Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4948? Killing a blood

Although only rushing, they can always meet in a place where they want, they seem to be destined in meditation, never leave.

The long wind blows her long hair, and there is a blow to blow the black gold pleated skirt, like the black gold flower that is blooming, so that she is expected to be instead.

On this white bones, only her is unique.

Cold, and it is clear.

She is Zheng Ying.

Long hairdressing is blown by the long wind, immediately takes out a golden jealous from the waist, and the scattered long hair disk is behind.

A pair of people have a unique charm, as if they are full of autumn water, and the sword is fixed.

At this moment, the kind of watching the sword is unparalleled, but I don't know why, I can't avoid it, I can only look at her.

She is really unparalleled, but she has a risk that cannot be described.

After the time, the two were coming to him.

The sword is unparalleled, but it finds that the movement is somewhat unnatural.

"Let's talk, why is it here?"

She is very unsatisfactory, asking him.

Listening to this familiar tone, the sword is unparalleled, "You, are you really Zheng Ying? Isn't my illusion?"

"First answer my question." Zheng Ying's tone is unquestionable, and the stunning cheeks have an angry.

The sword is unparalleled, and finally, "Well, I am mainly because I have to find the else, he is exiled here."

Then, he will happen before, roughly talking with Zheng Ying.

After listening to all, Zheng Ying's sword eyebrows were slightly covered, "Stupid, just for him, just in the insurance to here? Do you know where it is? Is it not afraid to die here?"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Stupid, then you can know that I am in the dislocation you are going to face?" Zheng Ying looked at him cold channel, and then pulled out a sharp soft sword from the waist jade belt.

The sword tip arrived in his throat.

The sword is unparalleled, and even even the delay is not released. He can feel that Zheng Ying does not kill, and it is not released.

"Are you really Zheng Ying, or a false Zheng Ying?" He has been completely confused and began to fall in doubt.

Zheng Ying recovered the soft sword in his hand, cold and cold, "I am of course fake."


The sword is unparalleled. I didn't think she would answer.

Remove the soft sword, Zheng Ying continues to be cold and cold, "Always I said every word, here, don't believe any Deman, just kill a blood road, who tells you that any reason should not be believed."

He heard the words, after a slightly sinking, some uncertain questions, "Then you said, should I believe?"

Zheng Ying is silent, the last is there, "Don't let me smoke you ..."

After this last sentence, she turned directly to leave.

"Remember every word I said, this can support you here."

Zheng Ying's figure finally dissipated in front of the sword, it seems that everything has not appeared.

But the sword is unparalleled, she did it.

"Strange, why do she know where I am?"

The sword is unparalleled with a little doubtful way.

At this point, he has confirmed that it is indeed Zheng Ying himself. Although she is too incredible every time she is too incredible.

Astringent, the sword is unparalleled, and it is decided to start after thinking about the meaning of Zheng Ying conveyed over and over again.

This extends in the blood sea, and he has been extending to endlessness. He guess that you want to leave here, you can only keep going.

"In this case, then kill a blood road."

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, and the whole fairy is like the true sword of the Holding Front.

It seems that with his heart, the original dead white bones began to vibrate.

Like boiling, a broken fairy begins to recover.

"There is no immortal breath ..."

A fairy bone that was built to the extreme, and the sword seems to be attracted by the breath that the sword is unparalleled.

The two regiments will destroy unsteady oloma in the eyelids.


It suddenly hored the broken true sword in his hand, and he was crazy.

The sword has shaken his head helpless.

Next, he condensed the invisible sword in his hand.

In the face of the white bones that gradually gathered together, the most fierce blow was released.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.


The flat and unmoids, like a stone with a stone in the lake.


Endlessness is completely burst here.

Millions of swords are unveiled, every way is the most peak of sword!

Along with millions of swords, thousands of hometown columns also fell.

The white bones are magnificent, as in the same way.

The bone bone army is rushing, under this sword, directly broke the powder!

100,000 white bones, millions of swords!

The mountain sea will pour, the heavens are in this sword!

Countless white bones broken into a powder, returning to the earth.

A figure, walking countless white bones, is a million swords, and firmly.

At the same time, the giant temple of the Tianlu, the young man standing in front of the blood sea and the side, after seeing this shocking scene, the eyes jumped.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to develop the white bones, which is simply refreshed.

Half, youth men deeply suck one breath, "this guy, what is the origin? How could it be a Damai?"

The son is far away, "Everything is known to everything, I am afraid that there is no Deman to know his origin, he is very mysterious."

"This assessment is for him, I am afraid it will be able to get it soon."

The young man shakes his head, "Completed? I am afraid that it is not possible, this blood sea, but there is still a way to exist."

"Do you want him to get the inheritance?" The side of the side is a little dignified.

"This is not what I think, he can get it, no one knows the meaning, my only expectation now, he can live out."

The young man said, "Maybe when he comes out, we know when he can leave the time here."



The last sword is falling, and there is no bones that can stand in front of the sword.

These unknown fairy bones that have fallen have fallen, and it has already been fragile to the extreme, and it does not follow the climate.

If it is an unusual big Daman to enter this place, maybe it will hate it, but the sword is unparalleled, these fairy bones are even causing any effective injuries.

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