Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4956? A battle with Jianxian

It's just a full Huaian, which is just a whole Hua, which is an unimaginable thing!

You must know that the year can be equivalent to the time of the universe!

After ten cosmic reincarnations, only repeatedly doing a thing that even children can do, such persons cannot be described in any language.

Even the swords are unable to imagine, this is to achieve such a level of the swords.

He has been practiced so far, it is only a million, and this old monster who is cultivating it is a sincere admiration.

In the face of the invitation of Yan's return, the sword is unparalleled can only smile and shake his head.

Then he asked, "Are you Jianxian?"

Yan Huai, picking her eyebrows, "Nature, not only I am Jianxian, even my lady is also Jianxian."

A pair of swords, two swordsmals.

The sword is unpaired, when he learned that the two is the true sword, you know why Yan Qi will continue to have a three sword.

This is the meaning of point until.

Once you have across the sword, it is basically in a pleasant existence.

Tian Shang Tianxin Bai B is the first Sword of the sword, the first Sword of the sword, and this pair of swords, Jiang Zhi, Yan return, is the two swords of Jian Xian he encountered.

Jianxian and swordsman have essentially the difference, and the sword is not a round of swords, not a sword.

"Little generation, come up with the real thing, let me look at it, it is not a fever."

Yan returned to the sword handle, said.

And the sword is unparalleled, and at this moment, all the converging the spilled breath, the whole body shape is like a whimpete.

The wind is light, let the void have a ripple.

Next moment, he quietly opened his eyes, shot and shot!

Nothing is a real shadow.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.


There is no fancy sword straight, so that the whole void is shaken.

I was still laughing, and I converge my smile at this moment, holding down the palm of the sword handle, quietly grasping.

The violent star-shaped swords, broken the void, carrying endless trend to swallow the front, all the voids along the way burst!

This type of sword is too prosperous, and it is like a world to be swallowed.

In the face of this style, Yan Qi quietly took out a snowflake's sword from the six-handed sword of the waist.

Then he held a sword with his hands and cut a cross in front of him.

The void is smashed.

In the next moment, the violent star-shaped sword was blocked, and the four rushing mad rivers explode in the void.

And in the most central Swallow, even no damage, the neighborhood is not broken.

The violent sword hurricane blows his hair tip, in addition to this, no fluctuations.

When the sword is completely dissipated, the sword is unparalleled to see that there is no damage to the soul, the heart is not stronger.

Can you even have any effect on him?

The long sword in the hands of the sword, retreats, and the swim is unparalleled.

"I guess it, this sword is the beginning of the first sword."

The sword is not a hyper point, and you can guess the connection between swords, and you can see his terrible.

Yan's return to continue, "It is very good, as a protagonist, there is such a power, it is only to see it."

"This first style, you have passed, there are two days, you have to see your creation."

He said, the whole spilvery is full in this moment!

It was originally taken out by the snow blossom sword to be hosed, and the swords of the cold and mutant were ever.

A big crisis is surging in the heart, he wants to do it, directly lift the invisible sword.

The originally broken voids were quietly reflected in this moment.

Like the general sword screen, it will obscure the entire void.

This is the true sword of Jianxian!

This sword, directly killed 100,000 dead fairy army.

The unsatisfactory sword has formed an infinite sword.

If this is completely settled, the sword is unbearable will be hit.

In the face of such swords, the sword has turned quickly.

When the sword is depressed, the voids can't afford the rush of this sword, and become bound.

Watching this kind of woman in the distance, that is, Jiangzhi, lighter, palm also pressed the waist sword handle, and seems to be ready to assist.

Although the sword is unparalleled, let her appreciate it, but Jiangzhong does not think that the sword is unparalleled to resist this sword.

As a sword, she is extremely considerably, the sword is terrible.

Therefore, Jiang Zhi is ready to pick the sword.

Virtual empty, the sword is sudden, the fierce sword is enough to easily defeat the heavens.

In the face of the unveiling of the infinite swords, the body is in the most central sword, but also opened his eyes at this moment.

A cool green sword that is very unparalleled before, rising from his feet.

If the representative of the unparallender is angry, it is true, then this green sword is, it is flourishing, new, tough.

Even the soul of this scene, I felt doubts. He can feel that this sword is simply different and the sword is unparalleled, and it is a new sword.

"Is it, do you have this post-generation, I realized another sword ?!"

No one answered him, at this moment, there is no double weeks, completely enveloped by the green swords.

A piece of grass also rotates, gentle and tough.

Even his pupils have a full green color.

Dominant grass sword.

Eighth forms.

Embankment season.

The sword is surprising, all things can be swords, a grass, a Liuzhi, is enough to release the sword.

Infinite swords will make a green green grass leaf, and it is as if Spring is coming.

The flow cloud grass swords, the first six-type predicted, the post-three-game pre-predicament, the bits of the avenue, and the simplicity of simplification.

And the four seasons of the eyebrow are also the most terrible all-spectrum.

I have to see the avenue during the micro.

Infinitely green grass leaf is a hand of unusual sword, standing in the swords below the cover.

The two integrate the impact and broke out the most terrible scene.

The grass sword consisting of green swords, started to break under the squeeze of the sword!

The sword is broken, the grass sword is broken, so that this whole bone battlefield has fallen into a big earthquake.

Looking at the upcoming grass sword, the sword is unparalleled, there is no fluctuation, just as if it is not worried.

And Jiang Zhi also rushed out at this moment, and the completion is a bit anxious, and it is ready to prevent the race that will happen.

At the same time, she has an angry, watching Yan to return to the responsibility, "Your guy, is it serious?"

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