Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4961? Falling into a bloody battle

In the past 50, the three-way big Damadam, the released Tian Luo Site is in full!

At this moment, the space under the body began to bear to withstand, and it seems that it is possible to break.

The sword is unparalleled. This day, there is no possibility of escaping at all.

And he did not escape the idea, and the deep pupil revealed a scorpion scarlet.

The Tian Luo Litenet, which is rough, such as the chain, is turning his group, and the terrible trend is coming.

The thunder of the arm is surging, and the rapid consumption of the delay in the sword is unparalleled.

For the first black robe, I have seen him, hurriedly, I trip, "take away!"

In an instant, more than 50 black robes made a moving body, and every hand involved a traction chain, ready to be lush in front.

But the scene did not expect.

Collection of 50 big Damadam, actually did not drag swords!

He was condensed in the original place, just like a cover pressure world, Tianzhu General terrible hills, even if dozens of tragent chains left deep traces on his fairy, they could not drag them.

It is very shocked, you must know that this is the power of more than 50 Dagan!

Even a little Division can't control? !

"Give this seat!"

For the head of the black robes, the emperor, the trays chain in his hands became a straight line.

The rest of the black robes have also followed the imitation and tighten the trays chain.

This strange scene will be horrified if it is seen by the outsiders.

It was originally not in the situation where there was no suspense.

The sword is unparalleled, even if the deracent chain on the fairy body has been stretched until the extreme.

A splashow rays come out from his body, and the road of killing has been added.

Nine-day UHN is also patriarchally blue-colored Huang Mang, she asks his fairy without any damage.

None of my true shadow, the killing of the killing, the sword is unparalleled at this moment, he suddenly slammed the arms, facing the neighborhood of the necklace, squatting.


Dosing until the extreme voice, nearly 20 trays chains are broken directly under this hit.

There are more than 20 black robe on the spot to retreat.

The sword is unparalleled, and he continues to move the arms, once again, the remaining diffraction chain of the wrapped in the fairy is smashed!

All black rises have returned to a hundred feet and then in the next again.

The sword is unparalleled by the blood gas, and it is directly to meet. While taking care of the strength, his body is like a ghost, so that all the black robe is unable to ponder.

First, the digital black robe before, I only feel that there is a blood shadow before the eyes, and there is no sign of spitting a mouthful of viscous blood!

Their chest is all collapsed at this moment, and it is somewhat broken!

The sword is unparalleled with an unimaginable speed, and these black rises that come forward, each of them is at least two punches, and the fairy is dangerous to break.

A moment of retreating a number of black robe makes it, the sword is unparalleled, and the invisible sword is suddenly smashed.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.



The unparalleled crispy and Jian Ming suddenly broke out the huge Huayang.

The whole party is 10,000 miles of Tianzhu tremble under this sword.

A sword is straight, let the big trend you have emitted by Dagan.


Million swords are completely exploded, and they directly tear the sky along the way, and they have exploded in the black robe.

There is no shade without my true shadow, the killing of the killing, rarely using the reasons for the sword, is that the uncontrollable factor is really loaded.

The appearance of this Xinghe Lake Hai Jingyi is almost instantaneous to support the fairy.

At the same time, if you don't die, you will have a crack at this moment.

The right arm of the sword has no double sword has begun to bloom cracks, and the blood is bloody.

None of my true shadow, and the way of killing is too much exhausted, so that after the sword is unparalleled, after the first sword is released, it is necessary to use the power of the Deni Dan Pill.

He quickly returned the number of Dan Pushes in the entrance.

Under this sword, the surrounding circle was hit by a gap, there were numerous black robe, and it was destroyed in the fairy, and died!

The sword, horror, Rys!

But this sword did not destroy the beliefs of these black robe. They were just a moment, and they were shocked again.

Various fumes, as well as the treasure, there is no double pocket to the sword.

For a time, heaven and earth.

Even if the sword is unparalleled with a ten, but in the face of these fairy, as well as the treasure, can only choose hard anti.

The disturbance is completely exploded at this moment.

The fullness of more than forty Dagan is too horrible, so that the sword is not done, and it is crushed with the ternary sector!

It is certain that if they let go of the hands and feet, the land of the Demani is willing to overtield!

Looking at the middle of the big explosion of the day, all the black robe did not consciously loosen.

This is just the guy of the Deman, the oppression of them is too terrible.

Between the waving, it is possible to hit the three-way DVD. What is a terrible strength?

Ok, he is fallen.

All black robe makes it unconfil that there is no distortion to survive this.

Along with the sky, the black robes headed, but it didn't relax, and the eyes were still dignified.

He has an unimaginable premonition, sword is unparalleled, will not die!

It seems to be in order to confirm his thoughts, when there is no one-to-end, all the black robe has returned their respective treasures, and there is still a shape that is still in the void.

All black robes have been taken back to this moment, and they will be shocked.

"Cough ..."

A big mouth spurted from his mouth and then sprinkled the horizon.

At this moment, the breath is extremely pole. No, there is no real body, the killing of killing is all broken!

Even as the strongest base card without the sword, it is finally not supported, and the bombardment is broken by more than forty black robe.

If there is no protection of nine days of prevention, I am afraid that even if you don't die, you will break the fairy, so it's awk.

The nine-day nine-day clothing of the wings is still emitting blue-blue Huang Mang. Under this horror, it is not even wounded under this horror, and it is still intact.

The sword is already in a stable stage, and if it is forced to use the derivation, I am afraid that the meridians will fall into unpredictable damage.

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