Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4974? Jian Zhenxian Palace

Yan Qi is in his heart, and in his current cognitive consideration, it has collected the sword unparalleled and Zhang Ting.

In the Jianxian, he has no opponent!

In the junction of the moon, black Youth is at this moment!

He has a high-stroke of the sword, and the whole body is like a position, and the crushed the sword.


Great trend!

The sword is unparalleled, and the invisible sword in hand blocked him directly.

The sword is out, the black Youth has completely used every inch of the meridians in the fairy, and the huge heavy swords in the hand are tightened.

Spark four overflow!

The endless swords are long and spend, and the swords are swallowed from all sides.

At this moment, the black teasses are like a sword embryos, and a sword has grown over the sword in the odorless sword.

The whole month of China has been shaped by a four-over star.

The Ci Ping's mouth is a smile of satisfying, it seems that everything has been foregoing.

Swallow is not there so nervous, but still smile, it seems that there is not worried.

It is the most nervous, it seems to be ready to stop the hand.

And the original silent fairy began to pass the whispering.

"Who do you say that these two can win?"

"This is also said to say? It is definitely the disciple of Zhang Ting Xianjun. You have never seen his swords, good guys, and several high-profile Damadi are all inseparable."

"Yes, that is absolutely not good, it is already very easy to support it now, and then it is estimated that it is to vomit blood."


In the junction of the month, under the sky, the black juvenile younger has completely entered the state, but it is a short tens of interest, and it is a thousand sword!

Just, let him be a little horrified. Under the nine thousand swords, the sword is unparalleled.

How can this be? !

"Are you enough?" A voice quietly sounded.

Black Youth, "What?"

Responding to him, it is a great flying.


Under this feet, he directly flew to Baizhang. After the moon, the junction of the moon, it was able to stop the body.

The sword is unparalleled to the right foot, and I smash the wrist. "If you are tickling like this, I can end."

"What?" Black Youth Shaped, he was full of nine thousand swords, just in his eyes, just stretched it?

"You are looking for death!" He burst into his body, and millions of swords were in this moment from the fairy.

Then, this million swords were condensed into a huge treasure, almost split all the months.

"Broken Jian Dao -"

With the burst of black youth, his huge treasure is also moving, and the hands hold a huge heavy sword.

The sword of the original place was unparalleled, and he was shocked. He avoided it, he could only meet the ancient sword.

At this moment, there is no diagram of my real shadow, and the sword is unparalleled and has not released the unparalleled swords, but used a flow cloud grass sword.

As another sword, the stream cloud grass sword represents vigorous, vigorous meaning, and the maximum protective sword is unparalleled.

Flow cloud grass sword, seventh style.

Grass leaves.

Endless green swords are rushing, turned into a piece of grass leaves, steeply welcoming the sword of the ancient times!

At this moment, even the moonline junities began to delineate cracks.

"Good kid, actually differentiated this sword, rather than choosing hard fight, I can't." Yan returned to whisper, and appreciated it overflowed.

The chat is also shocked by the extreme. As a quasi-Sword fairy, how can he notice that the sword is unparalleled.

This is completely with the smallest price, breaking the thunder!

Black Youth, this sword, is defeated!

The thousands of grass leaves, and then in all the big margins of all the big Damadam, the uncomfortable imminent sword is disappeared!

This scene is too flat, but it is too shocking.

Black Youth didn't even react, his sword treasure is completely tawned, and no traces are left.

The green sword is also dissipated, and it is replaced by another sword, and there is a sword of lonely.

The sword is unparalleled, and the clothes are floating, and there are countless swords from his feet.

At this moment, he took the lead in a sword.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


The Tianhe rushed from the sky, and it took directly to the moonline rinsel under the Yuexian Junclip!

Then countless swords, together, together to collect into a long-vast swords!

At this moment, the entire fairy palace was completely shaken, and all white clothes were all frightened to the extreme, and the rest of the consciousness was started.

They all felt extremely strong threats!

Ting Ting and Yue Yuexun stand up and thoroughly.

This will have to make them feel uneasy!

Yan Hui laughed, Lang said, "Happy, happy! I saw this sword again!"

The Jiangzheng, which has been very young, is full of red, and it is obviously a good fortune!

The sword is unparalleled.

Jian Zhenxian Palace!

At this moment, his body has completely disappeared, only the magnificent swords and rivers rushed forward.

Only unbelievable in the dark young people, face the swords of this, he can't raise the meaning of resistance!

But with the getting closer to the Tianhe River, the Jianhe River, he eventually bite his teeth, and he raised his hands and swords.

Black Youth's upper body is in an instant crack, the fairy is expanded, and the sword in the hand is easy to tear the space, and the sword is Tianhe.


Unable to say that in the fairy palace, let all the stars and the moon are eclipsed.

Heavy swords 100,000 swords, all went to the front, but just smashing a few feet of Heaven River, and then people were all swallowed into the Tianhe.

Such as the mountain sea will pour, only the Tianhe is in full!

The fairy palace is like a lonely boat in the mad sea, and it is rushing.

Yue Yuejun released the delay, stabilized the fairy palace, and then looked at Yan's angered. "You see your apprentice do a good thing!"

Yan Qi shrugged, then look at the Tooth, like a dead ash, proud, "How to Titting, do you not accept?"

Ting Ting is still in the shock, and the ridicule of Yan's ridicule, the sword of the sword is unparalleled, it is completely exceeded by his imagination.

How can this terrible and unimaginable swords, how can I release a small swordsman?

Even if he is a quasi-Jianxian, he has a very good idea after seeing this sword.

And this sword is naturally absolutely impossible to be by a swordsman, a little Dairy can release it!

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