Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4957? Want to make a teacher?

At this time, Yan's return, the fever, the blame, and the double eyes looked at everything happened in the sword.

For a long time, he said that he said uncertain, "this small generation, it seems to have broken my sword."

It is planning to waving the Jiangzheng that happened in the tragedy. After hearing this, the palm stopped in the air, turning the head, "What do you say?"

"This little generation seems to have to break my sword ..."

It seems to be in order to confirm his thoughts, it is originally broken, the grass sword that is about to persistence, actually stopped breaking, and began to get up quickly.

Next, almost collapsed grass swords were re-condensed, and the swords were more majestic, with a tenacious pounds, and once again stabbed the sky.


Like Tiandao collapse, the land is falling, and everything is in destruction.

This is the final collision between two to strong swords, so that the delay is eclipsed at this moment.

This is a long time to destroy the white bone road.

When the swords of the infinity is all broken, the jade-incomplete sword is also dissipated, and a black robe has a broken white bone road, slowly walking out.

The sword is still calm, but only a touch of red red in his mouth.

Although he did everything that might happen, he was still trauma, but fortunately he gamble.

The flow of clouds and swords are far from unparalleled swords, and they are magnificent, unparalleled, but at this moment, he successfully helped swords unwinding this form.

The sword is unparalleled with a slightly random, which is almost ignored by the trauma that he is in this time.

And all this is because he uses a stream cloud grass sword.

If the sword is unparalleled with a double sword, it can hardly take the full sword to return, but the cost of being absolutely heavy.

Because this is a sword of the sword.

Surrounded by the heavy cost is not a sword where the sword is unwilling to see, because the next white bone road, once we have lost, it is almost pronounced.

So the sword is unparalleled without choosing hard resistance, but to deal with the flow of clouds.

From simple-to-grow flow cloud swords, the meaning of the sword is tough, freshman, which is enough to let him use the smallest loss, to meet.

Successfully, fortunately.

Going out of the center, there is no damage, even even the robe is not contaminated with the sword of the dust, and it is unparalleled to Jiang Zhen.

A pair of swords, two swordshasters, at this moment, they have come back from the shock.

He looked at each other, and later he looked at the sword.

It is possible to hardly hit the swordsman, I am afraid that I am afraid to pass the things that I can't convinced.

But this scene has happened.

Deep sucking a sigh of relief, Yan Hui, "Little generation, your performance is beyond our expectations, I am afraid you can't have a Hua Ye, even if your sword is stopped, it is enough to see the sword fairy."

The sword is unparalleled, "the seniority is praised, the sword is in the heart, everything depends on its own creation."

"There is also the last sword, if I win, can the two seniors leave me to leave."

Jiang Zhi and Yan return each other, and then a little crying, "We are so terrible, let you don't want to stay in the moment?"

"Amount, it is still approachable ..." The sword is unparalleled, "But I really have something to do, I need to leave here as soon as possible."

"In this case, if I hinder it, I seem to have a few points." Yan took a smile, "this last sword is more expensive, you have already proved to me."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is dark, almost no loss from the Jian Xian, which is undoubtedly the best situation.

"The younger generation is here."

Swallow nodded, then secretly looked at the waters around him, and quickly came to the sword. There was no pair of swords, and held his shoulders.

This move has made swords unparalleled.

Looking at Yanqi, he didn't want to return, he was inexplicably behind him.

"Seniors, you are ..."

"Cough, small generation ... is wrong, sword brothers, don't want to worship teacher?"

Yan returned to clear the throat, looking forward to him and sincerely.

The sword is unparalleled, suddenly a little crying, then, "seniors, I already have a teacher, I am afraid it."

Yan returned that it would be this answer, Suddenly I am airs, "Little Brothers, you have to know that the master can not be confirmed, you have to find it with your most, it is the best."

He said that he took the chest with his hand, "Xiao brother, as long as you recognize that Master, I have passed on your teacher, I will pass it, you are considering."

Two swords fell, and there were such a temptation conditions, enough to let any swordsmen in all the domains fell crazy.

However, the sword is unparalleled, still shakes his head, "Seniors, I have a teacher, really can't."

Yan Hua, did not think of it, he didn't think so of such a rich condition, actually, I can't be a matter of others ...

At this moment, Jiang Zi quietly appeared behind him, and slapped him out.

"The old guy, how many Chinese people have passed, still so mix." Jiangzhi screams, then look at the swords and no pairs, "Little guy, you will go, there is a goodbye after the future."

The sword is unparalleled, "that thanks."

Just when he was ready to turn, he took the voice of Yan Hui, "Wait a minute!"

The sword is unparalleled, some helpless look at Yan's return.

If he reacts, Yanqi will take his right hand directly, in the wrist, two fingers to quickly and easily.

Then, a hinder of the true sword of the index finger is printed on his wrist.

The sword is unparalleled to recover the wrist, and if you want to use the derivative to force this mark.

"You don't have to be a little brother. This imprint does not have any disadvantages for you. It is my sword. You can I don't know where you are, if there is danger, I and your teacher, will save it in the first time ... "

His words have not been finished, and they have been flew out by a slap, and the Jiangzi is separated from one hand, and it is very angry.

"It's really a guy who is old, it is simply a sword."

The sword is unparalleled. If you don't have it, you can still have two cheap masters, it is a mess.

After a silent commemorate, he silently bid farewell to the two swordshasters and then continued to advance to the end of the white bones.

Swallow that was originally lost, after seeing the sword where the sword was unbearded, suddenly the dragon was lifted, and the excited ran came to the front of the river. "How, what are you apprentice?"

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