He has a huge emperor behind him, more magnificent, covering everything!

"Since you want to find it, then I will become all you." Black cloud whispered, endless chaos, from his mouth, rushing to rush to swallow. "

It has been hiented in the previous confrontation, and it is not retired in the face of infinite chaos.

He lifted the sword and resolutely welcomed forward.

At this moment, it reflected the sky.

Each space comes from purely prosperous swords.

The two colliderated, and the most terrible destruction of the most terrible, under this breath, even the six-to-zoom of Dancto will never survive!

At this moment, Yan Ran returned to the thousands of feet, and the blood spilled from his mouth and thoroughly disappeared.

He is a strong sword, enough to kill the Wan Dai Xian army, even easily complicated with the nine turn of the big Damadam.

But now, he faced the black clouds that have been controlled by the emperor, everything is different.

The shade of the sky is easily torn, and the chaos is crazy to swallow and cover everything.

Faced with the chaotic breath of the cover, Yanqi took out his second hand sword.

That is a blade, only one side is a sword of Jianfeng. It is said that it is a long sword. It is better to say that it is a straight knife to be more appropriate.

At this ancient squirrel, his breath has a transform, and the sharpness is harmonious, as in sleep.

At the moment of chaos, Swallows fell open their eyes and exuded a test.

Next moment, he hooked at the hands of the hands and suddenly fell down!

Like the beginning of the world, the turbidity is sinking, the purity is rising, and the cracks can't be imagined.

Under this crack, even this terrible chaos have to be cleared.

Yan Qiqiu low signs and drink, and the palms of the palm of the sword have also been under this giant force, and the blood is dripping.

He directly broke it directly at this moment and exposed a solid chest.

Then, the blood spills from each pores on his fairy body and sprinkles.

Faced with a chaotic atmosphere with Wizardijun, everything seems to be unable to stop.

But Yan returned to retreat, just smashed the long sword in his hand, opened the chaos.

Along with his anger, the long sword will open the sky, it is actually hard to open the breath!

Infinite swords are running, from caught into two paragraphs of chaos.

The strange face of Black Cloud reveals it out, and it seems to be very satisfied.

The chest is dramatically undulating, and Yan wipes the blood of the mouth, and the lighter is looked at him.


"Only you can arouse my desires more than you."

The black cloud is slowly lifted, and behind him is enough to cover the chaos of all heavens, he will fly directly.

It crashes the void, carrying infinite chaos, straight to the swallow.

The heavens and the earth have become twisted under this chaos, and a kind of Tiandao quietly swallowed everything.

Swallow angle came from a bitterness, but he still arrogant is cold, like a long sword of the Holding Front.

In the face of this chaos, his waist is long!

The six-handed long sword, six endless swords, Qi Qi climbed the weeks of Yan.

After their quiet hover behind him, their respective swords screamed for a moving shake in the hands of Yan Hui, together with the invisible sword.

The sword is seven, and it also reflects the big potential to cover the heavens!

Yan Hui is light, even if he faces the chaos of the emperor, he dismissed.

Next moment, he directly swayed the sword, and the six swordsmanship made Changhong through the world!

Under this sword, the Tiandao Tiandao built in the black cloud was shredded.

This is a sword of the throne, and the last sword!

Under this silent, it is a silence that I don't know how many Chinese Jems.

This is an angry in Jianxian, with a jade and uncomfortable.

Seeing this sword, even the black clouds couldn't hide the surprise, but then more greed!

He has already determined that if you can use the fairy body of Yan, then he will be sufficient to tear this shower, successful escape!

Huanghuang Emperor, covering, letting everything delay.

The Hao Sheng of the Jianxian, with it.

This is the battle of the realm of the nine-turn, even the nine-Trendy Damadam is unable to imagine how terrible this battle will.

This is the strongest Jianxian and the Jiu Tong Dami of the Emperor.

If you don't have a sea here, you are enough to tear anything easily through this terrible breath.

In this battle, Tiandao is like a child, and the glory of Hao Sheng can't stop the nine-turn large-scale fairy.

The Jianxian is a sword, collided with the chaos, and did not have a terrible loud noise at all, and even any sound did not send.

However, the void collapsed into a black hole, which became an eternal virtual, in which the virtual is unable to escape.

The void has become a vacuum zone of eternal deficiency, everything has lost color, and the void is in large pieces of the neutral, collapsed.

Contains the chaos of the emperor's air transport, at this moment, it is prevented, no further.

And stopping it, it is a sword that exudes a colorful rainy.

At this moment, Yan returns blood, but his fairy is not damaged or even distorted!

He turned out to stand the enemy's luck!

This is impossible to imagine, with the force of Jiu Tong Dynasty, against the impact of the emperor, even impossible things.

But now, it happened, although Yan's return is already strong.

Black clouds are laughing at this moment, and they are greedy.

He waved his arms directly, it was originally pressed down by the chaotic emperor who came to a sword!

The emperor is even more angry, and the sword is exhausted, and it can't resist it.

Everything is attributed to the eternal virtual, only in the virtual no, keeps chaos.

As the source of the confusion, the black clouds that control the emperor are quietly went to.

He waved his hand to make a chaos, looked at the eternal deficiency and unity, and only excused and greed left in his eyes.

"Give it your fairy body, only in my guidance, he can break through that layer."

The fairy is already broken to the pole, and even the fingers can't be done, only quietly lying in the virtual.

The last gods spilled from his mouth.

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