Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4955? Jiang Zhiyan return? (Below)

How strong is it possible to break a six-turn big fairy song, how strong is it?

How strong can you use the guy who can use this sword?

"That is to say, what is this small generation on the previous white bone road?" Middle-aged man slowly asked.

The Ying woman nodded, "Yes, I just witnessed the battle, enough."

"If it is his words, it seems that I am awakened too." Middle-aged man looked at the sword unparalleled, the mouth slowly evacuated a smile.

The sword is unparalleled, and he can feel these two swords, although there is no strength, but it is definitely the existence of the Saturday.

I thought here, he suddenly realized what.

On the white bones said before the death of the dead fairy, there is a sword in the white bones. Is these two swordsmen? !

"The whole family also has a strong sense of reluctance, now the strength after death is more than three turns, and the strong swordsman who is strong is also not impossible, but I am a little curious."

The Ying woman said that there is a meal, and the sword is interested in the sword. "Little generation, the sword is your homemade Jiendao?"

The sword is unparalleled, nodded, "Yes."

"If you are really your own, the future achievements are not estimated." The woman said, and then extended his palm in the air.

In an instant, a picture of this chaotic deficiency appeared.

The sword is unparalleled to see this scene, and the pupil suddenly shrinks.

The painting is actually the battle of his and dead fairy!

In the drawing, the Tianhe flows, and the death of the dead fairy will eventually be passed through the Tianhe, and all kinds of squats sit on the white bones.

The sword did not think of it, and the picture between them will actually be completely expanded.

This kind of woman is unusually swordsman!

When the painting is finally dissipated, the middle-aged man looks to the sword, and the light is big.

"Sure enough, I look at this little generation!"

"Come, small generations, three rounds with me, I haven't seen such a good billet for a long time."

The sword is unbelred, and the middle-aged man who is excited to look at the very powerful middle-aged man. "

Middle-aged man heard words, temporary, "It turned out that you are going to hurry, then do it better, if you leave three rounds in my hand, we will leave you all right, if you avoid it If the war, I am afraid it is not good. "

He said, took the six-handed sword of the waist.

The sword is unparalleled, he can feel the two of these two unscrupulous swords, it is absolutely terrible than the performance of it.

If you want to support three rounds, it seems not a simple thing.

"How is it?" Middle-aged man clamped her eyebrows, showing a smile of a deep and long.

After a short thinking, the sword has no double-should have, "Then come, there is a first, I just need to support the three rounds, you will leave me."

"Happy!" The middle-aged man laughed and flew directly to the sword unparalleled.

The clothes of the black gold shirt floats with the wind, and his right hand pressed on the sword handle of the waist six hands.

The sword is not hesitant, and the palm is directly condensed out of the invisible sword.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man is bright in front of him, "I have no uncemmonious, the sword is the sword, and you are very courageous."

He followed, "Dare to say that the Wa Tao is destroyed, only to do this."

The Ta Luo Shenjian was destroyed by Dingbei Spring, this is the root cause of the sword without double condense the invisible sword.

Middle-aged man smiled, no longer said, slightly, "I am famous, the woman is my wife, known as Jiang."

The sword is unparalleled, "the sword is unparalleled."

"The sword is unparalleled, good means, then start."

As the voice falls, the whole look of the ancient battlefield quietly silently.

Middle-aged man named Yan seems to be not intended to take the lead, just smile and look at him.

The sword is unparalleled, which is purely than the Sword. He is not afraid. He is thinking about how to fight in the next hand.

In the next moment, the sword didn't double, as a thunder, the speed of the sword came to the ultimate, sharp sharp edge, straight to the sword.

This is flat, even the big Daman is not underestimated.

But next, the shocked scenes appeared.

In the face of this sword, Yan returned to the original place, then lifted the two fingers in the right hand, clamped the invisible sword under the cut.

The invisible sword of the unparalleled sword props, at this moment, it was clamped by two fingers!

The sword is unparalleled, he found that the invisible sword actually refused to enter half!

"The power is not small, but it is too impetuous, it is easy to see flaws." Yan laughed and said it opened.

The retreat is the rebel, the sword is unparalleled, and there is nothing of the mountain dew. At this moment, I am like the Shenfeng of Yue Yue, let people guess what is going to do next.

Yan's return is still a smile, and the right hand presses on the sword holder in the waist, and then goes to the front of the sword.

"Come again."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is ready to fight again.

However, this time, he only lifted the invisible sword in his hand, and he was hit.

Yan Hui is suddenly picking the right hand of the waist sword handle, and the long sword is directly out of sheath. He is headed by the sword holder.


All this happens too fast, so that everything is over when the sword is unparalleled.

He only felt that his chest was almost crushing, and he was tens of ten feet behind his body.

The long sword is returned to the sheath, just like something happens.

Yan's still laughs and looked at the sword. The sword is unparalleled, and it will always be inappropriate.

Looking at the chest of faint pain, the sword is unparalleled, and he is only a passive, he is almost crackled by Yan.

This makes him depressed, and there is a certain understanding of Yan.

"I started from the moment of the day of practice, just the action of scabbying, I will practice the year, in the Chinese year, I just strive to make the speed of sheath to the extreme, so In order to take a line. "

"So far, there is no one to block my out of sheath."

Yan returned to the blink, "How is it, is there interest to learn the sword?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not worthy of secret.

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