Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4988? Everything is hard

I looked at the dark clouds that I have already added it, Yan Qi will then calm the name of the river.


"I'm here."

"With them, I left."

Jiang Zhi is slightly shameful, then whispered, "I still left."

"You can't stay, we must leave one." Yan returned, his eyes were firm, and it was not suspected.

In the case of countless years of swords, how can he don't understand what he is thinking, it is because of this, she is so helpless.

"Leave, what can we leave?" She muttered.

Yan Huai smiled, "Remember, how far can you get far, whether or not, give Master's swords, this is your mission."

Jiang Yifang has already said that it is like a moment in an instant.

He no longer opens, the eyes are crossed, look at the sword, then smile, "Go."

Thousands of pure swords will come from Yan to return to the fingertips, turned into the long windsting, and sent them out of the sky.

Waiting for the sword to break the chaos, until you disappear, he grew up, look to the black cloud.

Already dressed in an emperor, building the black clouds of the emperor's Avenue, and I am interested in the sky. "You are the most interested guy in this chaotic, you know that you are about to face?"

Yanqi laughs, "you have a cold," you have got someone else, but you can't make my eyes, even if you have already mastered the emperor, you will not be an emperor. If I guess, the emperor of you is neglected. It is also to swallow the remaining big Damai's gas transport. "

The black clouds are faint, and then restore calm, "What happens, when I leave here, I will achieve the real emperor, who can block me?"

"In the future, you really think that you can leave here?" Yan returned to the cold and smiled, and the palm immediately smoked the sword. The sharpness of the sharpness came out.

"Do you really think that this can be trapped?" Black cloud opened his arms laughed. "I just want to swallow your air transport, and then swallow the guy's airway, when I broke through here."

Yan's face is slightly vibrating, he feels nothing.

The black cloud is smile, "You will not really think that they can leave here, I just put them in the time of departure, first let you kill you, then find them."

"Can you kill me?" He cooled, and then the sleeper silver, the cold sword of the cold light was pulled out.

When the long sword came out, the confusing breath did not dare to be close.

This moment of Yan Hui, the people who have no worsom are unable to fight, but they have a faintness and confusion.

Even in his opposite side, it is a black cloud that has the emperor, he has never had a desirable meaning!

"I want to kill you, only between my thoughts, but I want to know what exactly you have, if I am satisfied, maybe you will use your fairy."

The black cloud smiled, and then the arms suddenly lifted, and the troubled chaos was exhausted from his fairy body. He was condensed into the emperor!

The confusion is enough to cover everything!

But Yan's return to this moment, but calm to the extreme, behind the ink long hair broke the endband, flying in the air, like a broken emulsion.

He held the smell of the sideline with his hands, and the snowflake sword button fell forward.

In the face of the black cloud with the emperor, a cold and idolic breath, from Yan to return the weigh.

Infinite swords, such as the mountain sea will be tilted, it is relative.

The sky is broken, and there is no sea in the sea.

At this moment, everything is completely confusing.

At the same time, in the air of the rows in the void, there is no god of gods, just like there is something that is far away from him.

The sword is unparalleled, and he also felt this is heartbroken.

Essence and the face of Fu Xiangjun are also bleak, they all know that it controls what the emperor is representative.

Yan returned, even if he is terrible to get the extreme, but waiting for him, it is only a way.

Even if he knows, it is still left, generous to die.

Next moment, the sword did not turn straight to the position, resolutely rushed to the position where the broken space is located.

The meaning of Qing also made a decision, and he didn't hesitate to follow.

However, the Jiangzhi appeared in front of the sword without double, blocked his way.

"You can not go."

The sword has no double condensation, "I can't, watching him, even if we leave together."

"If he does not leave, we will not be able to open it." Jiang Yu looked at him.

Pensive moment, he said again, "I will go back, don't worry."

After that, after this sentence, the sword is unparalleled without any hesitation, just leave.

However, Jiang Zhi was at this moment, suddenly pulled him, "You can't save him, and it is not different!"

The sword is unparalleled in the original place, does not send a word.

"Don't be sent to death, you go, he will die too much." Jiang Yu said softly, the sound was calm, just like a thing that did not have any relationship with her.

"Remember, there is no such thing as the thousands of fields, each has its own bitter."

After this last sentence, Jiang Zone released a sword, and the sword didn't bind the sword, so that he could no longer make the next action.

Tiandi void, everything is embarrassed.

The sword is unparalleled and also gave up resistance, perhaps, as a river, each has its own bitter.

But a fairy uses his people who have worked all the people who want to be fulfilled, and it is a bit tragic.


The land has been completely broken, caught in the sea.

Everything has been swallowed by the breath.

But in this confusion, there is still a body shape and is not confusing.

He still flows with the sword of Hehe, facing the black cloud, never retreats.

The black cloud in the void is watching him, "I use your strongest sword, let me see what extent, I think about swallowing your fairy. "

Swallow is still free, "I said before, no one can see my sword, even if you are, you can't."

"I ridiculously, you have to know, I will be able to stand in a dead place, I will be able to follow." Black Cloud said.

"Is it?" He is clear, "If you can let me know, I am afraid I have to do it."

"Oh, don't you believe?"

"I don't believe it, but know you!"

Yan Hui laughed, the waist six handles the long sword, at this moment, Qi Qi and Xiangming, broke out the unparalleled potential.

The black clouds are completely mixed, and the body is stirring, and it is rumored.

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