Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4962? Wars Temple

Fortunately, there are several emperors of Dibin Tan pills in his mouth, and the chewing swallowed directly.

But in the end of this fairy body, the sword is unparalleled without a battle.

It was originally ambiguous black robes, and after the vicinity, he didn't have a battle for a battle.

For the first black robe, a face of iron blue is finally eased, but he still dares to relax, directly releases a tractor chain, tie the sword is unparalleled.

The rest of the black robe has also released their respective derivative locks, and directly wrapped his entire body shape directly.

It can also be seen that they have a slenderness of the sword.

The whole body is tied, only the sword of a head is unparalleled, let himself be dragged before.

He is closely closed, obviously in the fast repair of broken fairy.

This battle, lost more than ten black robe, only barely took it, walking in the top black robe to make the colors.

If you don't want to return the sword to the Tiandian Temple, he can't hate the sword without double milling.

At the same time, he also horrified in the heart, what is the origin of this little Division, can be able to kill the big dermnding cross-border.

And not only, he even came out from the thousands of fairy bones, this is a great place to feel deeply and cold!

You must know that under the blood river, even if it is a circulating Damai, it will be lost directly, it can't come out.

As a friend of the emperor, there is no one, and there is a terrible existence that is the terrible existence of the blood river.

It is just that endless death fairy army is enough to swallow any big Daman, let alone, there are still those mysterious unique looks.

You must know that even the nuns of the nerves, the son is far from being involved in it.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it is full of full.

Convergence the mosttent the meaning of the heart, more than forty black robes have bundled swords and unparalleled.

When the Emperor under the cloud smoke is in front of you, all the black robe makes it again.

Their mission is completed.

Emperor Tianmen slowly opened, then they quickly entered, just like nothing happened.

In the distant local land of no one, an old man looked at this scene, he has inexplicable intuition.

This day, it seems to have changed.

Entering the Emperor, step on the white bones, and a line of black robe makes it quickly.

The giant door of the Temple has already opened, and the side is holding the arms in front of the sky, it seems to have been waiting.

"Big Tianshi, it also won the twelve." For the first black robe, the previous step is whispered.

The side nodded away. "I have the way, you are doing very well, go down."

The black robe makes it, and then it will be bundled with the sword of the scorpion, staying in front of him.

The side is far away from a smile, "you are also very good, congratulations, live."

The sword is unparalleled to see him, do not send a word.

"Don't fight against it, you are just the end of the strong, this seat will be destroyed with your hand."

After this last sentence, the side reached out and then took him into the Temple.

The overcast, the wind is still the same as the first time, but the destroyed mountain column has been fixed.

Young, and a young man with a cloudy breath is slowly out of the palace, and it is interested to come to the front of the sword.

"I am very curious, how did you live from there, tell me what you have seen under the blood river, what I got again."

Looking at the youth man in front of you, and the black robe made, the sword was unbolded, and the weak said, "First ... I unopened, I didn't have strength ..."

Young man heard words, meditation, and then looked at the front and said, "Unlock."

"His Royal Highness ..." The side is far from being unwilling, but seeing him is persistent, but she has to reach out.

Layer layer diffractive lock chains fall off, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Can you say it?" The young man stepped forward and seems very heart.

In this moment, the bones is in this moment, as if you wake up from your sleep.

Standing behind the side, seeing this scene in the heart, he realized what, hurriedly released the exquisite fog.

But everything is too late!

The sword that is stripped is unparalleled, a sweep of the previous weakness, the body is surging the unimaginable trend!

His right hand directly condensed the invisible sword, with a speed that reacted until all the black robe, stabbed the youth man in front of him!

Because this distance is too close, he can only look at the long sword that has a million swords, piercing into the body.

Time seems to be stagnant, a slight gently sounds at this moment.

Then, 36,000 swords also poured into his body and kicked directly from the injury that could not be imagined.

The sword tears the fairy, completely broke out.

Subsequently, the exquisite water released in the side is unparalleled to the sword.

But it has been too late, he has successfully taken away, and after a moment!

"you wanna die!"

The side is far away from the point where it is not added. He didn't think that the sword was unparalleled. It was actually in his face and killing the northern.

The sword with swords is unparalleled, and all the black robe in this temple is not in the eyes.

When I turned back, I watched my side behind him. The sword was unparalleled directly!

"Give me a place to kill, where to kill this child, set a small Tianshi!" The side is far anger to the point where it is not added.

All the black robe in the whole Tianguo made a heard, rushing out directly.

It's just a small tian official's seat, it is enough to let them be crazy.

It means that Emperor Jun's breath is the taste of the emperor, which is able to enjoy the moisturizing of the emperor. This is an unimaginable gas transport, enough to let them be all crazy!

At this time, the fairy is completely broken, but I don't know how to condense everything in everything, pale with the face of sand, "Don't kill him, leave him, can we leave here, rely on him! "

The red side is not in the middle, and finally, "even if you let him live, I have to pay a little price!"


The giant door of the Temple was opened by the sword, and he stepped on the clouds, and a sword was bullied by the white bones.

Then he arrived on the empty space, like the real Jockey, and it is very powerful.

He seems to have not realized that he was running in the road, but in the past, he was very popular.

The sword is unparalleled to fight, but not escape!

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