"The eight bones, you, your body ..." The sound of the Holy Ancestors took a horrible.

"After you?" The eight bones of the eighth day, and he also heard the touch of breath after he came, the breathing is very close, indicating the person who has a breathing, just after him, it will not exceed half of the rice .

"When?" The Eight Bone Cave is immediately set off a huge waves.

He is a high-strength person on the Yunxiang, the war, in this ten people, or one number of superfluous existence, even if the Jianzu in the peak, it is just a slightly info. .

But now, someone actually didn't be aware of him, there was less than half rice behind him? Not half of it.

"How can this be?"

The eight bone cave is horizon.

And the three ancestors, blood knife, and winter, etc., the same one in the same one.

One of the people who died in the dead look at the person standing behind the eight bones.

That is a thin old man who only leaves the skinny bones. This thin old man has a pair of cold and delicious eyes. At this moment, this is a ghost and fire, and the old face is also a smile with a taste.

"Seniors of the Emperor!" Seeing the people, the sword has no color of the surprise.

In the people, he is he encountered in the Dao Dong Yuefu!

Eastern Tang Dynasty, Xiao Emperor, the seventh battle of God.

And in this god, the vision is a peerless devil recognized thousand years ago.

"The old boy, the strength is not good, but the tone is very unsteady?" The nature slowly opened, and the sound took a cold, with this at the same time, the palm of the dynasty was slowly moved to the shoulder of the eight bones. In the past.

His palm is very slow, but it contains a strange power.

The main color of the eight bones is red, and the forehead has been cold-sweating. He exhaustive wants to remove the body shape, you want to avoid the palm of this vision, you can discover quickly, his body is not known What kind of power is limited, it is actually a movement.

Finally, the palm of the dynasty was taken on the shoulders of the dynasty.

It seems just very casual pat shoulders.

It is such a simple shot, but the eight bones, but the soul is flying at this moment.

His consciousness fell into this moment, lost its ability to resist, so halfway he had returned to God, and after returning to God, he immediately scared him, and his mouth also smoked the air. .

so horrible!

This is a simple single palm to shoot, nor hurt him, but it has made the eight bones of the Octopoes aware of the terrorist strength of this scene.

These strengths, to kill him, absolutely simple to knead an ant.

"Before, senior."

The eight bones are the main opening, and this predecessor, the many swords of swords around the surrounding battle are also awkward.

"Senior?" The vision is a smile, "I just arrived very arrogant, you also said that the small doll message saved, is a short-headed turtle?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The eight bones of the eighth hole shook his head.

"What are you afraid of, the people who ask for help, isn't it me?" The souvenir smiled.

The eight bones of the eighth hole just want to breathe, and I saw the scenery of the Emperor: "He is for help, it is my little master!"

The eighth day of the eight bones is always rolled.

In his opinion, this end is horrible, his little master? It is not more horrible.

He just said that the young master of this night is a shortening turtle?

"Old kid, you just said that if this little doll is not the first to tell you the swordscent hall, you killed him, but also kill people who have a relationship with him, the old man with this little doll I have seen a side, and I have a relationship, and the old master of the old man is reluctant to be a friend with this little doll. This is not to say, the old man has the old master, you have to kill? " Have a cold.

The eight bones of the eighth hole drove his throat, and he trembled in the heart. He really wants to smoke himself, hate what you have just said.

"Hey, the old kid, I originally followed the old man's temper, you will die again." The scenery opened again, "But you have a good luck, I have just gave me a ban on killing, I haven't allowed me. Kill one person. "

"So, your life is to keep, can be punished,"

After the scene, the Emperor said, it is not equal to this eight bones, and it is a slap in the past.

This slap, the eighth hole owner also does not have any abilities that resist avoidance, can only watch the palm of the emperor, press the top of his head, and then a homeric power role.

It is a feeling that the creepy scene.

I saw the body shape of the eight bones in the sight of everyone, and the speed of the naked eye was rapidly smaller, and the time turned into a baby, but it kept still.

At the same time, the picture of the eight bones is also changing, which is clearly a living person, blinking, this eight bone hole is a bell.

Yes, it is to change one person and live.

Emperor Jing is in the hands, then it is a void nearby, and I saw a green figure rapidly.

The green body is a huge body, a singular belly that is more than three meters, and it is full of ink green scales. This spirit is like a dragon, and there is a lion, and there is a six feet, it is very weird.

"What is this beast?"

When I saw this spirit, even if I was present, I saw the super power on the Yunyin, I was awkward.

They didn't have seen such a weird spirit beast, and the most important thing is that this spiritual beast gives him a strong horizontal!

"This beast, I brought me so powerful stress!"

"The horrible spirit beast, I have a long-term, and there are nearly ten people in the face of the past, but I have never seen such a horrible spirit beast!"

"This spirit is fooled, the key is his master!"

Three ancestors, blood knife, winter Ming king, and other super strong people, are frightened to look at the scene.

In their eyes, it is a true big moon that turns the bone hole to the bell.

"This means, it is not a thousand people!"

"He should come from that place."

"Is the person in that place ..."

These strong people have guess the origins of the nerve, but also a horrified battle.

And the scenery shook the bell in the hand, smiled sincerely, "The secret of this change of the Yunfei woman, although it is just a chicken rib in the truly killing, there is not much use, available To punish some small generations, it is better. "

After that, the vision is the bell in the hands in the neck of the ink green weird beast.

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