Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4973? Betculture between Sword

There is no double sword, and it will take off the universe.

In the depths of the depths of the universe, the final swords of the Tomb are stopped by guarding the old people.

Time to the day, it is a sword that is unparalleled!

When the entire swordway is completely round, he places the sword!

And the sword is unparalleled, basically comes from unparalleled swords.

The unparallert hasn't been quenched by blood and fire to grow to today.

These were all guessing this black jade, and they had to be shocked and vigilant.

After that, after the words, the black youth directly gripped the waist sword handle, and the whole body shape is completely introverted.

He said, "So, next, I will go all out, you don't think I will reduce strength to fight with you, including the realm of the delay, I will not lower one."

The sword is not a hyphenotype, and the sound said, "Of course, I will not hide my strength."

Black Youth Road, "That started."

As this last word falls, it suddenly blooms thousands of swords from his feet.

Sword is like Changhong, run through the heavens, so that the entire fairy is in a shock.

Then, the Yueyue Xianjun who is sitting on the jade holders will win the endless month, directly into a nunteen, and the package is wrapped.

In this contest, a pair of play is formed, let them let them let go of their hands and feet, and will not destroy this fairy.

The black hair of the black hair saw this scene, could not help but expose satisfactory color.

His disciple under his seat, is stunning, just released the swords of the flush to form a lid pressure, almost the first time to control the entire gas field.

The competition between swordsmen, the first moment of the sword is extremely important, so-called starting, in some way, it has already laid the battle.

Ting Ting Ren is looking at Yanqi, and seeing him not only did not worry about the color, but smiles, watching this scene, not helpful.

This battle, even if it wins, it is very uncommon.

When you think of this, Zhang Ting can't help but laugh. "Knowing is a victory of the victory, you can't help but live, if I am going to do it, I am afraid I don't have to share the winning."

Yan's back is cold, but immediately recovers, "If you apprentice you don't want to enter the sword, I want to hit my disciples, I am in love!"

"Oh, are you so confident?" Zhang Ting said.

"When is this Jianxian?" Yan returned to this, directly stepped on the case, and said proud to the poor, said a shocking.

"I don't call you disciples today, then you will pull the clean !!" "


Due, it is too rough.

The fairy palace is dead, all white clothes are twitching, including the Yueyue Xianjun sitting above the jade holder.

"Swallow, you let go!"

Tili took a shot and shredded by the case created by the fairy-saving, straight hair, and the face was as low as water.

This is a naked humiliation. If it is not within the Fairy Palace, he has already entered the sword!

Yan Qi said, "I am not arrogant, why, isn't it true now?"

"You are so confident, your apprentice will win?"

"Why, I don't believe in me to win, is it to help you?"

"How do we press some conditions?" Tic Ting took a strong pressure to say a angry.

"What are the conditions?" Yanqi's eyebrows said.

Ting Ting cold channel, "If I am a victory, your sword road is returned to me, your apprentice is a victory, my Jie said, how?"

I am unwell to the opening, and the Yue Xianjun, who is headed on the jade, is already dignified, and the linkage is stopped. "It is absolutely not!"

"I think this condition is not bad, but I have to add something on this condition," Yan Qi quietly smiled quietly. "If I am a victory, I will tell your apprentice how to visit the secrets of Dagan. I."

Tican is a little, and the face is slightly unnatural, but it will eventually be allowed.

This condition is set, it cannot be changed, and it is already no more trouble to be anger in Yue Xianjun.

And her is worried and angry, it is complete because these two dead ends will gamble from their respective swords.

This is really a bit dead.

You know, after arriving in Jianxian or even quasi-Sword fairy, the competition between them is bound to die between mills.

It is often just a starting point to judge life and death.

As the source of Jianxian, once the opponent's opponent is completely known, there is only one dead road to go.

These two seemingly flat-free conditions, the gambling is a sword, a quasi-Sword!

This is the reason why the Yue Yuexun is tightly agglied.

And she has already decided under the bottom of the heart, no matter what the final result, she will not let the two swords!


The Swordless and Black Youth, which is completely shrouded by Moon, completely did not hear the conversation of the outside world.

In their eyes, in the ear, only the other party.

At this moment, the breath of the black youth revealed, and the previously released is completely unlike, it is thick and bustling.

This makes the sword unparalleled as if it faces a sword, but a sword, a swordless sword!

Next, let him have identified his own ideas.

Black Youth has taken a sword from behind, and a dark heavy sword.

That is no longer able to describe the sword, you can use heavy rules, or even iron plates.

There is no Jianfeng, just like a heavy heavyweight.

The sword has no double eyeliner, which can use this heavy sword, nor is the swordsman who hits their own swords to the peak.

The sword is no longer, and it is powerless.

Less swords of Jianfeng, but more killings, swords are unparalleled and even determined, and the ordinary Deman even even this sword can't get it!

At this moment, the black Youth seems to be integrated with the heavy sword in the hands, and the binocity becomes complete black.

"The biggest respect for you is to let you completely kneel in my sword."

The sword has shrugged the shoulders, and the right door is also condensed out of the invisible sword.

This is an elevation of unparalleled swords, and a sword pattern is slowly flowing.

Hi Tams who are far away from this scene are somewhat dignified.

No sword invisible, this kid, is not simple!

The swallow is very intertwined, and the chin is coming over the sky.

He used to have a brief sword with swords. Although only two swords, they were eager to feel the atmosphere of the real sword.

'Hit your old thing, I can do it, let alone, you are not as good as you apprentice ...'

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