Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4954? Jiang Zhiyan rebate (on)

As the fairy is broken, the dead fairy

The sword standing in front of him was quietly looked at this scene, and then scattered the intangible sword in his hand.

"I want to get out ..."

The dead fairy whispered, but when the dead light in his eyes, suddenly, suddenly, it seems that it is a way to return to the light.

"Although you are Jianxian, on this road, there is Jianxian, I am looking forward to your battle, but I can't see it."

"Their swords are more than yours, and you will not be so easy."

After that, after the last sentence, the dead fairy is completely falling, just like the Shenfeng crushed, his fairy bones were completely broken, and no longer recovered.

Standing on this slowly healed white bone road, the sword is unparalleled, although the face is calm but the heart is already trembled.

In this white bone road, there is a Jianxian? !

This news is far more than any news, but also can't vibrate the sword.

In the spirit, a swordmy is now afraid to imagine.

In the cognitive cognition in the sword, only Ding Bai B can be called the real Jianxian!

Even the sword is unparalleled, you don't agree with you is Jianxian. He has intuitiveness. Only after the unparalleled swords, the last sword of the Star River Hai Jingyi is able to completely and be a war with Ding Bai B.

At that time, he can be called Sword.

At the moment, it is absolutely terrible to be said to be a big fairy of the sword fairy.

When I think of this, there is no double of the sword, and what is the terrible existence of this white bone road?

Just when he was in meditation, the dead fairy that had already disappeared, quietly recovered at this moment.

A dark red dead light is burst from their eyes.

"Damn, is these things are not scattered?" The sword was unparalleled, and then he didn't want to run longitudinally.

Although he is not afraid of the dead fairy army, do an unnecessary consumption, or is extremely wrong.

So, in the next time, it can be seen that a vertical and arbitrary figure is running wildly, and after his body, it is an endless dead fairy army.

The white bone road is endless, and it is more broad and vast in the past.

Just like an elderly battlefield experienced a miserable blood.

It is a broken fairy bone everywhere, there is no spiritual to the treasure, the broken true sword, is very miserable.

The swords in the high-speed lush state are unparalleled. They look at the dead fairy army after the body, and they can't help but rise in the heart.

Just when he is intended to destroy, the white bones under the body trembled, as if there is something in a wake up.

"Disturbing this seat for long sleep, I see you of these bugs, when it is a long time."

There is a lazy and a vivid voice, which seems to be resounded from nine days.

Then the next moment, a long sword came from the clear voice, quietly sounded on this ancient battlefield.

With the long sword euro, the death of the dead fairy, the death of the mad, unparalleled death, all in the madness of the madness.

But it is too late.

The sword is quiet, like a million meteor falls, let the whole dark red void trembled.

Endless void, hundreds of millions of white bones, all have been shrouded in the sword!

Each of the swords is full of stunning, it is full of gentle, although it seems to be flat, but everything will lose color.

Under the shroud of this meteor, all dead fans have no survival!

They died too simply, so that the sword was unparalleled.

The final desolate of endless swords, all the dead fairy that stands in the same place, cracking!

On top of the ancient battlefield, the dust is filled.

And the most central sword in the sword is unparalleled, but there is no fluctuation, which has been terrible to the pole.

The sword is unparalleled to the original place, and the palms have been prepared to condense the sword.

But at the same time, there is a Senxiang cold breath behind him. "Feed the young, don't try to pull the sword, your speed will always be so fast, don't believe you can try."

A spools flow from the sword unparalleled horns, and it is possible to explain the problem behind him.

Then, the original death of the dead is steep, and there is a layer of ripples.

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, and it opened the biggest.

The person is a woman, a woman in the extreme.

The narrow Liuye eyebrows fly into the , a pair of adults get the extreme, and the embroidered red bouquet of the long after you will be floated.

She is in a black gold, her waist, the slope of the hexone!

This is a sword!

She walked from the void, standing on the front of this place, the eyes of the pole, the eyes of the pole, the sword was unparalleled, revealing a bit of the tempering look.

Looking at the six-handed long sword in her waist, the sword is unparalleled.

There is a tiger before, there is a wolhouse, and if he is in the middle, he is only dangerous today!

Dedicated time, the sword did not dare to move.

After a long time, the blister of the six-handed long sword suddenly opened, "this little generation, very good."

Then, the mysterious body behind him also opened, "It is really very good, it is extremely stable, it is a big material."

The Ying woman heard the words, the eyes were picking, cold channel, "Since it is a big material, you still kneel in him? What is you doing? Prepare him?"

The voice is falling, the sword is unparalleled behind the Sterlen's breath, then there is an instant in front of the infant woman instantly.

"Which, I am just habits, I will have to kill this waiting for the young people, I will have a lot!"

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to see the shape of the shape.

The same is equally full of middle-aged men, and the net face does not have to, and Juranxue has brought a little lazy.

And on his waist, there is not much, not many, and the six-handed long sword.

In the face of the blister, this middle-aged man is full of smiles that are concealed.

"No, these two swordsmen will not be a sword ..."

The sword is unparalleled, some of the heads, see that these two swordsmen can be a sword.

I am afraid that I will escape from here, it is not so easy ...

"This little generation is really good, I saw his swords before, very a photographer, able to break a six-turn big fairy source."

The Ying woman relieves, and the middle-aged man has gradually disappeared after hearing her narrative, and finally uneven.

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