Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4975? Mixed Yuan Yaoyo

When the Sword Tianhe is completely hanging above the entire Fairy, it will stop the flow directly, as if it is solidified.

Next, the Tianhe River of the sword is broken, and the endless stream is sprinkled into the entire fairy.

All white clothes look at the dome of the Fairy, and then shocked again.

I saw it under the dome, with the dissipation of the Tianhe River in the sword, the two body shapes also appeared.

The sword is not a double-faced, as if there is anything, there is no general, but only the right arm of him at the moment, it arrived at the heart of the black youth.

Black Youth is bare, the fairy is densely scarred, and the blood is poured from the wound, it is difficult to stop.

He is unbelievable to look at the sword in front of you, face as a dead ash.

If you arrive at the fingers at his heart, change it to the true sword, he has already fallen, the fairy is broken.

Time seems to be stagnant, the sword is unparalleled to pick up the palm, and did not say a word, then floating in the Fairy Palace.

At this moment, all white clothes, and Zhangyu and Yue Xianjun have seen the sword unparalleled, all incredible.

With the power of the Deman, so easily won a full three-way Damadan Dynasty, this is really beyond imagination.

Yan Hui took a sword and laughing, laughing, "amazing!"

Tico sat back to the original, and the lost soul of his face.

Subsequently, the black youth also fell from the air, and the looks of the look and the complexity of the sword.

He seems to be immersed in that scene. He didn't hurt God, he couldn't think of it, and he would defeated, and there is no room for any room.

"How, who is gossip?" Yan Qi turned his head and looked at the villain of the lost soul.

Titang slowly lifted his head and stared at him, "I lost," I lost, I will give you now. "

After he was twice, he immediately reached out, and an ancient neighboring sword pattern was taken out from his palm.

This is the sword!

However, the swords he released only had a moment, and it was directly dispersed by a tragent.

Tingyou looked up and looked at the smile of Yan Hui.

"Okay, let's talk about the old friends who have lived in the face. I don't want to copy your old bottom, and then say, do you think I am a sword? I am also a Jianxian good!"

"I want to show you what I am showing me today."

When I said, Yan Qianqi can't help but laugh.

The Toy Ting's colors have changed several transforms, and eventually only helpless.

The Yuejun, which is coming, is also helpless, and the middle-aged man in front of him seems to be the same as the original, there is no change.

"Okay, the wine also drunk, the words also said, the rack also hit," We will leave, "We still have something to say," we still have to latenate "

"Slow, is it so late?"

Ting Ting said that the atmosphere of the entire fairy palace was in silence.

Then he cleared the throat and said.

"Yue, don't stay, put all the moonlings, there is no drip today, no one wants to leave!"


"Okay, don't send it, you can not see you again, you have a good relationship with us."

Standing on the Fairy Plaza, Yan Qifeng said, in order to avoid the blameless eyes of Yue Yuejun, he almost quickly shrunk behind the sword.

Yueyue Xianjun will converge the eyes in the eyes, then come to the sword where there is no double, watch him with the eyes of the elders.

The sword is unparalleled, some don't naturally pull the mouth.

Then Yue Yuejun reached directly up his right arm and put a thing in his palm.

"You are his apprentice, this is the meeting of the meeting I gave you, and I will open it on the occasion of life and death."

In the palm of the palm, it is a round moon that has emitted a happily, and the magnificent is extreme.

The sword is unparalleled, but it has not refused the suite of Yue Yuejun, and I will solemnly put it in the arms.

Hi Ting and Yan return, walk in the forehead.

"You received a good apprentice under your future achievements, and you will be late and later."

Yan Huai smiled, "My purpose can only only let him arrive at Jianxian, maybe I may not be able to neglect the realm of more difficult to guess."

"So confident?" Titan looked at him.

Yan's slight sigh, then, "is not my confidence, but he let me firmly believe that his future is more than just Jianxian."

"Do you know why, is it very calm after he won your apprentice?"


"Because, I know that he can easily defeat your apprentice, and even instantly kill."

"I also because I am not your apprentice, but you."

Rao is the stress of Tang Ting. After hearing such a horror, it was shocked.

"Do you know what you are talking about? I am a nine turn to the big Daiyan, just the first line of Jianxian, even if it is not enemied by you, never get it!"

Yan Hui is slightly sigh. "I know, but I still don't change the view, because I have paid to the sword with him before this."

"He blocked my sword and I could stop it."

Zhang Ting took a deep breath, "What are you talking about?"

"Although I don't have much truth, this sentence is definitely true."

The Ting Ting is sigh. "If so, I have guess where you will not have his future."

"We can't see so far, the only thing to do, just act as a guide." Yan took to the distance and thoughts.

"Right, your old kid has not told me, what is your apprentice's realm? I saw that he was taking anything, and the big Damadam was promoted."

Tican smiled, "I can't escape your eyes, I didn't have a result of a big atmosphere."

Yan Qian was very shocked. "I will go, what is the same as the sky, can help break through the realm ?!"

He is full of face, "I said it is called the mixed election."

"There is no fruit in mixed yuan? What is the name of the wonderful, listening to such a cheap?"

"Cough, you will pay attention, this is my name I gave it."

"I know that you have this old kid, clearly style is not high, and it is unprotected, and it has a wonderful name, and it has lowered the overall grade."


"His mother, I don't say it!"

"Don't say, you will then say, I can see if I can give me a few hundred tastes."

"You are a mud pill, but also do hundreds of tastes? The kind of result contains no atmosphere, you can get one more."

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