Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4959? Zhen Wu Emperor

With this no, the sound of the weigh, the two hand-held big Damadam, tearing the empty out.

Two three translators!

The sword is unparalleled, and the palm is also condensed in an instant sword.

"The sword is in the sky, death!"

Two hands of the big dermatom, the big dermatom, bursting, !

In the face of two three-way DVD, in fact, the sword is unparalleled, but it has been avoided, but he has avoided, only one battle!

Two sorts of Tianlu cross, instantly criticized the big man!

These two Tianshoumen did not ask if they didn't even ask them.

The sword is unparalleled.

Jian Fengyi, from 36,000 swords, all of them, all.

I realized the strongest swords of myself, and now I have reached another unprecedented realm to the swords and swords.

Not just a sword, the wrapped ancestral surgery, the fairy is getting closer.

If it is not a sake of the fairy source, the sword is unparalleled. After the battle with the nine days of Xianjun often, he will go to the big Daman!

But if everything is, now, today, it is still just a peak of the Deman.

However, his Deman, but there is a terrible strength that can kill the big fairy.

In the face of crunch, the three thousand six thousand swords will be stranded from all directions.


Before the quarter, the most magnificent bleak broke out.

The two talents retired after Qi Qi, and they were cautious in both eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no challenge to the original place. "I have no intention to enter the heavens, but here is the way I will go out. If you can tell other left, I will leave."

Listening to him, two patrians look at each other, and there are some killer.

In the end, a big Dali, a long step, step on, "" You and go back, to disturb the sleep of the emperor, once the emperor wakes up, no one can save you. "

"I am not intentional, but I am afraid it is my passive road, only from here, I can't retreat."

The sword is unparalleled without retreat, and the condense said.

"Bold, do you dare to be so arrogant? If you are not afraid of this seat to kill you?" The guards were approached again, holding the Tria's palm seems to be killing.

He still stood in the same place, said calmly, "You can't kill me."

"It's a arrogance!" The guardian is anger to laugh, and the sky is not bombarded to the sword.

However, at this moment, the abnormal changes.

The tangerous rid of the ridge is in the top of the sword, and it is difficult to enter half, it is like some kind of intangible heavens to take its bundles.

Even if he has a red color, it can't be further stepped.

The sword is unparalleled, and he did not release any derivation, as well as the sword to stop, but seeing the patriarchant's appearance does not seem to be false, but the real wrapped.

Next, it seems that the heights of the county of countless years slowly opened, and the endless Guanghua was mapped.

The two patrians have the face of the face, they don't want to do it directly, and they don't dare to lift them before the sky.

Guanghua is instantly dissipated, and everything will recover.

"come in……"

One low, and the sound of the above the heaven is resounding from the heavens.

The sword is unhesessed in the heart.

"One, alive emperor ?!"

He didn't dare to confuse it. Is it true that the sea is really hung in the sea? !

Inhibition of the idol of the unable to calm down, the sword is unparalleled and finally decided to enter the heavens.

He has already held a decided mind. If this emperor is not going to let him go, it is not a death, and it can be reborn at least in the future.

Step by step, the warm jade ground under the feet quietly lit, and then the whole heaven is illuminated.

The sky is empty, there is no mountain sea column that is listed, and there is no case in sequential, and some are only empty.

The sword is unparalleled, and the inexplicable feelings feel a chill.

"You came……"

The kind of endless instrument and the sound of the loudly in this field, he could not detect this sound from one time.

"You are my self-sleep, the first time I saw the guest, and I have been as early as a few days ago."

With the fall of this sound, an emperor is shaped from the depths of the sky.

Unable to say that the heavens are turned around, let people only look at it, and they don't dare to look directly.

After the sword is also seeing this scene, the pupil suddenly wrinkles, just like seeing something that dare not confidence.

The emperor of the emperor worn was the same as the true Wuyang students!

Whether it is facing, the body shape, or the breath of the body, all the same as the true Wuyang students, it is like a mold in a mold!

"Do you think I am familiar, and the emperor of your heart?"

The emperor slowed down to the sword without double, and the face was calm.

The sword is unparalleled in a sword, and some will be done. "Do you know what I am thinking?"

"Of course, what I want to know, everything can't be seen." He went again, a pair of true eyes, as if able to think about the sword without double.

And the sword is unparallled, and if he is as he said, it is too terrible.

Emperor continued, "I predicted this scene as early as Hua Ya, just let me not think that the Can't think of it is a negligible Division."

"Have you ever been to heaven?"

In the face of the question, the sword is unparalleled, and finally nodded, "Been."

"See really Wuyang?"

"See it."

"Do you think I am a bit similar to him?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is dark, "it is a bit similar, it is just the same ..."

"I also know itself, like the same as Zhenwu, do you want to know why?"

The emperor smiled slightly, although his face is no longer young, but it can still see endless English.

He is like a memories, and the lessen is getting width.

"His name is true Wuyang, and my name is Zhenwu."

"However, the Wanjian Tianyu only knows the Imperial Emperor, but does not know the real Wu Emperor."

"In other words, I am him, he is also me."

After hearing this sentence, the sword is very shocked, an emperor can separate two different individuals?

Then which one is true, which one is fake?

"There is no true and false between us, just two different images." The famous is the true Wu Emperor's elastic, and it is a puzzling of the heart for the sword.

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