is the place, why gave me a feeling of banned?" The sword was unparalleled in the mind, and everything in front of his eyes.

Soon, his body has sheds the deepest place of this blood sea, which makes him somewhat surprise, this is the depth of this blood sea is land? !

It is indeed land, but it is just the land of white bones.

A crushing fairy has already been a pile of bones, and the stack is stacked in everything, and it is built into a borderless white bone.

Under this bloody sea, the sword is unparalleled to look at this scene, and it is a confusing, and some are shocked.

How many different fairy do you need to fall in order to pile up this white bone?

This is the objection space under the blood sea, his head is an endless blood sea, the foot is boundless white bone.

Under endless, only he is alone, lonely to the extreme.

"He, why should I lose me under this blood sea?"

After convergence, the sword is unparalleled to think about this problem.

This bloody sea is ignorant, full of ridiculous ancient ban, just like a one left behind, rather than a sentence of imprisonment.

"Don't he plan to get some kind of opportunity here?" He thought of all possible possible.

At this moment, with the cryogenic whimper, a little cold and charming voice, quietly sounded behind the sword.

"Unparalleled, look back and see who I am."

The sword is unparalleled, and this sees a shape wearing a black gold pleated skirt.

That is a woman.

A black gold pleated skirt will be very cold to the extremes of her figure.

They are just a few feet, and they can clearly see their respective faces.

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, and the unconscious condenses together, and the heartbeat is getting more and more accelerated.

In the face of such a mysterious to extreme woman, he always feels some kind of in his heart.

Since the first encounter from the first big flight, they just have a rush.

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