Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4958? Wanggu Tribut Site

Jiang Zhiyu himned him, did not speak, looked at the sword unparalleled figure, he said quietly.

"His future, I also can't see it, but now I can be sure, Jianxian will not be his end point, but the starting point."

Yan Huai heard a deep breath. "That seems to our apprentice, there is no white collection."

"What is your apprentice, haven't you seen him have decisive refused?" Jiang Zhiyi is white and he said.

He smiled and scratched his head. "What is it, if you want to be a master, your face is thick, and you are tangled, this is very necessary. I have left a mark on him. Can you escape from The palm of your hand is not. "

Jiang Zhiji, then he looked at the endless still time. "The limit of this life is probably here, and it is better to leave with it under this blood sea. That little guy can remove the burden to our father. "

Yan Shi nodded, stretched a lazy waist, "indeed, in this blood sea, the bones are rustful, it is time to do it."

"Our swords have passed into the boy, and it will not be buried, maybe it may reach another realm."

"So, this little guy can't put it!"


Leave from the two swordsman, and after a thousand miles, the sword is unparalleled.

The oppression of Jianxian brings to him is too big. If the two swords fairy iron don't let him leave, then he will never escape.

Lift the right hand, watching the sword mark between the wrist, sword unparalleled shook his head.

He converges the heart and continue to travel.

The white bones under the foot seems to endless, although it has never seen the end through the heavy grinding.

This makes the sword have been somewhat depressed. If you consume this, I am afraid that I haven't found it yet. I will sink in this sea.

No matter what the next, he has to leave here with the fastest speed, leave the so-called land, find the else.

Swordsman, sword, no double, long, one moment!

When he is constantly moving, he has begun to find out that the more the back of the white bones, the more you don't have the breath, and all the fairy rhyme has dissipated, and even the fairy bones can't become a dead fairy. Silent to the extreme.

At the same time, it is that the pure and rich delay is flowing.

This makes the sword unparalleled, he did not think of such a strong delay in this blood river.

At the same time, let him mention the heart.

The changes in the white bone road have also made him alert.

The flat white bone road originally made from the Damadami bones, and the arc is now starting, as the arc is generally in the same step.

The sword has no double stopped, watching the ladder white bone road in front of you, and the eyes began to downs.

This day, the ladder is a faint, and it has been stretched into the dark void. In the end of the dark cloud smoke, there is a very blurred outline.

He is dark in his heart, and this scene seems to be similar to the Tiangong on Tianland.

If there is other branch of this white bone road, the sword is not going to go forward, but there is only one white bone road, only one will continue.

A deep breath, the sword is unparalleled on the ladder.

The feet fall in the first order, and an invisible pressure cover is pressed around himself.

That pressure is invisible, as if a certain rule, directly covering down.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no excessive hesitation, the footsteps fly, the body is flying forward, just a moment in an instant!

After a thousands of steps, the sword was unparalleled, and his horns already had fine sweat.

The pressure on this ladder is far more terrible than what he imagined, and after boarding a certain number of layers, the pressure will be multiplied!

The 10,000th order, the sword that has been forced is unparalleled, as if there is a million hills in his body.

Looking at the road in front, he biting his teeth, and then forward again.

This time his speed slowed down.

10,000th order.

30,000th order.

50,000th order.


Seven thousand orders!

At this moment, the sword is already in a hurver, and the derivatives in his meridians have been running extreme.

Every pores of his pores are evaporated out of sweat spreads.

Eight hundredth!

None of my hair is directly forced out.

There is no blessing without my real shadow, the sword is unparalleled, only a relaxed weather, and it can go quickly.

When Ma League is a huge palace that was originally wrapped in the black cloud smoke, it finally appeared.

That is an empty and huge Tiangong, full of endless cold breath.

The sword is unparalleled, there is a kind of inexhaustible, this Tiangong, is very likely that the emperor who is in the era of ancient times.


Is this another old heaven? !

When I thought here, the sword was unparalleled and thought of the sixth day of the sixth day.

In the past, it means that opportunities are coexist with a big crisis.

However, he did not have any interest to develop this heaven. To know that the emperor even anger, it is the pressure he can't bear.

But now the sword is unparalleled, but there is no way to escape, and only the scalp can go to this old heavens.

The last 10,000-order steps are almost the first nine-order, all stresses are unprecedented.

Even if I didn't have my dream, I couldn't help the sword. He didn't even dare to breathe.

95,000th order.

Nine thousand six thousand steps.


Nine thousand!

At this point, the sword is unparalleled and three avenues are oppressed!

There is no double sword.


Kill the way.

On the three avenues, he made him prior!

Nine thousand nine thousand.

When he moved to the last step, he is already a strong end.

Every pore is no longer sweat at this moment, but the blood of Yinhong!

The blood drilled in his jarmetic robe, soon he was absorbed.

The sword has no double-handed hands, after removing an emperor Dan Pushu entrance to stop the injury.

Some broken unexpected immortals will recover quickly.

Slowly spit out a turbidity, the sword is unparalleled, and the previous fatigue is all flashed.

After he looked back, he was surprised to find that the white bones had disappeared completely!

It seems that I have never existed, only endless voids behind him.

I took a deep breath, and the sword went to move toward this endless and the sky.

"Whoever, dare to be a heaven!"

In addition to the sky, there is a sound in front of the silence of the giant door.

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